Relieve Pain the Natural Way

Health Alert 301

Are you are using drugs like Vioxx and Celebrex but concerned about their dangerous side effects?

You can wipe out pain by using natural pain relievers. I’ll show you five herbs that are safe and effective. They are completely free of dangerous side effects. You’ll also see some new science backing up these natural solutions.

Super Aspirins or Super Disasters?

The drug makers recently claimed that their new category of pain pills would beat arthritis pain forever. They called them COX-2 inhibitors because of the way they work. The makers said they were safer. But after years of use we learned they dramatically increase risks to your heart.

Concerned over this increased risk of heart attacks and strokes, you may have gone back to the old remedies: aspirin, Advil and naproxen. But remember why these drugs were a problem to begin with. Long-term use causes internal bleeding.

The good new is that herbs can offer you a safer, time tested – and less expensive – alternative to these medications.

Nature’s Pain Killers

When it comes to joint pain and arthritis, these herbs are my five most effective:

Stephania Tetrandra is an herb used in China and Korea to treat a variety of problems like arthritis and high blood pressure. The ingredients, Tet and Fang reduce inflammation in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. It is also effective for many allergy symptoms.(1) To get the best effect from this remarkable herb, take 400 to 600 mg daily.

Boswellin is an Indian herb and a natural arthritis fighter worth trying. Ayurvedic medicine has used it for centuries to maintain joint health. Today, boswellin shows promise in relieving stiff, swollen joints and arthritis. It works by increasing blood supply to joints and reducing the complex carbs that cause inflammation.(2) You can get it at health food stores in capsules. Take 450 to 750 mg daily.

White Willow Bark is an ancient joint remedy dating back more than 2,400 years. Some arthritis sufferers not only experienced pain relief, but increased mobility in their back, knees, hips and other joints.(3) You’ll it in a number of joint remedies as well as individual supplements. The active ingredient is salicin. Take 60 to 120 mg a day.

Red Grape Leaves also reduce joint pain naturally. Red grape leaves contain a powerful phytochemical called resveratrol.(4) It’s the same phytochemical in grape juice and red wine. You can also find red grape leaves in 600mcg capsules.

Holy Basil is a special type of basil that contains dozens of inflammation reducing nutrients including one called ursolic acid.(5) I recommend 150mg capsules 4 times a day.

In addition to herbs, there are two other ways to help you with inflammation:

  • Eliminate sugar and grains from your diet. This is critical. The insulin spikes and resultant biochemical changes are inflammatory. They can make arthritis symptoms worse.
  • Increase omega-3 fats in your diet. They are quite effective in reducing inflammation. Good sources include cold-water fish, eggs, nuts, avocados, olives and grass-fed red meat. Cod Liver Oil is one of the most potent ways to get your omega-3s and reduce inflammation. – I prescribe it to many of my patients.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

(1) Choi H et al. Anti-inflammatory effects of fangchinoline and tetrandrine. J Ethnopharm.l 2000, 69:173-179.

(2) Safayhi, H., Mack, T., Sabieraj, J., et al. Boswellic acids: Novel, specific, nonredox inhibitors of 5-lipoxygenase. Journal of Pharmacology and. Experimental. Therapies. 1992: 261(3):1143-1146.

(3) Tunon, H., et al.. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of some Swedish medicinal plants. Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis and PAF-induced exocytosis. Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1995; 48(2):61-76.

(4) Subbaramaiah K, et al. Reseveratrol inhibits cyclooxygenase-2 transcription and activity in phorbol ester-treated human mammary epithelial cells. Journal of Biology and Chemistry. 1998; 273(34):21875-21882.

(5) Ringbom T, Segura L, Noreen Y, et al. Ursolic acid from Plantago major, a selective inhibitor of cyclooxygenase-2 catalyzed prostaglandin biosynthesis. Journal of Natural Products. 1998; 61(10), 1212-1215.