Stem Cells BEAT New Drug

The FDA approved a brand-new diabetes drug last month…

It’s an insulin pill produced by pharmaceutical company Novo Nordisk. The Big Pharma giant calls it the “holy grail” of diabetes treatment claiming it slows down digestion and prevents the liver from making too much sugar. This will help the pancreas produce more insulin.

But as I’ve told you… we don’t need more dangerous drugs to beat diabetes.

Even the drug’s maker and the FDA acknowledge its dangers — and admit that it is “not recommended as the first choice for treating diabetes.” But this drug has serious risks associated with it. The most dangerous is that it can cause thyroid tumors and cancer.

The drug label also warns about inflammation of the pancreas, vision loss, low blood sugar and kidney injury. “Lesser” side effects include rapid heartbeat, slurred speech, confusion, mood changes and anxiety, headaches and drowsiness.

But I’m sure a lot of mainstream doctors will be prescribing it. It’s another way to keep patients locked into Big Pharma’s drug machine for life… prescribing pills because it’s all they know. You see, most doctors are unable to treat diabetes effectively because they don’t understand what REALLY causes this disease.

It’s not your genes and it’s not your fault… It’s the abnormal environment we live in. An environmental shift that started when our ancestors went from hunting for their food to farming.

I always say that when you solve one problem, you create another. This transformation from a meat- and fat-based meal plan — what I call Primal — to a grain-based diet has left us weak and diseased.

Our bodies cannot handle all the carbohydrates modern humans eat. Every time you eat carbs your pancreas has to put out insulin to clear your blood of the sugar produced by those

carbs. The insulin sends the sugar into your cells for energy. But over time with too many carbs, your body becomes resistant to insulin. Your pancreas burns out and you can’t produce any more. Your cells get no energy and sugar builds up in your bloodstream.

It’s making us sicker and fatter. I call this epidemic Syndrome Zero. And it’s at the root of almost every chronic disease we face today. From obesity, heart disease and cancer to Alzheimer’s, arthritis and high blood pressure. And of course diabetes.

We are having great success treating patients here at the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. Every day, I’m seeing patients reverse deadly chronic diseases.

The first step is helping your body to detox from all the dangerous toxins its been exposed to over the years.

Then I help them balance blood sugar — without insulin. I place patients on my Primal Power Meal Plan. This helps to keep their blood sugar low naturally by choosing foods with a zero score on the glycemic index (GI) — keeping blood sugar low and stable.

But here’s where my diabetes protocol differs from anything else you’ll find anywhere… I treat my patients’ diabetes using a procedure I’ve named HyperStem. It combines the healing power of stem cells with the regenerative power of hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This one-two punch doesn’t just double the life-saving effects of stem cell therapy. It provides eight times more healing power!

As you know, stem cells are the basic building blocks of your entire body. They can be transformed into virtually every cell type. And they allow your body to heal itself.

In an animal study at Stanford University, researchers reversed diabetes completely in mice using stem cell technology. The therapy kept blood sugar healthy for the equivalent of 10 human years.1 The procedure was so successful that even the lead scientist admits he was surprised.

In another study, researchers at Northwestern University treated patients using their own stem cells. The results were amazing. Nearly 87% of patients saw their body’s ability to produce insulin completely restored.2

And researchers at Swiss Medica Clinic were able to eliminate or reduce the need for insulin by 80% or more in type 2 diabetics over a six-month period.3

I take it one step further and add oxygen therapy. HBOT mobilizes stem cells from the bone marrow. In one study, researchers from the University of Pennsylvania gave a series of 20 HBOT treatments to 18 people.

Following just one two-hour treatment stem cells increased by 50%. After the full 20 HBOT treatments stem cells increased by 800%.4

I call HyperStem the biggest breakthrough in regenerative medicine today. And I plan to share more information about it at my upcoming Confidential Cures Summit in December.

Cure Diabetes in 5 Simple Steps

If you’re interested in curing diabetes with HyperStem, please call my clinic at 561-410-7854. My staff will be happy to answer your questions. Here’s what you can expect…

  1. Relax and breathe: We take you to the HBOT chamber. As you recline comfortably, you’ll breathe in 100% oxygen. A typical session takes just over an hour.
  2. Harvest: Using a painless liposuction procedure, fat tissue is removed from your abdomen or love handles. This minimally invasive procedure is done during an office visit.
  3. Isolate: We isolate your stem cells from your extracted fat tissue down to its most vital and natural state. Your cells are not changed in any way. They are then prepped for fast, safe, and 100% pure reintroduction into your body.
  4. Infuse: Your stem cells are reintroduced back into your body through an IV infusion.
  5. And we return you to the HBOT chamber.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS


1. Estrada EJ, et al. “Combined treatment of intrapancreatic autologous bone marrow stem cells and hyperbaric oxygen in type 2 diabetes mellitus.” Cell Transplant. 2008;17(12):1295-1304.
2. Couri CE, et al. “C-peptide levels and insulin independence following autologous nonmyeloablative hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes mellitus.” JAMA. 2009;301(5):1573-1579.
3. Swiss Medica 21. Diabetes type 2 stem cell treatment. Accessed September 11, 2018. Accessed on September 23, 2019.
4. Thom SR, et al. “Stem cell mobilization by hyperbaric oxygen.” Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol. 2006;290(4):H1378-H1386.