Keep The Flu Away In A Time Of “Twindemics”

Flu season is here, and the CDC has shifted into overdrive…pushing you to get your flu vaccine as soon as possible.

Once again, they’re insisting it’s more important than ever because of Covid.

Flu shots have an unquestioned reputation. The message from the medical establishment is that you need to ignore any vaccines’ potential adverse effects.

But that doesn’t mean they don’t exist…

In a moment, I’ll show you ways to bolster your native immunity so you can enjoy optimal health year-round. But first, for my new readers, let me tell you why I’ll never get a flu shot.

Unlike some of my colleagues in the alternative medicine field, I’m not against ALL vaccines. I recognize that vaccines have eliminated some of the deadliest infectious diseases of our time – including smallpox and polio. But the flu shot – and of course, the dangerous, unproven messenger RNA Covid vaccine – are two I definitely do not recommend.

The flu shot is loaded with ingredients that have serious potential risks to the body. Some of these include antibiotics… formaldehyde… chicken egg proteins… dog kidney cells (some viruses reproduce better in these cells)… pork-based gelatin… and, of course, thimerosal, which is about 50% mercury.

The CDC and vaccine makers claim that these ingredients are necessary for vaccines to be safe and effective.1

But these ingredients have risks. They are toxic and can potentially harm your:

  • Skin
  • Stomach and intestines
  • Lungs
  • Brain and nerves
  • Immune system2

Flu shots also have a history of triggering an autoimmune response in some people.3 You see, to gain a heightened immune response to the prevalent flu strains, you must inject yourself with foreign proteins from microbes.

And it’s these foreign proteins that can cause an autoimmune reaction that can lead to serious damage, like:

✔ Depressed brain function

(vaccines contain neurotoxins)
✔ Chronic illness (vaccines can alter T-cell function)
✔Higher risk of contracting other diseases for weeks and even months after the shot

Most people have been told that these reactions are a necessary evil if they want to avoid seasonal flu. But are these adverse effects really worth the risks, considering the questionable effectiveness of the flu vaccine?

The success of these shots is always a shot in the dark.

Sixty strains of influenza shift in prevalence from year to year.4 This means that even if you get the shot and have no adverse side effects, you may still get the flu if Big Pharma didn’t get the prevalent strains right.

And they get them wrong more than half the time, on average. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, their overall effectiveness is about 45%.5

Seniors face even greater risks.

Your immune system weakens with age. So, developers need to create vaccines up to four times as potent to elicit an immune response.

Yes, your immune response to several flu strains may get a boost. But at the same time, your immune system as a whole can become depressed that much more.

3 Powerful Flu Fighters To Try Today

For flu protection, I turn to Mother Nature. She’s given us solutions to every problem humanity has faced so far. Because the human body has a tremendous capacity for self-healing and self-protection. Here’s what I suggest:

    1. Protect yourself with probiotics. Probiotics are well-known for their ability to improve gut health. But they also offer powerful protection for your immune system, especially when preventing the flu and colds. According to a study published in the Archives of Medical Research, there is also early evidence to suggest that probiotics might help prevent Covid 19.6. Strains of probiotics that boost your immunity and reduce the risk of viral infections include acidophilus, Bifidobacterium, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, and Bacillus subtilis.7,8,9,10
    2. Arm yourself with anamu: This Amazon-native herb protects against viruses. I discovered it when I was in Peru and use it regularly. And I never travel without it. In one study, anamu increased natural killer cells by 100%. These are the cells that kill disease throughout your body. You can buy dried leaves online or in health food stores to make tea. You can also take the herb as a capsule. I recommend 500 mg to 1,000 mg per day in divided doses.
    3. Try the Balinese immune booster. In Bali, I learned that they use galangal to boost the immune system, reduce fever, and fight viruses like the flu and cold. The components are also anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-viral.11,12 Asian specialty stores around the world offer fresh galangal root. Fresh galangal will stay in your refrigerator for three or four days, but it starts to break down. That’s why I recommend making tea from dried root infused with water. Galangal is available as an immune-boosting supplement, too. I recommend taking 100 mg twice a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. “Vaccine Excipient Summary.” CDC (, accessed October 20, 2022.
2. Green, MD and Al-Humadi N. (Ali S. Faqi, ed.) “A Comprehensive Guide to Toxicology in Nonclinical Drug Development.” Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. 2016:709–735.
3. Chung EH. “Vaccine Allergies.” Clin Exp Vaccine Res. 2014;Jan; 3(1): 50–57.
4. “It seems like every year, there’s a new strain of flu circulating. How does this happen, and is it a cause for concern?” Accessed on October 20, 2022.
5. “CDC releases interim flu vaccine effectiveness report.” AAFP. Accessed on October 20, 2022.
6. Kurian S, et al.” Probiotics in prevention and treatment of Covid-19: current perspective and future prospects.” Arch Med Res. 2021 Aug; 52(6): 582–594.
7. Zhao W, et al. “The immune regulatory role of Lactobacillus acidophilus: An updated meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.” Food Biosci. 2020;35:100656.
8. Miller L, et al. “The effect of Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. lactis HN019 on cellular immune function in healthy elderly subjects: systematic review and meta-analysis.” Nutrients. 2017 Feb 24;9(3):191.
9. Accessed on October 17, 2022.
10. Starosila D, et al. “Anti-influenza activity of a Bacillus subtilis probiotic strain.” Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2017 Jul; 61(7): e00539-17.
11. Middleton, E, Kandaswami, C. “The impact of plant flavonoids on mammalian biology: Implication for immunity, inflammation, and cancer. In: Harborne J. “The flavonoids: Advances in Research since 1986.” London. Chapman and Hall. 199. 619-652.
12. Chudiwal A, Jain D, Somani R. “Alpinia galanga Wild.– An overview on phyto-pharmacological properties.” Indian J Nat Prod Res. 2010;1(2):143-149.