The cause of Alzheimer’s discovered?

I’ve been telling my patients for years that the single most important thing you can do to prevent Alzheimer’s is to control inflammation.

Now, the latest research is proving me right.

It’s been obvious to me that the continual focus on amyloid plaques, tau tangles and genetics has been way off target.

As I’ve suspected, and a slew of recent research now proves, these rogue proteins – which clump together and gum up your brain, causing cell destruction, brain tissue loss, memory loss, confusion and, ultimately, death – are a consequence of Alzheimer’s, not the cause.

And we now know these proteins don’t appear because of your genes. They are your brain’s immune system reaction to the huge excess of processed carbohydrates in our modern diet.

Regular readers will already know about the dangers of Syndrome Zero, the underlying condition of sky-high insulin levels that drives almost every chronic condition that plagues us today – including heart disease, diabetes and Alzheimer’s.

Eliminate These Inflammatory Foods

Now, research from the University of Florida has revealed the true dangers of high-carb diets, and especially the consumption of high fructose corn syrup – a common ingredient found in most sugary drinks and processed foods in America.

They disrupt the brain’s insulin signaling and alert your immune system to trigger a neuro-inflammatory response – laying the groundwork for Alzheimer’s to begin its destruction.1

You see, normally, immune cells will destroy these amyloids and tau proteins. But everything becomes sluggish in an aging and inflamed brain.

A number of studies have now identified a direct link between Alzheimer’s and tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a signaling molecule that triggers inflammation.2,3,4

It turns out that a lifetime of carb excess triggers high levels of TNF, which in turn kills neurons and brain tissue with inflammation.

The good

news is that there are many ways to knock out brain inflammation. The first thing to do is cut all processed and carb-based foods from your diet – like bread, cakes, buns and especially anything containing high fructose corn syrup.

I recommend limiting carbs to no more than 20% to 30% of your diet. Your body should get most of its calories from fat and protein, which won’t spike insulin or trigger inflammation.

Cool Neuroinflammation Two Ways

I help my patients by recommending a number of nutrients with the specific purpose of cooling neuroinflammation. Here are two of the most effective.

  • Take B Vitamins: Literally hundreds of studies have confirmed the definitive link between vitamin B deficiencies and neurodegenerative conditions, including Alzheimer’s. But vitamins B12, B6, B1, B2, niacin (B3) and folate (B9) have all been shown to protect against the disease by reducing inflammation in the brain and other neuroprotective qualities.5 I recommend taking a good quality B-complex vitamin supplement. But make sure the active form of folic acid and B12 are used.
  • Use Turmeric: This Indian spice has been used for thousands of years in Ayurvedic medicine for its anti-inflammatory qualities – thanks to curcumin, it’s main active ingredient. Studies show that curcumin clears amyloid plaques and its anti-inflammatory properties prevent the destruction of nerve cells and brain tissue. You can take curcumin by cooking with turmeric. But the easiest way is with a supplement. Make sure you choose one with at least 90% curcuminoids and that it contains piperine. Take between 500-1,000 mg each day.

1 De Sousa Rodrigues ME, et al. “Targeting soluble tumor necrosis factor as a potential intervention to lower risk for late-onset Alzheimer’s disease associated with obesity, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes.” Alz Res Therapy 12. 2020
2 Landhuis E. “Could the immune system be key to Alzheimer’s disease? Knowable Magazine.” Feb 2, 2021.
3 Chang R. “Tumor necrosis factor α Inhibition for Alzheimer’s Disease. Journal of Central Nervous System Disease Volume 9: 1–5.” 2017
4 Zhou M, et al. “Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) blocking agents are associated with lower risk for Alzheimer’s disease in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis.” Plos One.  March 23, 2020.
5 Morris MC, et al. “Thoughts on B-vitamins and dementia.” Journal of Alzheimer’s disease: 2006;9(4):429-433.