It's a Tough Job, But I'm Going to Do It!

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

It’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it! In two weeks, I’m heading to Reno, Nev. to be a judge at the annual Ms. Fitness USA competition.Ms. Fitness

Unlike bodybuilding competitions, it’s not all about vanity.

These women don’t just look good. They have to show that they’re truly fit.

But that’s not what amazes me about these contestants.

To me, the real inspiration is that these are regular women. They don’t do this for a living. They’ve got full-time jobs… have husbands… raise children. And have many other day-to-day responsibilities.

Except for professional athletes, that’s where most of us are. We have to squeeze in time to be fit and healthy whenever and wherever our busy schedules allow.

That’s one of the reasons I developed PACE.

It’s simply the most time-efficient way to get fit and look great. In as little as 10 minutes a day, PACE can help you lose inches off your hips, butt and thighs… while toning your muscles and strengthening your heart and lungs.

In fact, even though I’m busy during the day seeing patients or working on new research, I always manage to get my PACE workout in. Even if it means sprinting up the office stairs during lunchtime…

PACE is a quick way to drop the pounds and get in shape.

Put simply, you exert yourself to your maximum, followed by a period of dynamic rest.

For example, you might do a 2-minute sprint up hill, followed by a slow 2-minute walk back to cool down. Then do 4 minutes of sprinting followed by 4 minutes of rest.

By slowly increasing how hard you exert yourself, you shorten the total duration of the exercise routine, making endless hours of cardio unnecessary and ineffective.

If you haven’t already, I

recommend you pick up a copy of my PACE DVD. Just pop it in your DVD player and within seconds, you’ll see exactly how to perform the PACE exercises and routine. What’s more, you’ll see how it can fit into your busy schedule.

It’s that easy.

In the meantime, check out the latest issue of Ms. Fitness magazine. They’re featuring my PACE program on the back cover.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD