Peeing Power from Pollen?

Dear Reader,

This may come as a bit of a surprise to you, but the same stuff bees gather to make honey – concentrated pollen extract – can make men urinate with more power.

Pollen, as you know, is the “seed” of all flowering plants. Without it, they couldn’t reproduce. What you may not know is that it’s also chock full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, unsaturated fats, enzymes, and more. Pollen extract is a “superfood” for bees – and for your prostate.

So how does it work?

One of the ways pollen extract promotes better prostate function involves a hormone called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). It’s a derivative of testosterone; it’s also one of the main culprits signaling your prostate to grow over time. DHT collects in prostate tissue by binding to your prostate’s cells and building up in your system.

As I’ve been saying for years, it’s DHT, not testosterone, that’s your prostate’s real enemy. Just to give you an idea, DHT is nine times more powerful than testosterone at making your prostate grow.

Pollen extract knocks out DHT. Researchers in England gave it to men who’d been suffering from frequent trips to the bathroom and difficulty urinating.

After six months, 79 percent of them showed real improvement. 36 percent got rid of symptoms entirely and 42 percent had reduced symptoms.1

Blocking DHT is just one of pollen extract’s many powers. It also relaxes the smooth muscles lining your urinary tract. Tense smooth muscles keep you from being able to urinate fully. (In other words, no more “shaking your leg”).

Pollen extract also reduces the inflammation that causes to urinary tract blockage. It’s a potent antioxidant, reinvigorating prostate health at the cellular level by preventing the DNA damage caused by free radicals.

It may even boost immune strength and power your liver as well. What’s more, pollen extract is safe and hypoallergenic.

Until recently, we had to rely on bees for pure pollen extract. They had a lock on the enzymes needed to unleash the life-giving force enclosed by the husk of the pollen grain.

No longer.

ProstaVive just arrived at our offices, and we’re not quite ready to formally launch it. But I’m making a special exception to you for being a loyal reader.

You can get ProstaVive today as a special “pre-launch” offer… Just CLICK HERE and you’ll be one of the first.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1. Rugendorff et al, “Results of Treatment with Pollen Extract (Cernilton) in Chronic Prostatitis and Prostatodynia,” British Journal of Urology, 1993.71.