How Many Apples a Day?

When I was a kid, the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” was pretty much right on target.
Back then, apples were full of energy-rich nutrients you need to stay vital, youthful and energized. But today’s apples are a different story.

How Many Apples a Day Keeps The Doctor Away?

You’ve heard the saying about “an apple a day,” right?
My granddad told me that when I was a kid. He lived into his 90s and was as strong as an ox up until the day he died. Back then, the saying meant something.
But today, the produce you get from your grocery store doesn’t have the same level of vitamins, minerals or fiber it did years ago. In fact, you would have to eat 26 of today’s apples to equal just one apple from 1914.1
Why should you care about that?