The Secret to Build Muscle without Fat

Health Alert 316

Men and women both ask me can they build muscle and at the same time burn fat. The answer is yes. It can be done but it’s not easy to do, and most people don’t know the secret.

Eating fewer carbs is key to getting lean. Yet, to gain muscle, your body needs more fuel than you usually get from a low-carb diet. But that doesn’t mean eating bread and pasta will get the results you want.

Today, I’ll show you how to get the best of both worlds. Get the muscle you want without the fat, heart disease, diabetes and poor health that comes from high carb foods.

The Proof is in the Protein

A very revealing new study shows a central point I always try to get across to my nutrition class at Barry University. People who ate a low-carb diet while raising their protein intake, lost fat andgained muscle.(1) In fact, the people who ate a low-carb, high-protein diet, lost seven pounds in six weeks. The group who followed a normal diet didn’t lose any weight. And, the high-protein group simultaneously gained twice as much muscle.

Protein is important for both losing weight and gaining muscle. Not only does it stimulate muscle growth, it can actually help your body burn fat. Protein creates an environment of abundance and good times in your body. You don’t need body fat if you will eat well again tomorrow. So, you will start to burn fat. A lack of protein does the opposite. It tells your body to store fat because your body fears famine.

Protein is your key to good health. Without it you’ll die. Carbs are a different story. Here’s something that might surprise you: your daily requirement of carbs is zero. You don’t need carbs at all. You can easily make carbs from fat or protein.

For years, the USDA’s food pyramid has been the model for the American diet. But by telling us to eat so many grains, carbs and starchy foods, we became the fattest nation on earth. The high carb diet causes problems with exercise too.

A recent study found that people eating high carb diets lowered the effectiveness of their exercise. When they started to lose weight, they lost muscle along with the fat. In some cases, muscle loss was as high as 30%.(2)

The same study revealed dramatic results for those on a protein rich diet. They lost more weight than the high carb dieters did. In addition, almost 100% of the weight they lost was pure fat. This means it’s a lot easier to lose that "spare tire" around your mid section. A high protein diet dramatically lowers your triglycerides as well. The combined effect is great for your heart.

A Few Simple Tips for Getting More Protein

The good news is: Foods that are protein rich are the best tasting. Meat and eggs are your best sources. If possible, eat grass-fed beef. The flavor is great and it’s far better for you because it has the right kinds of fats. When you eat commercial beef, find lean cuts or trim the fat yourself.

Eggs are the perfect food. I eat them everyday. They are the "Gold Standard" by which we rate all other protein. This means that all of the amino acids are there in the ratios you need in one place. For best results, eat eggs that come from free-range chickens.

If you’re not getting enough protein, supplementing with protein powder can help. A protein shake especially after working out is a reliable way to boost your protein intake. Make sure the powder is pure protein. It should have no more than a few grams of carbs.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

(1) Phinney S. Ketogenic diets and physical performance. Nutrition & Metabolism. Aug 2004. 1:2

(2) Layman D, et al. Dietary Protein and Exercise Have Additive Effects on Body Composition during Weight Loss. J. Nutr. 135:1903-1910, August 2005