The Couch Potato Test

Health Alert 228

Dear Subscriber:

Do you ever find yourself settling down on your couch at night, wanting nothing more than to relax and get over the stress of the day? Sure you do. And so do millions of Americans every day.

But when you cross the line from getting a well deserved rest to becoming a couch potato, you are placing your health at risk. Almost no part of your body is safe – your heart, your digestive tract, your muscles and bones, even your brain all scream for exercise. .

So before you sit down on the couch and grab the remote, take this quick test to see how close you are to becoming a couch potato.

* Take the Couch Potato Test*

Answer the following questions and keep score:1

1. I participate in active recreational sports for an hour or more:

a.) once a week (2 pts)

b.) twice a week (4 pts)

c.) three times a week (6 pts)

d.) four times a week (8pts)

e.) not at all (0 points)

2. I participate in vigorous fitness activities like aerobic dancing, roller blading, jogging, or swimming (at least 20 minutes for each session):

a.) once a week (3 pts)

b.) twice a week (6 pts)

c.) three times a week (9 pts)

d.) four times a week (12 pts)

e.) not at all (0 points)

3. I work out with weights for at least ten minutes:

a.) two sessions a week (2 pts)

b.) three sessions a week (3 pts)

c.) four sessions per week (4 pts)

d.) not at all (0 points)

4. I perform floor workouts (sit-ups, push-ups) for at least ten minutes:

a.) two sessions a week (2 pts)

b.) three sessions a week (3 pts)

c.) four sessions per week (4 pts)

d.) not at all (0 points)

5. I participate in yoga or perform stretching exercises for at least ten minutes:

a.) two sessions a week (2 pts)

b.) three sessions a week (3 pts)

c.) four sessions per week (4 pts)

d.) not at all (0 points)

6. I walk to and from work, a friend’s house, or shopping (1/2 mile each way) at least twice a week. (1 pt).7. I climb stairs rather than using elevators or escalators, every other day or more (1 pt)8. My job, school, or household routine involves physical activity that fits the following description:

a.) Most of my day is spent in desk work or light physical activity (0 pts)

b.) Most of my day is spent in farm activities, moderate physical, activity, brisk walking, or comparable activities (4 pts)

c.) My typical day includes several hours of heavy physical labor (shoveling, lifting, etc) (2 pts per day)

9. I do several hours of gardening, lawn work, or similar hobby work each week. (1 pt)10. At least once a week I dance vigorously (folk or line dancing) for an hour or more. (1 pt)11. In season, I play 9 to 18 holes of golf at least once a week, and I do not use a power cart. (2 pts)12. I walk for exercise or recreation:

a.) one to two hours a week (1 pt)

b.) three to four hours a week (2 pts)

c.) five hours or more a week (3 pts)

d.) not at all (0 pts)

13. In addition to the above, I engage in other forms of physical activity:

a.) one to two hours a week (1 pt)

b.) three to four hours a week (2 pts)

c.) five hours or more a week (3 pts)

* Was Your Score Lower Than 12 Points *

Calculate your total score. How did you do?

If your score was less than 12, you need to consider ways to realistically add exercise to your daily routine to avoid becoming a couch potato — and risking your health. Try a brisk 20 minute jog before sitting down for that Friends rerun. Or consider taking up tennis or racquetball for a few hours two or three times a week with a friend.

Another great way to add exercise to your routine is with quick ten-minute workouts using calisthenics. See Health Alert 160 for a list of quick and easy exercises that will make you healthier by reducing your body fat and increasing your metabolism.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears MD


1. Rebuild Real Health And Reverse Disease in 10 Minutes A Day By Dr. Al Sears