Reduce Your Risk of Alzheimer’s in an Unlikely Place

For years, I’ve been telling my patients that the prevailing theory about Alzheimer’s is all wrong.

Corporate medicine and their friends in Big Pharma keep blaming the disorder on “bad” genes that make Alzheimer’s patients susceptible to beta-amyloid plaques.

But the number of Alzheimer’s cases only started to increase in the last 100 years. And it’s beyond absurd to think that the human genome could change so dramatically in such a short time.

So, what’s causing this terrible epidemic which is expected to affect 13.8 million Americans by 2050?

A new study showing a link between liver function, amyloid plaques, and Alzheimer’s claims to have found a “probable cause…”

Australian researchers were looking for the root cause of Alzheimer’s. They launched a study involving mice and uncovered an interesting finding.

Using brain scans, they determined that protein plaques from the liver can wrap themselves in a tiny lipid bubble and then migrate to the brain…triggering neurological degeneration and eventually Alzheimer’s.1

Unfortunately, they seem to have forgotten that association and causation are two different things:

The presence of protein plaques detected in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients doesn’t necessarily mean they’re causing the disease.

For years, I’ve said amyloid plaques are part of a larger inflammatory response. That is, they’re a symptom of the disease rather than its cause.

The real question is, what’s causing this systemic inflammation?

Amyloid plaques are the brain’s last-ditch attempt to shield itself from toxins and processed starches in our artificial, non-primal environment.

You see, Alzheimer’s is unheard of in remote places like Africa and the Amazon where they still live much like our primal ancestors did 10,000 years ago.

The real cause of Alzheimer’s is the deluge of grain-based carbs and starches that have put humanity on a glycemic roller-coaster.

This inflammatory response is crippling the brain, especially in the hippocampus region that’s responsible for memory.

That’s why a growing number of researchers are calling Alzheimer’s “type 3 diabetes.”2

Use These Three Nutrients To Fight The REAL Cause Of Alzheimer’s

Your best defense against Alzheimer’s is to make sure your brain is getting the nutrient ammunition it needs to defend itself. Here are three I recommend:

    1. Phosphatidylserine (PS). The most abundant phospholipid in your brain, PS plays an essential role in strengthening cell membranes and promotes healthy neurons. It’s also a key player in cell-to-cell signaling. One study reported a 42% recall improvement among patients with memory issues following regular PS supplementation.3 PS has also been shown to improve focus and retention among children suffering from ADHD and memory lapses. I always start patients off with natural food sources like organ meats from free-range poultry and grass-fed livestock. These include: chicken livers, chicken hearts, and beef livers. Other excellent sources include: Atlantic mackerel, Atlantic herring, and tuna. But you’re unlikely to get all the PS you need from food today. So, I advise my patients to supplement with 500 mg three times daily for 30 days. After that, go to 500 mg twice daily.
    2. Curcumin. The anti-inflammatory properties of curcumin, the primary ingredient in turmeric, have been well-documented. Its neuroprotective qualities are less well-known though. Curcumin helps support strong mental function due to its ability to counter oxidative stress and stop free radicals. One recent study called curcumin “one of the most promising and exciting compounds for development of Alzheimer’s therapeutics.”4 When choosing a supplement, make sure it contains the black pepper extract piperine to boost curcumin absorption.5 I recommend 1 gram of turmeric root daily.
    3. DHA. One clinical trial showed Alzheimer’s patients who took 900 mg of DHA each day experienced almost immediate memory improvement. Another study found DHA combined with vitamin D improved Alzheimer’s symptoms in 90% of patients.6 I used to tell patients to increase their omega-3 fatty acid intake with fish oil. But, most fish oils have an unbalanced omega-3 ratio which has far more EPA than DHA. That’s a problem…because DHA makes up 97% of your brain’s omega-3 fatty acids.7 I tell my patients to get their omega-3s from DHA-rich krill and calamari harvested in pristine ocean waters near the arctic. To keep your brain function strong, I recommend up to 1,000 mg of squid- and krill-based DHA every day.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Mamo, J. “Protein from the Liver May Cause Alzheimer’s Disease in the Brain, Study Finds: Peripherally Produced Amyloid Causes Neurodegeneration.” ScienceDaily, 14 Sept. 2021.
2. De la Monte SM, et al. “Alzheimer’s Disease Is Type 3 Diabetes—Evidence Reviewed.” Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, vol. 2, no. 6, Nov. 2008, pp. 1101–13.
3 Richter Y, et al. “The Effect of Phosphatidylserine-Containing Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Memory Abilities in Subjects with Subjective Memory Complaints: A Pilot Study.” Clinical Interventions in Aging, Nov. 2010, p. 313.
4. Zhang K, et al. “Use of Curcumin in Diagnosis, Prevention, and Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease.” Neural Regeneration Research, vol. 13, no. 4, 2018, p. 742.
5. Prasad S, et al. “Recent Developments in Delivery, Bioavailability, Absorption and Metabolism of Curcumin: The Golden Pigment from Golden Spice.” Cancer Research and Treatment, vol. 46, no. 1, Jan. 2014, pp. 2–18.
6. Yurko-Mauro K, et al. “Beneficial Effects of Docosahexaenoic Acid on Cognition in Age-Related Cognitive Decline.” Alzheimer’s & Dementia, vol. 6, no. 6, Nov. 2010, pp. 456–64.
7. Wong, C. “How Taking DHA Can Improve Your Health.” Verywell Mind, 13 Feb. 2020.