Just Start It and You'll See…

Dear Reader,

Think about your favorite exercise…

I like ancient exercises best and feel lucky that Ilearned martial arts when I was young. I have a lot of success with ancientexercise techniques with my patients. The slow, graceful movement types produceremarkable health benefits. And they’re very easy to do.

You may be skeptical about things that claim to “balanceyour energy” – or techniques that create a healing effect using nothing butyour breath and fluid movements. And I wouldn’t blame you for thinking thatwhat some folks call “moving meditation.” looks a little strange…

But after I gave it a shot, my only regret was that Ididn’t do it earlier. I can feelthat there’s something to it. I discovered a great teacher in the US. He’s from China and teachesthe ancient styles passed down from teacher to student for over 5,000 years.

His connection to Western medicine attracted my interest.He’s working with doctors from the University of Minnesota. His styleof Qi Gong (pronounced Chee Gung)is helping people overcome physical, mental and emotional issues – evenreversing disease.

The list of conditions being treated with Qi Gong is toolong to mention here, but a few include:

  • Migraines, sinus problems and allergies

  • Weight loss

  • Diabetes

  • Heart disease

  • Cancers

  • Strokes

  • Digestion

  • Hearing and Vision

Here’s how it works: You repeat a series of simplemovements while breathing calmly and deeply. You use your “minds eye” tovisualize that you’re guiding your breath through your body.

When I do it in the morning, I get a rush of energy and adeep feeling of inner calm. It’s hard to put in words, but you feel“protected.” And you start to notice changes too. Aches and pains go away… yourbreath deepens… your mood brightens… and the things that used to make you angryjust fade away without upsetting you.

Here’s one you can

try right now. It’s very easy… Juststand with your feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward. Start withyour arms at your side and then slowly bring your elbows forward, so they areslightly in front of you. Spread your fingers out a bit, so there’s spacebetween them.

Bend your knees slightly and sink your hips. Gentlystretch your spine upwards by lifting from the base of the skull. As you dothis, slightly tuck in your chin. This will straighten the first 7 vertebrae inyour neck. Raise the corners of your mouth into a smile.

From this position, bring your awareness to your breath.Inhale and exhale. Do it slowly and with as little effort as possible. As youinhale, imagine a peaceful calm entering every cell in your body. As youexhale, imagine your stress, worry and illness blowing out of your body likesmoke.

As you hold this position, you’ll notice that yourshoulders start to relax and drop. You’ll feel your legs relax and sense thatthey’re more rooted to the ground. Your breathing will deepen and you’ll feelit flow into your arms and legs.

Doing this simple exercise for 2 to 3 minutes will giveyou a feeling of focus and centeredness. In the morning, it will energize you andprepare you for your day. In the evening, it will wash away your stress andlift you mood.

If you’ll only start your own program of Qi Gong, it won’tbe long and you’ll be singing its praise too. It’s an exceptionally effectivetool for invigorating your body and getting rid of stress. And, it’s simple tolearn and do.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD