Safe, Natural, Long-Term Arthritis Relief

Conventional doctors will tell you that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is genetic. But it’s not…

You don’t get this painful joint swelling because you were born with “bad genes.”

Like most autoimmune diseases, RA can trace its roots to our poisoned environment and starchy, processed, fake food supply.

And now, there is proof that this toxic one-two punch is inflaming your joints by damaging your gums. Let me explain…

A recent study from the Netherlands found that people at risk of developing RA – or at an early stage of the disorder – had high levels of two bacteria in their saliva and coating their tongues.1,2

These pro-inflammatory bacteria, Prevotella and Veillonella, are the prime culprits in gum disease and tooth decay.

You see, changes in your oral microbiome – the community of trillions of micro-organisms that live in your mouth – have a profound effect on the microbial makeup of your gut.

As you know, 80% of your immune system lives in your gut.

These changes in the oral microbiome trigger your gut microbiome to produce protein antibodies that attack the bones and joints of people with RA.

Big Pharma’s solution is to treat RA with immunosuppressive meds called disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs, or DMARDs.

You may know them as Humira, Remicade, and Enbrel. These so-called “biologic” drugs suppress your immune system, making you dangerously vulnerable to serious infections like pneumonia and the flu.

Basically, these drugs try to beat your out-of-control immune system into submission.

This is a dangerous strategy. You need your immune system for protection against both external and internal threats.

Traditional doctors are also likely to give you a prescription for corticosteroids to help reduce inflammation. However, corticosteroids also have a long list of side effects, including a significantly higher risk of blood clots, blood poisoning, and bone fractures.3


thanks to Big Pharma’s grip on medical practices across America, mainstream doctors never consider recommending alternatives.

The first major problem with RA is that it can take years to get a diagnosis. This is because most doctors rarely do inflammation testing.

If you suffer from persistent arthritic pain in a single, large joint – like your knee, shoulder, ankle, or wrist, and are experiencing severe fatigue and weight loss – you should insist on having C-reactive protein (CRP) levels measured. CRP is the best test for inflammation.

You can also test for the presence of citrullinated peptide antibodies.

But protection against RA should begin with oral hygiene.

Brush at least twice a day for 3-4 minutes each time. Floss regularly — and remove plaque that accumulates at the gumline. Visit your dentist at least twice a year for deep cleanings — more if you have gum disease.

As a regular reader, you know I don’t prescribe any of Big Pharma’s “biologic” drugs to my patients. Instead, I offer my patients a real, long-term therapy that gets to the root of the problem.

Get safe, natural, LONG-TERM relief in just 4 weeks

It’s called platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy. Or as I call it… regenerative medicine. That’s just a fancy way of saying your body can heal itself.

PRP involves drawing a bit of your blood and spinning it through a centrifuge machine to separate your platelets. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the damaged portion of the tendon or cartilage.

Platelets – the colorless cell fragments that allow your blood to clot – are your body’s first responders.

They contain hundreds of proteins called “growth factors.” It’s these natural growth factors that help injured tissues regenerate themselves.4

There have been a lot of studies over the past few years that show PRP injections improve function and decrease pain. Studies show PRP is effective for arthritis,5 torn muscles and ligaments,6 knee osteoarthritis,7 and damaged joint cartilage.8

What to expect before and after PRP

Approximately 80% of patients experience significant, if, not complete, resolution of symptoms after only one treatment. Here’s what you can expect:

    • On the day of your treatment… PRP treatments are fast and relatively painless. You may feel a little discomfort. But you shouldn’t lose any time from work or your daily routine. You may get a little mild swelling, redness, or bruising, but it fades within one to three days.
    • Be patient. It takes about three to four weeks after a PRP session to see the full effects. You’ll also continue to improve with time.
    • Call for more information. If you’re interested in scheduling an appointment for this new anti-aging therapy, please call 561-784-7852. My staff at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine will be happy to answer all your questions.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Kronzer VL and Davis JM. “Etiologies of Rheumatoid Arthritis: Update on Mucosal, Genetic, and Cellular Pathogenesis.” Current rheumatology reports vol. 23,4 21. 1 Mar. 2021.
2. Kroese JM, et al. “Differences in the oral microbiome in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis and individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis compared to healthy individuals.” Arthritis Rheumatol. Nov 2021;73:1986–19
3. Waljee AK, et al. “Short-term use of oral corticosteroids and related harms among adults in the United States: population based cohort study.” BMJ 2017; 357 :j1415
4. Bennett NT, et al. “Growth factors and wound healing: biochemical properties of growth factors and their receptors.” Am J Surg. 1993;165:728-37.
5. Mishra, A., and Pavelko, T. “Treatment of chronic elbow tendinosis with buffered platelet-rich plasma.” Am J Sports Med. 2006 Nov; 34(11): 1774-8.
6. Sampson, S., et al. “Platelet-rich plasma injection grafts for musculoskeletal injuries: A review.” Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2008; 1: 165-174.z.
7. Sampson S, et al. “Injection of platelet-rich plasma in patients with primary and secondary knee osteoarthritis: A pilot study.” Am J Phys Med. December 2010;89(12):961-969.
8. Smyth N, et al. “Platelet-rich plasma in the pathologic processes of cartilage: Review of basic science evidence.” Arthroscopy. 2013; 29(8):1399-1409.