Pharma’s Fake Pandemic News

I’m convinced the makers of statins will say pretty much anything to sell their trillion-dollar drug…

The latest fake “benefit” they’re pushing is that their cholesterol-lowering medicines can reduce the severity of COVID-19.

They reached this conclusion after doctors discovered heart disease is an underlying risk factor for COVID-19.

In a push for even bigger profits, Big Pharma began marketing statins as a way to lower your COVID-19 risk.

As a regular reader, you know how harmful statin drugs are. It seems like every week they find another dangerous side effect.

First it was kidney disease, disintegrating muscles and heart failure. Then people on statins started to develop symptoms of neurological diseases like ALS, Parkinson’s and memory loss.

Now we know that the drug is also linked to diabetes and stroke.

But the most common — and the most dangerous — effect of statins is that they lower your HDL levels. And that raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.

Big Pharma makes billions of dollars a year by declaring war on cholesterol and hawking these drugs. The biggest problem of all is that it’s all based on a lie.

You see, cholesterol doesn’t cause heart disease. Cholesterol is the natural part of your body that the heart disease acts upon. As a matter of fact, cholesterol is a good thing. You need it. Without it, you’ll be weak, slow, frail and impotent.

Cholesterol is a normal and important part of your anatomy. It only becomes diseased because there are unnatural inflammatory and oxidative pressures that are causing it to be diseased.

You see, cholesterol isn’t the bad guy. The real villains are oxidation and inflammation. Cholesterol is just an innocent victim that happens to be present at the scene of the crime…

The prestigious medical journal The Lancet published a study that followed 724 people for 10 years. Those with higher cholesterol had a lower chance of dying from any adverse cause.1

Another recent study from England found that 92% of people with a high cholesterol lived longer.2

If you want to live a long, healthy life, stay away from statins. Focus instead on increasing HDL cholesterol.

Do you remember the famous Framingham Heart Study? It’s one of the most well-respected studies ever done. It shows that if you raise your HDL above 85, you’ll have almost no chance of heart disease — even if your total cholesterol is over 350.3

Increase Natural Cholesterol for Robust Health

To protect your heart and your health, you need to raise your LDL cholesterol. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Consume coconut oil. Studies show this oil raises HDL levels more than most other fats. In one study of 40 overweight women, researchers found those who used coconut oil greatly increased levels. Those using soybean oil lowered their LDL. I suggest incorporating 2 tablespoons into your meals daily.4
  2. Supplement with niacin. Niacin can raise HDL by 15% to 35%. This makes niacin, a simple B vitamin, more effective than any cholesterol drug ever invented. Avoid the “no-flush” kind of niacin. If you don’t flush, you’re not getting enough. Look for niacinamide instead. Take 300 mg daily.
  3. Increased carnitine. You get carnitine from red meat, but not enough to significantly increase HDL. Make sure you get supplements labeled L-carnitine, which is the natural form. You don’t want the synthetic D,L-carnitine, which will be no help at all. Take 500 mg a day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD, CNS

1. Weverling-Rijnsburger AW, et al. “Total cholesterol and risk of mortality in the oldest old.” Lancet. 1997;350(9085):1119-1123.
2. Ravnskov U, et al. “Lack of an association or an inverse association between low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol and mortality in the elderly: A systematic review.” BMJ Open. 2016;6:e010401.
3. Bartlett J, et al. “Is isolated low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol a cardiovascular disease risk factor? New insights from the Framingham offspring study.” Cir Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2016;9:206-212.
4. Assuncao M, et al. “Effects of dietary coconut oil on the biochemical and anthropometric profiles of women presenting abdominal obesity.” Lipids. 2009;44:44593–44601.