There’s a toxin in your house that’s harming you.
And you probably don’t even know about it.
Certain plastic chemicals are the culprits. And they are attacking our thyroids.
I’ve seen the alarming rise of thyroid disease in my own practice. At first, the number of new cases I saw was just a trickle. But 25 years later, it’s a flood.
In a recent study by Columbia University, researchers followed 319 families with young children and found dangerous levels of phthalates in the blood of 3-year-olds. And they found that these plastic chemicals are destroying their thyroids!1
And, if the products in our homes can cause damage to children in their first three years, imagine what years and years of exposure can do to your thyroid.
I call this epidemic type 2 hypothyroidism. And it’s different from the classic underactive thyroid disease.
In type 2 hypothyroidism, your thyroid still produces normal amounts of T3, the active form of the hormone. But your cells and tissues have become resistant to it.
It’s similar to what happens to type 2 diabetics when their cells become resistant to insulin.
You see, your thyroid controls your metabolism — the process by which nutrients are transformed into energy. It controls the rate at which every organ in your body functions, from your brain and heart to your skin. Symptoms of type 2 hyperthyroidism include:
- Chronic diarrhea or constipation
- Brain fog/memory loss
- Muscle weakness
- Low libido
- Depression
- Brittle hair and nails
Unfortunately, traditional doctors don’t have a clue that these symptoms are related to your thyroid. And that makes type 2 hypothyroidism the most underdiagnosed condition in the country.
Boost Thyroid Receptors With Two Superfoods
Treating type 2 hypothyroidism starts by helping your body get rid of dangerous toxins, while boosting receptor sensitivity. Two of the
most effective treatments are marine plants that have been used for centuries to restore thyroid function.- First, flush phthalates from your body with chlorella. This edible alga binds to toxins and pulls them out of your body. Take 1 gram with breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can increase the dose to up to 3 grams three times a day.
- Then, supplement with this secret from the sea. One of the best thyroid nutrients comes from the Celtic Sea. It’s called Irish moss. But I call it an all-in-one pharmacy for your thyroid.
It contains a vital thyroid hormone precursor, as well as the thyroid hormones T3 and T4. It’s also extremely high in iodine — an important thyroid nutrient. And it’s packed with more than 90 minerals, including zinc, magnesium, manganese, potassium and selenium — all important elements your body MUST have to ensure a balanced thyroid. I recommend taking 50 mg daily.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
1. Whyatt RM, et al. “Maternal prenatal urinary phthalate metabolite concentrations and child mental, psychomotor, and behavioral development at 3 years of age.” Environ Health Perspect. 2012;120(2):290-295.