Resculpt Your Body By Walking for 45 Seconds

Dear Health Conscious Reader,

Soon you’ll have access to my new PACE program.

For two years I’ve been re-working PACE to make it simpler and easier to follow; especially if you feel out of shape or too busy to get started.

I first published PACE back in November of 2006. It’s the first complete program that protects your heart, pumps up your lung volume and burns fat in minutes a day.

Today, thousands of people from a dozen countries around the world are practicing PACE. And hundreds have sent me letters and e-mails, including my own patients here in South Florida.

Many tell me: “Dr. Sears… I love your PACE book, but what do I do?”

PACE may be quite a shock. PACE takes as little as 12 minutes, aerobics and cardio take hours.

Gyms and community centers are full of aerobics and cardio instructors who bark commands and give orders. PACE allows you to set your own speed, pick your own type of movement and live as an individual.

That’s quite a difference.

I understand now why it’s hard for some to get started. But your enthusiasm has inspired me to make PACE even more accessible.

Right now I’m writing the last two chapters of the new edition. It’s full of new material. Even if you read my PACE book cover to cover, you won’t recognize this new edition.

The “new PACE” is packed with new research. And the approach to getting started could not be easier.

Here’s a story of one of my patients making remarkable progress.

When Terri started, she was so out of shape she could barely get out of bed. It took her hours to run basic errands like grocery shopping or coming to my clinic. Getting out of the car and hauling all that extra weight made life difficult.

So we tried a new approach. It’s very easy.

She walked for 45 seconds and then stopped.

She rested and then did it again.

That’s it.

Then we added the progressive element… one of the unique features of PACE. After her first week of walking for 45 seconds followed by rest, we slowly and progressively increased the challenge.

After just three months she lost 27 pounds. Today, Terri has dropped over 53 pounds and she’s still going.

Did you ever think you could lose 53 pounds by walking for 45 seconds? When I tell people this story, they’re shocked. But I have Terri’s progress recorded from the very beginning.

I have before and after pictures showing her remarkable transformation.


The new approach to PACE worked for Terri… it can work for you, too.

If you want to get a taste for PACE, here are a few things you can do right now:

  • Find an exertion level: Push yourself until you are breathing heavily, until you’re at a level where you feel it would be hard to carry on a conversation. You can do this by running, biking, on a machine at the gym, etc.
  • Dynamic Rest: Stop and recover. Now measure your heart rate. You can do that with a heart rate monitor or you can find your pulse. When you feel your heart beating, count the number of beats for six seconds and multiply by ten. That’s your pulse rate.
  • Record your progress: How long did it take you to reach a high level of exertion? How long did it take you to recover? What was your heart rate? Write it down.

In future letters I’ll give you more tips for doing your own PACE routine, and a sneak peek of the new edition.

Stay tuned…

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD