Mutant Fish in The Potomac

Dear Health Concious Reader,

Mutant fish swimming the in Potomac River are threatening your energy levels, your sexuality – even your future.

A few days ago, a team from the US Geological Surveys reported they are finding large numbers of male fish with female traits.1 This is nothing new, but the numbers today are far higher than anyone has ever seen before.

In some Potomac tributaries, nearly all the male smallmouth bass caught in the survey were abnormal. In the Potomac itself, 7 out of 13 largemouth bass had female characteristics. Some of them were even producing eggs!

None of this may sound like a big deal, but it affects you more than you might think. See, the reason these fish are having such a hard time is that they’re being exposed to certain environmental chemicals—toxins that resemble estrogen.

But here’s the kicker: You’re exposed to the same chemicals—every day.

Many researchers are slow to admit that these estrogen look-a-likes are having an effect on us humans. But I can tell you from 20 years of medical experience, excess amounts of estrogen in our environment are causing disastrous changes for both men and women. I see it in

my patients almost every day.

In men, it causes the onset of feminine features. Once muscular “pecs” (chest muscles) turn into soft breasts. A “spare tire” forms around your middle and your risk of prostate cancer goes through the roof. It affects your energy too, making you feel slow and tired.

For women, it dramatically boosts your chance of developing breast and ovarian cancer. It also wreaks havoc with your emotions, making you feel burned out, irritable and upset.

When these chemicals get into your water, (the Potomac provides drinking water to millions – just one of the many polluted rivers in the US) you end up on the front lines of a battle you may not even know about.

“Dr. Sears, Why Do I Feel Tired and Depressed All the Time?”

I hear this question often. Hundreds of otherwise healthy men come to my clinic complaining of low energy, low sex drive and feelings of hopelessness and depression. After their blood tests come back, the answer is usually the same: high estrogen and low testosterone.

One patient – MH – is just 35 years old. He came to me last year with the classic symptoms. Not only were his energy levels low, but he felt depressed and had quite a bit of fat around his belly, (and his face). Yet he was a slender man. When I measured his body fat, it was a very high 35%.

You see, excess estrogen can lower a man’s reserve of testosterone – the hormone that makes a man feel like a man. It also causes an extra layer of fat under your skin. This subcutaneous fat hides muscle definition and makes your body appear “doughy.”

And if you don’t do anything about it, excess estrogen can cause gradual enlargement of your breasts until they resemble a woman’s breasts.

But you’re not helpless. For MH, I gave him something called DIM, which is a natural, plant-based supplement that gets rid of excess estrogen. I also put him on my PACE® program to help get rid of that belly fat. And to boost testosterone, I gave him a combination of herbs.

Today, his body fat has dropped from 35% all the way down to 14%. And he feels stronger and more optimistic than he ever has. His testosterone is up too.

If you feel like this is happening to you, here’s what you do:

For starters, I recommend that you ask your doctor to measure your “total estrogens” in your blood. On the same sample, ask him to measure your testosterone as well. Your blood test will provide critical information regarding the ratio between your estrogen and testosterone.

For most of my male patients, I want a ratio of at least four parts testosterone per one part estrogen. For maximal “manpower,” I want eight times more testosterone than estrogen. Sometimes in athletes, we shoot for a 10 to 1 ratio. It’s also important for you to keep your total estrogen level below 100.

  • Eat more cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels’s sprouts, and cabbage. They help you excrete excess estrogen.
  • Eat hormone-free food and free range animals whenever possible.
  • Incorporate more estrogen-inhibiting foods into your diet. Some of the best and tastiest sources are squash, onions, green beans, cabbage, berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, figs, melons, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.2

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

P.S. – For more information about the supplements that lower estrogen, check out 12 Secrets to Virility. It’s packed full of easy-to-follow advice that will safely and effectively kick your “manpower” into high gear. Get yours HERE.

  1. McLean M. More ‘Intersex Fish’ Found in the Potomac. Associated Press. Sep 6, 2006.
  2. “Nutrition and Diet” (7/30/04).