The Purest Place on Earth?

I always thought of the North Pole as the most pristine place on Earth. But not anymore.

It’s totally uninhabited by humans. Yet researchers are now finding toxins from the modern world there.1

These deadly chemicals are showing up in some other places you’d never expect them, contaminating wildlife. For instance:

  • Male polar bears in the North Pole are now being born with both male and female genitalia, making it virtually impossible for them to reproduce.
  • Alligators near Florida’s huge Lake Apopka have such small penises they cannot perform sexually. Since 1980, increased levels of the industrial agent DDT have exposed the gators to high concentrations of chemicals that mimic estrogen.2
  • Male panthers have decreased sperm counts, the fertility of the male bald eagle is decreasing sharply and male fish are turning up with feminine characteristics.3

Even humans are affected. Sperm counts in men have dropped in the last 50 years. And according to a report done by the European Science Foundation, at least one in every five men in Europe ages 18-25 are considered to be infertile.

We’re exposed to all of these same chemicals and toxins, too. On a daily basis. They’re in so many products we use, it’s almost impossible to escape their influence.

But I want to reassure you that it’s not impossible to overcome their effects.

For the past 20 years, I’ve been studying this troubling trend and how it can affect you. That’s why I developed a simple plan to help purify and protect your body from these dangers so you don’t have to worry about this exposure threatening your health.

Today I’m going to show you quick, simple steps you can take to rid your body of these toxins and help keep them from returning – no matter how contaminated our environment becomes


This five-step plan works to remove the toxins already in your body. Plus it helps prevent the build-up of toxins in the future.

  1. Limit processed protein. Processed meat tends to accumulate a lot of pesticides and other dangerous toxins. Free-range chicken, grass-fed beef and cage-free eggs are your best options. Wild-caught fish are safe, too. Avoid all farm-raised fish because they are heavily exposed to pesticides. Deep sea fish like cod, halibut, sardines and mackerel are all good choices. If you don’t have access to free-range meat, be sure to cut off any visible fat. Many of the worst chemicals get stored in it.
  2. Choose locally grown, organic produce to avoid consuming pesticides. If you can’t find organic, be sure to thoroughly wash and peel your fruits and vegetables to lower your chance of being exposed to chemicals.
  3. Don’t use plastic. Most plastic bottles and containers contain toxins like parabens and BPA that can affect your hormone levels and contaminate your system. Choose glass bottles and containers whenever possible.
  4. Eat more estrogen-fighting foods. These include berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, squash, onions, green beans, figs, melons and pumpkin seeds. Incorporate cruciferous vegetables into your diet. Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and cabbage all help you excrete excess estrogen.
  5. Test your water. Pesticides tend to find their way into municipal water systems so you’ll want to test your water with a kit or request a water report from your city to see if the water you’re drinking and bathing in is clean. If your water fails the test, a filter is an easy solution.
    For your faucets, look for a carbon block filter that removes particles less than or equal to 1 micron in diameter. For your shower, look for a filter that gets rid of chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and Trihalomethanes (THMs). VOCs are man-made chemicals, fuel components and byproducts. Formaldehyde is an example of a VOC. THMs are solvents, refrigerants and byproducts.

It’s a simple process to install these filters. You’ll need a wrench and some plumber’s tape. Some shower filters completely replace the showerhead. Others you insert above the showerhead.

1. Ma J, Hung H, Chongguo T, et al. “Revolatization of persistent organic pollutants in the Arctic induced by climate change,” Nature Climate Change 2011; 255–260.
Guillette LJ, et al. (1996). “Reduction in Penis Size and Plasma Testosterone Concentrations in Juvenile Alligators Living in a Contaminated Environment,” General and Comparative Endocrinology 101:32-42.
Toppari J, Larsen JC, et al. “Male reproductive health and environmental xenoestrogens,” Environ Health Perspect. 1996 August; 104(Suppl 4): 741–803.