New blood pressure danger

I am not a fan of lowering blood pressure with drugs. I consider drugs as a last resort.

Unfortunately if you’re one of the millions of Americans taking blood pressure-lowering drugs, or you’re one of the millions more with pre-hypertension, you’ve never been offered an alternative.

But these drugs carry a danger no one knew about until recently…

A huge increase in hip fractures.

That’s why today I want to show you three ways to lower your blood pressure naturally. One will reprogram your body to immediately drop your blood pressure. Another is the the single most important heart nutrient you can get. And the third is an oil that’s easy to find but with hidden blood pressure benefits.

You already know that breaking your hip can be devastating as you get older. But I came across a new study on blood pressure medications showing that within just a few days of starting these drugs, a massive number of people are suffering hip fractures.

The Archives of Internal Medicine published a little-known case analysis of over 300,000 Canadians. And what I discovered as I read through the study is that you have a 53% higher hip fracture risk within 45 days of taking your first ACE inhibitor, and a 58% higher risk when you start on a beta-blocker,1 two of the most prescribed blood pressure drugs in the world.

If you mention a higher risk of fracture to most doctors, they’re probably going to tell you to take a calcium supplement. But that just makes things worse.

Mainstream doctors don’t seem to know the science on this. But one of the most well-conducted studies in history, the Harvard Nurses Study, showed there was absolutely no protection from fractures with any dose of calcium you can take.2

In fact, the reverse was true… nurses who ingested higher amounts of calcium had an increased risk of bone fracture!

Fortunately, there are better ways to lower blood pressure so you can avoid taking dangerous drugs that could cause a debilitating hip fracture.

The first natural way you can lower your blood pressure almost immediately is by using my P.A.C.E. program.

The beauty of P.A.C.E. is you can start at any level of conditioning, apply it to whatever workout you do, and you’ll see fast results.

Here’s what happened to people’s blood pressure after they joined the P.A.C.E. Study Group we designed to look at the effectiveness of my PACE Express DVD workout program:

PACE line graphs

Their blood pressure started to drop right away, as soon as they started P.A.C.E., and it proceeded through the entire study.

Also, some of the people got a much more dramatic drop. Daryl S.’s systolic pressure went from 128 down to 112 after the second month. Amy P. went from 120 to 108.

Janice S. dropped her diastolic pressure from 100 to 80. And remember, most of the people didn’t have a problem with blood pressure going into the study, and it still improved.

CoQ10 is the first nutrient that I prescribe to my patients with cardiovascular trouble. CoQ10 helps most cardiac problems especially high blood pressure and congestive heart failure.

The journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine published an 8-year study on the effects of CoQ10 on overall heart health. Over 400 patients participated in the CoQ10 therapy. Approximately 87% of the patients had significant improvement for their various cardiac problems. Most patients were able to stop taking prescription drugs.3

I use 50mg of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 every day.

Another natural blood pressure-lowering remedy is sesame oil.

Studies of people with moderate to severe hypertension were given 1 ounce of sesame oil daily for 2 months. Overall the patients saw a 32-point drop in their blood pressure! And 67% of the patients were able to stop using their blood pressure medication.

Another study in the Yale Jounal of Biology and Medicine looked at a group of people between 35 and 60. They used sesame oil as their main edible oil for 90 days. They had an average 20 point drop in systolic blood pressure and a 14 point drop in diastolic pressure.4

Researchers believe the combination of the heart-healthy polyunsaturated oil and the unique compound sesamin found in sesame oil causes the blood vessels to relax. This prevents pressure spikes.

Sesame oil is easy to get into your daily routine. Use it in place of vegetable oil in your salad dressing or when preparing your meats and sauteing vegetables.

I sometimes like to use sesame oil when I make stir-fry because it brings out the individual flavors of the foods but also has a nice light flavor of its own at high heat.

To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
Al Sears, MD

1. Butt D, Mamdani M, Austin P, Tu K, Gomes T, Glazier R. "The Risk of Hip Fracture After Initiating Antihypertensive Drugs in the Elderly." Arch Intern Med. 2012 Nov 19:1-6.
2. Freskanich D, et al. "Milk, dietary calcium, and bone fractures in women: a 12-year prospective study." American Journal of Public Health 1997 Jun; 87(6): 992-997
3. Langsjoen H., et al. "Usefulness of Coenzyme Q10 in clinical cardiology: a long-term study." Mol Aspect Med 1004; 15 Suppl: s165-75.
4. Sankar D, Rao M, Sambandam G, Pugalendi K. "Effect of sesame oil on diuretics or Beta-blockers in the modulation of blood pressure, anthropometry, lipid profile, and redox status." Yale J Biol Med. 2006 Mar;79(1):19-26.