Sit Back and Drink a Cool One…

I have great news: Beer is good for you. A new study found that hops can zap carcinogens (the stuff that causes cancer) and make them harmless.

But before you head to your local bar, read today’s Health Alert. You’ll discover what this study really means. And the best way to enjoy a cold beer.

Beer: Nature’s Cancer Fighter?

Hops give beer its bitter taste. Scientists have been studying them for almost fifteen years. Their latest research shows that hops (the flower of the hop plant) contain xanthohumol.

Why all the fuss about hops? Turns out this powerful ingredient can stop pro-carcinogens from turning into cancer-causing agents or carcinogens.  Pro-carcinogens are found in things like cigarette smoke. Once inside the body, they can turn into cancer-causing agents.

If a carcinogen is already in your body, xanthohumol can trigger natural enzymes that turn it into a harmless byproduct.

Sounds great, right? Well, there’s more to the story… Unfortunately, you’d have to drink large amounts of beer – everyday – to get enough of this magic ingredient to produce an effect.

And the health risks of drinking that much beer far outweigh the cancer-fighting benefits.

But that doesn’t mean beer isn’t good for you. Beer and wine have flavonoids and antioxidants that provide real health benefits.

Which Beers are Best?

When drinking any form of alcohol, remember that moderation is key. And keep in mind that the carbs in beer can add inches to your waistline.

Low-carb beers are your best bet. There are plenty to choose from. They even have low-carb dark beer.

If you want to avoid carbs altogether, try a glass of wine. Wine is low glycemic and won’t spike your blood sugar.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD