Make Your Own CBD…

CBD — short for cannabidiol — has become known as a powerful pain reliever and mood enhancer.

Studies suggest it also protects cognitive function and memory, promotes heart health, and has incredible anti-inflammatory properties.

The discoveries about CBD’s health benefits are nothing short of revolutionary.

What’s even more amazing is why CBD works so well.

Researchers have discovered that our bodies have a system seemingly made for it. In fact, the system syncs so well with cannabinoids like CBD and THC, researchers named it the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Every Cell in Your Body Has a Receptor for Cannabinoids

If you’ve ever wondered why the CBD has such a powerful effect, this is the reason. When THC enters the body, it easily binds to your cannabinoid receptors.

One role of the ECS is pain regulation. So when CBD binds to the cell receptor, it blocks your ability to feel pain.

Researchers have also determined that the ECS also helps to regulate stress and anxiety, mood, appetite, fertility and immune response.1

Now, I’ve mentioned CBD because its effects are well-known. The reality is you naturally produce your very own cannabinoids.

The Cannabinoids Your Body Makes Kill Pain Naturally

Some researchers have suggested your ECS helps promote homeostasis, the internal balance between all the body’s different systems.2

To do this, your body produces your very own cannabinoids.

Two of the most studied are anandamide (AEA) and 2-AG. Your body produces them on demand and once they’re done they get broken down and disappear.

For example, if you stub your toe, you feel immediate pain. In a few moments, the pain passes. It might still be sore, but you’re not still in blinding pain.

Those are your very own cannabinoids at work.

They work by reaching the cells that need them. And as I said, every cell has a cannabinoid receptor (which is unusual and points to the significant importance of cannabinoids for our health).

Actually, every cell has two:

• CB1 regulates response to bodily needs like hunger, pain and stress.
• CB2 plays a role in inflammation and chronic pain.

When needed, you release AEA or 2-AG. They quickly flood the area where they are needed and just as quickly are gone.

How to Use CBD for Extra Relief

A lot of products offer CBD but you want to make sure you know what you’re getting.

The term cannabis refers to a family of plants that includes many species. Hemp and marijuana are both different species in the cannabis family.

CBD is short for cannabidiol and comes from the hemp plant. CBD products may include low levels of THC — the compound in marijuana that gets you high — but THC comes from the marijuana plant.

Most reputable CBD products filter out the THC so they do not produce a feeling of “getting high.”

CBD: Full-spectrum extracts can be found as CBD oil, mists, gummies, and even nasal sprays. This type often contains a small amount of THC. Isolates extract CBD — limiting the amount of THC — and come in oils, crystals and sublingual sheets. You can also find CBD water and many different topical creams, lotions and more.

Hemp Oil: To get hemp oil, you cold-press seeds of the hemp plant. This is an exceptionally healthy oil on its own. For a CBD-rich product, CBD is extracted. It’s then placed into an inert oil — often a hemp oil — which you can take sublingually, placing a few drops under the tongue.

I generally recommend a person take 1 mg to 5 mg per 10 pounds of body weight.

To get the EXACT dose you need for your specific weight and condition, use this CBD dosage calculator by clicking HERE.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. Battista N, et al. “The endocannabinoid system: An overview.” Front Behav Neurosci. 2012;6:9.
2. Russo EB. “Introduction to the endocannabinoid system.” Phytecs. 2015.