Health Alert 291
Many of my patients are saying that my diet recommendations go against the new food pyramid released by the United States Department of Agriculture, (USDA).
Only last week, one patient came to me after visiting the USDA’s website: “It told me I should be eating more grains than anything else.”
Today, you’ll find out why the government’s new food pyramid will make you fat, sick and confused. As an alternative, I’ll show you how to stay fit and healthy – while eating the foods you love.
If you haven’t yet checked out the new food pyramid, let me save you the trouble. It:
- Has a confusing design with no concrete ideas.
- Gives no hard advice on which foods you should eat.
- Gives no hard advice on which foods you should avoid.
- Completely ignores the primary dietary problem: the over consumption of carbohydrates, particularly sugary processed foods and drinks.
It’s clear that once again, the USDA has bowed to pressures from the food industry. By not giving any specific information, they don’t offend any particular food maker. They also allow for “discretionary calories,” which is their way of avoiding condemning any foods.
That should be expected, considering that 6 of the 11 members of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee have financial ties to the food industry.(1)
Not surprisingly, grains once again form the base of the pyramid. To make matters worse, they suggested that fifty percent of these grains should come from breads, pastas and breakfast cereals. Which breakfast cereals, I wonder? The ones that are 38% sugar?
The new food pyramid, just like the old one, will make you fat. It will also dramatically increase your risk of developing fatal diseases.
The key should be rebalancing
the natural proportions of the three macronutrients: proteins, carbohydrates and fats.Try to increase protein, decrease carbohydrates and eat the right kind of fats. This will boost your energy and strength. It will also help you to burn fat and lose weight.
- Increase Protein: Quality protein is the key to good nutrition. Protein promotes muscle growth and over all health. Eating more protein than you need for daily metabolism signals to your body that “the hunting is good” and liberalizes the burning of carbs and fat for energy. Fish, lean meats, eggs, dairy, beans and nuts are all good sources of protein.
- Decrease Carbohydrates: Processed carbs make you fat and diseased. Starches in particular are the main cause of obesity. Limit consumption of anything made from grains or potatoes. Get your carbs from unprocessed vegetables that grow above ground.
- Eat Natural Fats: Most modern fat is a health nightmare, but getting enough omega-3 fats is essential to good health. Eat unprocessed vegetable fats like avocados, nuts and virgin olive oil. Avoid corn oil, all hydrogenated oils and margarine. Get your animal fat from grass fed red meat, wild fish or eggs.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
(1) Herring J. Sold to the Highest Bidder – The Fatally Flawed Food Pyramid. Early to Rise, Mess. #1423. May 25, 2005.