South African Weight Loss Supplement

# 332


I have been getting questions about a new weight loss supplement. Many claim that Hoodia is the “magic bullet” that will curb obesity. But what is Hoodia and does it really work?

In today’s Health Alert, I’ll tell you the remarkable story behind this “new” discovery. You’ll get the latest on what may be a reliable way to help you lose weight.

From the African Bush

Hoodia is a cactus that comes from the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. For thousands of years, the Bushmen used Hoodia to kill their appetite on long hunting trips.

Recently, researchers discovered that the plant has a molecule previously unknown to science. They named it P57. This molecule sends a message to your brain telling you that you’re full. The absence of hunger – usually lasting the whole day – means that you can more easily avoid the foods that make you fat. For some, the weight loss is dramatic.

Last year, this amazing little cactus was featured on the CBS news program 60 Minutes. A team of reporters went to remote locations in Africa to see if it really worked. Their verdict? “I’d have to say it did work.” [1]

The reporter went on to describe her experience. Unlike most diet pills, Hoodia produced no after effects. No upset stomach, no funny taste, no heart palpitations. Not even a single hunger pang.

At first glance, Hoodia seems to be a dieter’s dream. Yet, it’s unlikely that you will be able to benefit from a Hoodia supplement.

The Limitations of Hoodia in the Modern World

Drug giant Pfizer was involved in the initial research. They withdrew last year after realizing that it may be impossible to create a synthetic version of P57.

It is currently very difficult to get Hoodia out of South Africa.

As a result, dozens of bogus Internet companies have sprung up, claiming to have “the real thing.”  When their products are tested, they usually turn up no Hoodia or less than a tenth of a percent of the active ingredient.

In addition to Internet scams, there are currently no clinical studies to back up the claims made by manufacturers. I advise you to use caution here. If my research team turns up a legitimate source for a supplement with a significant amount of Hoodia, we’ll test it and let you know the results.

In the meantime, to lose weight over the long term, boosting your metabolism with exercise is still the most effective strategy by far. Eating excess protein makes this approach more effective. (See article #58 for more details.)

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD


[1] African Plant May Help Fight Fat. Nov 21, 2004.