Join The Tribe Of Ageless Eyes

Despite what your optometrist will tell you, you can reverse vision loss at any age simply with a unique combination of nutrients.

I’ve seen it in my clinic and in my travels.

Let me tell you about a tribe of hunter-gatherers in Ecuador who live deep in the heart of the Amazon rainforest just beyond the Napo River. They’re known as the Huaorani, and they’ve lived since before recorded history.

What makes members of this tribe so unique is that they retain the same sharp, youthful vision they were born with well into old age.

Even the oldest members can see the smallest details, both close up and far away.

Such eagle-eye vision is necessary for this “forgotten” tribe. They still hunt for food using blowpipes and spears. This skill requires expert eyesight.

On the other hand, there’s a neighboring tribe called the Kichwa. They live in the same geographical region. And share a similar genetic background.

And yet they have the same severe vision loss problems faced by 75% of people around the world.

If they lived in the Western world, they’d be lined up at the optometrist’s office to get a pair of glasses.

It made me wonder what the difference could be between these two tribes. After all, they lived in the same geographical area. And they ate almost identical traditional diets.

The answer turned out to be remarkably simple. The Huaorani’s ageless eyes aren’t the result of genetic good luck. This tribe eats nearly 20 times the amount of a certain kind of phytonutrients than the Kichwa do.1

The Huaorani are fearless hunter-gatherers who use their spears and blowpipes to bring down monkey, boar and wild birds. But the bulk of what they eat consists of gathered fruit. In fact, 76 different fruits make up a key part of their diet.

Some of these fruits sound exotic. They include things like camu camu, maracuyá, açai, bacaba, cupuaçu and cocona.

And it’s the phytonutrients in these fruits that provide such amazing eye benefits.

There are more than 25,000 of these powerful naturally occurring compounds. And they’re created only by plants.

They’re what give plants their color. They’re what make a mango orange, a blueberry blue and an eggplant purple.

When you eat phytonutrients, they become biologically active in your body as the most potent antioxidants found in nature.

They help fight inflammation, influence blood vessel function and even influence whether genes that protect your health are turned on or off. These powerful plant chemicals increase blood flow to your eyes, relaxing the muscles in your eyes and repairing and protecting your lens and retina.

With these special nutrients as the building blocks, the very foundation of your vision can be rapidly rebuilt.

Restore Your Eagle-Eye Vision with These Tribal Super-Nutrients

  1. First, re-establish nature’s top two eyesight savers. The best phytonutrients for improving vision and protecting your eye health are lutein and zeaxanthin. In fact, your eyes can’t function without them. Studies have shown that eating foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin can increase the pigment density in the macula… and therefore lower the risk of macular degeneration.

    According to an important study, those with the lowest levels of zeaxanthin and lutein in their eyes were significantly more likely to suffer from vision loss.2 In fact, if you have low levels, your vision loss risk goes up almost 75%.

    Your best food sources for lutein and zeaxanthin are dark, leafy vegetables like spinach, kale and collard greens. But it’s not easy getting enough from your foods. I recommend supplementing with 20 mg of lutein and 1 mg of zeaxanthin.

  2. Then, supplement with the oldest tree on earth. Ginkgo biloba boosts healthy blood circulation to your eyes and reduces inflammation. And studies show that supplementing with this herb improved the vision of people with glaucoma. That’s important. Because your risk factor for developing glaucoma increases every year as you age.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. London DS. “Diet as a double-edged sword: The pharmacological properties of food among the Waorani Hunter-Gatherers of Amazonian Ecuador.” October 2012.
2. “Pigments in colorful vegetables may ward off macular degeneration.” Harvard T.H. Chan. Accessed 8/22/2017.