Saving Your Manhood

Health Alert 283

Attention men: the modern world is turning you into a woman – and you don’t even know it. That’s right. There are toxins in your environment that look a lot like the female hormone estrogen. They trick your body and over time can disrupt your sex life and give you feminine features.

Today I’ll show you why this is happening and what you can do to protect yourself. And for my female subscribers, don’t stop reading! This is important for you too. Excessive estrogen in women causes cancer and other health problems.

The Secret Life of Plastics

The synthetic chemicals used in many of today’s products have a structure that closely resembles estrogen. These include pesticides, pharmaceuticals, industrial chemicals, household detergents, food packing materials, sewage treatments and most plastics.

Many of these end up in your water supply, while others can be found in the meat and fish you buy at the grocery store. Still others are hiding in your shampoo and in the plastic bottles that hold your soft drinks.

Clinical tests show that high concentrations of estrogen can have disastrous effects. One study showed a direct link between these estrogen mimics and an alteration of sex organs and sexual behavior.(1)

Here in Florida, the alligators near Lake Apopka have such small penises they cannot perform sexually. Since 1980, increased levels of the industrial agent DDT have exposed the gators to high concentrations of chemicals that mimic estrogen.

But they’re not the only ones. Male panthers have decreased sperm counts, the fertility of the male bald eagle is decreasing sharply and male fish are turning up with feminine characteristics.

Unfortunately, you’re exposed to all of the same chemicals and toxins on a daily basis. These compounds are in so many of the products that you use, it would be impossible to escape their influence. Personally, I believe the rise of environmental estrogens is partly to blame for the steady increase of breast, ovarian and prostate cancers.

It also helps explain why so many children are starting puberty so early.

Lower Your Estrogen and Boost Your Potency

Below is a list of things you can do to prevent the damaging effects of environmental estrogens:

  • Drink only purified water.
  • Trim the excess fat from your meat before cooking. (Chemicals and hormones collect in the fat.)
  • Eat more estrogen-fighting foods. These include berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, squash, onions, green beans, figs, melons and pumpkin seeds.(2)
  • Incorporate cruciferous vegetables into your diet. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels’s sprouts and cabbage all help to excrete excess estrogen.
  • Keep yourself regular by eating vegetables high in fiber. The longer stool remains in your bowel, the more estrogen is absorbed.(3)
  • Eat free-range poultry and grass-fed beef whenever possible. These animals will be free of hormones.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

1 Daston, et al, "Environmental Estrogens and Reproductive Health: A Discussion of the Human and Environmental Data," Reproductive Toxicology Review, 11, pp. 465-481, 1997

2 Nutrition and Diet, 7/30/04

3 Hoffman, R. "Estrogen Dominance Syndrome," Conscious Choice, 9/99