What This Doctor Did for His Wife

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
I meet a lot of alternative health doctors through my Wellness Research Foundation. When Dr. David Minkoff told me his story, I needed to share it with you.
Dr. Minkoff was an emergency doctor for the Community Hospital of New Port Richey, Fla. when his wife Sue started getting sick.
She was tired all the time. She had three bouts with subacute thyroiditis, swelling of the thyroid gland that causes a host of health problems. Pain attacked her major muscle groups. She was so weak she couldn’t even lift a toothbrush.
Yet medicine couldn’t diagnose her. They ran a battery of tests for viruses… MS… ALS… nothing. They gave up.
Dr. Minkoff took his wife’s health into his own hands. He turned to alternative medicine. He dug and dug until he found the answer. What did he discover? Sue’s fillings had poisoned her.
Chewing releases trace amounts of mercury from fillings into your mouth – with every bite. That kind of constant, low-level exposure builds up over time.
Signs of mercury toxicity include:

  • hair, teeth, and skin loss
  • sleep disturbances
  • memory loss
  • muscle weakness
  • sweating
  • tingling, burning, or pain
  • high blood pressure
  • rapid heart beat
  • swelling

Sue had all of these symptoms. Dr. Minkoff started Sue on a detox regime to free her body of mercury. And she also had her fillings replaced. Sue completely recovered in a few of months.
If you have silver fillings, consider replacing them. Especially if:

  • You have any of the above symptoms that have not responded to treatment.
  • You have many old silver fillings.
  • You grind your teeth.
  • You drink hot coffee or tea – studies show hot liquids cause mercury to leak more.

The safest fillings are bonded resin ceramics.
I recommend going to a dentist who specializes in the removal of silver fillings. They use special equipment to limit the amount of mercury emitted during removal. For example, they’ll give you oxygen through your nose so that you don’t inhale any of the mercury vapors. And they take other precautions during your office visit.
They’ll also schedule multiple appointments. Too many removed at one time can expose you to excess levels of mercury. This is exactly what you don’t want. Remove your fillings judiciously – a few at a time. Space your appointments several weeks apart.
To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD