Soybean Oil Linked to Alzheimer’s, Use These Oils Instead

Big Agra has done an incredible job of selling consumers the so-called “health benefits” of soy.

I’ve been warning my patients to ignore the hype for years. Because the truth is, soy is toxic.

As a regular reader, you know soybean products are loaded with estrogen mimickers that cause erectile dysfunction, man boobs, loss of bone and muscle mass, and at least half a dozen different types of cancer.

Soy also contains goitrogens – plant chemicals that inhibit thyroid function. We’ve known for years soy impairs insulin secretion and can actually cause obesity and diabetes.1

But now, researchers at the University of California have discovered soy products can cause neurological damage to the brain.

Their study, published in the scientific journal Endocrinology, found that products containing soybean oil trigger a range of neurological changes in the brains of mice, which may contribute to mental health conditions in humans.

The researchers showed that soybean oil upregulates several genetic switches in the hypothalamus, a part of the brain associated with mood and behavior swings, anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, and autism.2

Even more disturbing, the study found a strong connection between soybean oil and Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Today, soybean oil is the most widely produced and consumed edible oil in the United States. And it plays a big role in the huge uptick in chronic health diseases we continue to experience in this country…

You see, your body simply was never designed to consume soy. And, up until 30 years ago, soy was deemed unfit to eat. It was originally grown as a crop rotation plant used to improve soil quality.

Sadly, that hasn’t prevented Big Agra from pushing its cheap soybean oil on millions of unsuspecting Americans.

The good news is that there are genuinely healthy alternatives to soybean oil that won’t damage your brain or any other part of your body.

I recommend olive, avocado, lard, and ghee for cooking. But, my favorite is grapeseed oil…

The seeds of grapes are wonders of nature. They contain disease fighters that are so potent, I call them super-antioxidants.

Studies show that grape seed:3,4,5,6,7,8

  • Is a natural antibiotic that can fight infections
  • Improves blood sugar and insulin sensitivity
  • Slows brain aging and boosts mental capacity
  • Improves cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure
  • Improves blood flow and reduces the risk of blood clots
  • Boosts bone strength and density

And unlike soybean oil, grape seed’s combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components can reduce your risk of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s.

Grape seed contains gallic acid. Animal and lab studies have shown that this polyphenol can inhibit the formation of fibrils by beta-amyloid proteins.9 Clusters of beta-amyloid peptides in the brain are a characteristic symptom of Alzheimer’s.

Additional studies have found that grape seed may prevent memory loss, improve the cognitive status and brain antioxidant levels, and reduce brain lesions and amyloid clusters.10

I’ve recommended switching to grapeseed oil for years. And cooking with grapeseed oil is a real joy. You can use it as you would any cooking oil.

Aside from its health benefits, grapeseed oil has a very high smoke point and won’t smoke until it reaches 485 degrees. This means you can sauté and pan-sear your favorite dishes at high temperatures without burning.

You can also get all the benefits in a more convenient form of grapeseed extract, which is available as a supplement. To get a consistent result, take it regularly. I recommend 100 mg twice a day.

2 More Oils That Will Bulletproof Your Brain

Here are two more oils that protect your brain. I suggest including all three in your cooking routine for increased benefits and flavor.

    • Boost brain performance with coconut oil. This healthy fat continues to get a bad rap. But, it’s made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are good for your brain. A recent study found that MCTs in coconut oil helped dementia patients boost performance on cognitive tests “significantly.”11
    • Improve memory with walnut oil. A new study published in the journal Nutrients found walnut consumption significantly improves memory, learning skills, motor coordination, and anxiety, while also helping to protect against cognitive decline and slowing the progression of dementia.12

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. Deol P, et al. “Soybean oil is more obesogenic and diabetogenic than coconut oil and fructose in the mouse: a potential role for the liver.” PLoS One. 2015 Jul 22;10(7).
2. Deol P, et al. “Dysregulation of hypothalamic gene expression and the oxytocinergic system by soybean oil diets in male mice.” Endocrinology, 2020. 161(2)..
3. Furiga A, et al. “In vitro study of antioxidant capacity and antibacterial activity on oral anaerobes of a grape seed extract.” Food Chemistry. August 2008.
4. Devi SA, et al. “Grape seed proanthocyanidin lowers brain oxidative stress in adult and middle-aged rats.” Experimental Gerontology. April 2011.
5. Garavaglia J, et al. “Grape seed oil compounds: biological and chemical actions for health.” Nutr Metab Insights. 2016 Aug 16;9:59-64.
6. Zhang H, et al. “The impact of grape seed extract treatment on blood pressure changes.” Medicine (Baltimore). 2016 Aug; 95(33).
7. Shenoy S, et al. “Effects of grape seed extract consumption on platelet function in postmenopausal women.” Thromb Res.. 2007;121(3):431-2.
8. Yahara N, et al. “Mechanical assessment of effects of grape seed proanthocyanidins extract on tibial bone diaphysis in rats.” J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact. 2005 Jun;5(2):162-9.
9. Liu Y, et al. “Gallic acid is the major component of grape seed extract that inhibits amyloid fibril formation.” Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2013 Dec 1;23(23):6336-40.
10. Society for Neuroscience. “Grape seed extract may reduce cognitive decline associated with Alzheimer’s Disease.” ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 18 June 2008.
11. Fortier M, et al. “A ketogenic drink improves cognition in mild cognitive impairment: Results of a 6-month RCT.” Alzheimer’s Dement. 2021 Mar;17(3):543-552.
12. Chauhan A and Chauhan V.“Beneficial effects of walnuts on cognition and brain health.” Nutrients. 2020 Feb; 12(2): 550.