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Important Alert from Dr. Sears: Dear Health Conscious Reader, Here’s something you should know.
Unless you have already taken steps to prevent it, you are ingesting unsafe quantities of female hormones on a regular basis. And that’s not good. Let me explain… Female hormones known as estrogens are added to animal feed because, like us, this makes animals fat. Many chemicals used in farming and industry also mimic estrogens. To make matters worse, other chemicals in your environment are making the male hormone, testosterone, plummet. After 20 years of making men lean, robust and virile, writing 9 books and lecturing around the country, I can tell you this is a major problem for men. And, that the medical establishment has done nothing to stop it. Doctors Don’t Do Anything about This!
This problem is very common and getting worse: Falling testosterone with abnormally high estrogen is plain and simple, BAD NEWS! It zaps you of energy, muscle, sex drive, speed, physical strength and mental focus.
My clinics have seen an explosion of this problem in recent years. Hundreds of middle-aged and elder men suffering from fatigue, weakness, flabby, feeble muscles, failing hearts and lost sexuality. (Some actually have more female estrogen than testosterone.) These bastard hormones from your modern environment are also putting you at undue risk for cancers, heart disease and diabetes.
Now it all makes sense!
Why do 90% of elder American men develop enlarged prostates? Why doesn’t it occur in other parts of the world? The answer is, again, estrogens from your environment. You see, your prostate grows from the same tissue as a woman’s uterus and retains estrogen receptors. Over time, exposure to excess estrogen stimulates it to overgrow and puts undue pressure on your bladder and urethra.
It’s That Easy! This problem is all around you. Drive by any high school (or nowadays even a middle school). You’ll see big butts and breasts on 13-year-old girls. You may wonder why our young girls are looking so sexually mature. The answer is … you guessed it … estrogens in our environment.
And, they cause another problem – they are inflammatory. You fight them with antibodies and white blood cells. This “warfare” damages your cartilage, bones and joints. We now know that heart disease is not caused by cholesterol but inflammation inside your blood vessels. Inflammation even causes senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.
This Can – and Will – Happen to You, Too!
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