"left">“It’s especially not my style to have you come in to my clinic and feel like you’re in a prison, or that there’s security between you and my staff.
“Instead I want a big open space.”
I was taking everyone on a tour of the wellness clinic inside my new Sears Center building.
I had lunch delivered and gathered them together for a preview of what I plan for the 17,600 square feet we now have.
I took everyone to see the new treatment rooms, too, and then we walked through to the outdoor hallway leading to the other end of the building.
“This is the real front entrance to the building. But it seems to me like this works better as a side entrance. See how the door to the electrical room and the entrance to the elevator kind of stand out?
“It’s practical, but not that attractive for a front entrance.
“So instead of making this the front entrance for patients, this seems like it would be the easiest and best entrance for employees. Then you can come in and get right to the second floor where the offices will be.
“Part of my plan, and one of the first things I’m thinking about, is building a grand entrance on the other side.”
We walked around the outside of the building, to what I want to be the front of my new center.
“I’m thinking that instead of that second floor balcony, we build out and create a foyer area. So this becomes a grand entrance with nice landscaping outside, a fountain in the middle, and a marble floor.
“Then we’ll have a receptionist in this common area who would direct patients for care on that side, and for the spa on that side.”
The gym and spa will be most of the first floor. So we’ll have the practice, spa services and gym on the first floor, and all of the business offices up on the second floor.
I hope to provide some food services for the spa, too. And it would be nice to have a small store for all our clients, where we can make our books and unique supplements and formulas available.
It would be like a little health-food store that specializes in all of our products.
I’m anxious to get everything going, because we’ll have the space to expand our research and provide even more services to patients.
Take the spa food service, for example. You know that I recommend eating low-glycemic foods, and you probably already know what the glycemic index is.
The glycemic index and glycemic load are similar, but the glycemic load takes into account how much of that food you’re typically going to eat. This is a bit more practical than looking at just the glycemic index.
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But what if we took it a step further?
A food’s energy density is a measurement of calories per gram of food (kcal/g).
My idea is to take a food’s glycemic load, and add to it that food’s energy density to get a measurement I call the glycemic density, or the “Fat Index” (FI).
I call it that because the higher this number, the more blood sugar you’re going to create, and the more fat you’re going to store.
I also think it’s useful to look at the reciprocal of that, or what I call the “Lean Index” (LI). These are the foods that help keep your blood sugar low so you can stay lean – even if that food may be higher on the glycemic index.
We’ll use these measurements to build a comprehensive, easy-to-use food chart that will tell you exactly which foods are going to build fat, and which ones help you get lean – and how much you can safely eat of each one.
That’s much more useful to you.
We’ll display the FI and LI for all the foods we research. That way, I can empower you to take control and enjoy your food knowing exactly what effect it’s having inside your body.
Let me give you a real-world example of what I’m taking about.
A medium blueberry muffin is 59 on the glycemic index. That’s not too high, but higher than most of the foods I would normally recommend you eat. But it has a glycemic load of 30. That’s a lot more than the 10-20 number I recommend.
It has an energy density of about 4. That’s not too high, but when you add the energy density to the glycemic load, you get a Fat Index of 34. A little on the high side.
Now let’s look at a sweet potato. It’s 54 on the glycemic index, which is not too different than a muffin.
But it only has a glycemic load of 12.4. And a sweet potato only has 0.86 kcal/g. It’s energy density is less than 1.
So the Fat Index of a sweet potato is just over 13.
And that’s where it gets interesting. Because if you only used the glycemic index, you’d probably think you needed to stay away from sweet potatoes.
But when we create the new food chart, you’ll be able to see at a glance that a blueberry muffin and a sweet potato may be near each other on the glycemic index, but that a sweet potato is almost three times less fattening.
I’ll also take that even further by developing a Fat Generating Index and a Lean Building Index to help you even more…
Stay tuned for more details!.