Secure Your Masculinity

When it comes to your prostate, forget what conventional wisdom tells you.

Prostate disease is not part of the “normal aging process.” And contrary to what you’ve been told, too much testosterone isn’t the reason men develop prostate disease.

Testosterone makes a man a man, and it’s time to stop blaming this natural hormone for prostate enlargement and cancer.

But that doesn’t mean your prostate problems aren’t hormone-related. You see, when we look at our modern world, there’s a disturbing trend that’s causing trouble for the prostate…

Excessive amounts of estrogen in the environment and the growth-stimulating hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) are the real cause of the problem – not low T levels.

In fact, having a low testosterone level can increase your risk of prostate disease.

A recent study by researchers at New York University’s Perlmutter Cancer Center analyzed the medical records of almost a quarter-million Swedish men. They found that men who increased their testosterone levels saw their risk of aggressive prostate disease decrease by 50%.1

This supports an earlier Swedish study that disproved the “testosterone is bad” theory…

In this groundbreaking study conducted at the Karolinska Institute, doctors found that men with prostate cancer had lower levels of testosterone than healthy men.2

Testosterone is necessary for the healthy function of your prostate – and so much more.

It nurtures your muscles’ development, which is vital for proper muscular function. When the bladder and prostate muscle tissue don’t get sufficient amounts, they tend to shrink and therefore function poorly.

And when the smooth muscle of the prostate doesn’t function properly, the prostatic urethra doesn’t dilate properly. The result is poor urinary flow.

But the benefits of testosterone go far beyond your reproductive and urinary systems.

In addition to its effect on male sexuality and libido, testosterone improves general motivation and drive

. It also has a profound impact on other areas of your health.

Keeping normal levels of this hormone will help:

✓ Protect your heart and cardiovascular system3
✓ Reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes4
✓ Reduce bone loss and increase bone strength5
✓ Boost your immune system, and protect against Covid6
✓ Improve memory and lower Alzheimer’s risk7

Of course, higher testosterone levels also increase energy and muscle mass, reduce stress, improve mood, restore confidence… and encourage fat loss.

Increasing testosterone is important for most men after a certain age. And that led to a boom in the number of low-testosterone clinics operating across the country.

I sometimes inherit the “dropouts” of these low-T clinics. You see, these places don’t understand the testosterone protocol you MUST follow…

Because if you keep giving men testosterone shots, three things happen:

    1. Your body shuts down its own production of testosterone. It’s never a good idea to inject yourself with a substance that your body makes naturally. When you inject yourself with testosterone, your body’s natural response is to think, “Whoa! I have lots of testosterone right now! I better stop making it!” So your body immediately suppresses its testicular production of testosterone in response to the injection.
    2. Your body starts to convert testosterone into DHT. And that’s terrible news. DHT causes your estrogen level to soar, leading to an enlarged prostate, increased risk of heart disease, a decline in energy and brain function, and more belly fat.
    3. Finally, your body also starts producing extra estrogen to balance out all that unnatural testosterone that you’re introducing into your system…and I don’t have to tell you that the last thing a man needs is a surge of unwanted estrogen. Too much estrogen causes you to develop that layer of subcutaneous fat that makes you look soft and more feminine. It can also lead to gynecomastia, the dreaded “man boobs.”

Protect your prostate naturally

At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine, I help patients increase testosterone and protect their prostates naturally and safely. Here’s how:

    • Use zinc to shrink the prostate and boost testosterone. Zinc prevents prostate enlargement and may help shrink a prostate gland that’s already swollen. Zinc also plays a role in the production of testosterone by blocking estrogen formation. Researchers in a study published in The Lancet divided men into two groups. Half got a placebo; half got zinc. The researchers noted that zinc improved potency in all patients and raised their testosterone to be normal. The placebo group saw no benefits.8 My favorite way to get zinc is by eating organ meats like liver, kidney, and heart. Oysters, watermelon, and pumpkin seeds also have a lot of zinc. If you supplement, look for a form of zinc called zinc picolinate. It’s more absorbable. I recommend you take 30 mg per day, either one hour before or two hours after your meal.
    • Take the micronutrient ignored by mainstream medicine. Boron is a rare trace mineral that crashed into Earth billions of years ago. Today, we know that boron significantly reduces prostate swelling. An important study of more than 7,700 men found that those who were supplemented with boron reduced their rate of prostate cancer by 64%.9 The latest research backs up observations I’ve made in my clinic: Boron also increases your bioavailability of testosterone. A recent study found after only one week of boron supplementation, men in the study group saw their free testosterone levels increase by 28% and their free estrogen levels decrease by 39%.10 It’s not easy to get the boron you need through food. I suggest supplementing with 6 mg daily.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Loeb S, et al. “Uptake of active surveillance for very-low-risk prostate cancer in Sweden.” JAMA Oncol. 2017;3(10):1393-1398.
2. Gustafson O, et al. “Dihydrotestosterone and testosterone levels in men screened for prostate cancer: a study of a randomized population,” Brit J Urol. 77(3);Mar 1996:43
3. European Association of Urology. “Testosterone therapy reduces heart attack and stroke.” Accessed on April 29, 2022.
4. Wittert G, et al. “Testosterone treatment to prevent or revert type 2 diabetes in men enrolled in a lifestyle programme (T4DM): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, 2-year, phase 3b trial.” Lancet. 2021;9(1):32-45.
5. Mohamad N, et al. “A concise review of testosterone and bone health.” Clin Interv Aging. 2016; 11: 1317–1324.
6. Lanser L, et al. “Testosterone deficiency is a risk factor for severe COVID-19.” Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021 Jun 18;12:694083.
7. Marriott R, et al. “Lower serum testosterone concentrations are associated with a higher incidence of dementia in men: The UK Biobank prospective cohort study.” Alzheimers Dement. 2022 Jan 3. doi: 10.1002/alz.12529.
8. Antoniou L, et al. “Reversal of uraemic…by zinc.” The Lancet. October 1977;310(8044): 895-898.
9. Cui Y, et al “Dietary boron intake and prostate cancer risk.” Oncol Rep. 2004;11(4):887-892.
10. Naghii M, et al. “Comparative effects of daily and weekly boron supplementation on plasma steroid hormones and proinflammatory cytokines.” J Trace Elem Med Biol. 2011;25(1)54-58.