This Changed My Way of Thinking

Dear Reader,

My trip to search out the birthplace of the most ancient health system on the planet in the southern backwaters of India had an unexpected affect. It changed my way of thinking. Here’s what I mean:

I was introduced to a local elder yogi – A.G. He had the most intriguing calmness but was always alert and quick witted. I asked him his secret for such control. He said there was a connection between the “speed” of your thoughts and how you feel at any given moment. As he told me more about this technique, I came to realize that he was talking about brain waves.

As you read this letter, your brain is sending out electrical impulses through its network of neurons and synapses. These electrical impulses can be measured by a device called an electroencephalograph (EEG), and seen on a monitor as brain wave patterns.

The speed of the electrical impulses moving through your brain cells is called frequency, and is measured in hertz or cycles per second. The frequency of your brain waves determines your state of mind and how you react to the situation around you.

It can mean the difference between feeling stressed, alone and separate from your environment or feeling calm and centered.

During your day-to-day activities, your brain waves are in the beta range (14 to 32 Hz). But at the high end of this scale, you start to feel stress, pain and anxiety. When you’re relaxed and focused you move into the alpha range (7 to 14 Hz).

As you fall asleep, your brain waves slow down and enter the theta range (3.5 to 7 Hz). When you’re awake, theta ranges are places of deep meditation and spiritual insight. Slowing down even further takes you into the deepest, delta range (0.1 to 3.5 Hz). Most people cannot stay awake during this state. It’s usually associated with dreamless sleep.

But my yogi friend made me realize that it’s possible to alter the frequency of your brain waves. You can do it yourself without any formal training.

By meditating and focusing your mind, you not only slow down your brain waves; you can actually synchronize the two hemispheres of your brain. And by balancing both sides of your brain you bring about a sense of peace and well being.

Most people have one side of the brain that becomes dominant. And the brain waves from this side will have a different frequency that the other side. As these two frequencies clash, confusion and chaos result. It’s like listening to two different radio stations at the same time. This is called brain lateralization.

When you live like this every day, you tend to feel tired, weak and overwhelmed. But you can re-harmonize the two sides of your brain so they are both tuned to the same frequencies. As you progress, you can move deeper and deeper into the alpha, theta and delta ranges.

The technique I learned from the yogi is very simple. Start by sitting in a comfortably. Rest the fingers of your left hand on top of the fingers of your right hand and bring your thumbs together. It almost feels as if you’re holding a small bowl. This is one of the classic “mudras” or hand positions for meditation.

Sit with your spine upright and slightly tuck in your chin. Think about the place at the base of your skull and imagine you’re lifting upwards. This allows your top seven vertebrae to straighten. Then simply count each inhalation and exhalation and let your awareness settle on the movement of your breath. Inhale and count “one.” Exhale and count “two.” But don’t count out loud, just to yourself.

Try this for 10 to 15 minutes. You’ll be surprised at how difficult it is at first. Your mind will race and thoughts and feelings will flood your mind. But don’t hold on to them. Just let them go.

Back in the old days, this form of meditation (along with yoga, tai chi, etc.) were the only tools people had to slow their brain waves and feel a sense of calm and joy. But today, new technologies allow you to take a kind of short cut.

One such system is called HoloSync. It uses a technology called “binaural beats” to create a specific frequency that harmonizes both hemispheres of your brain. Binaural beats are pulses of a certain frequency that happen simultaneously – one on the left side and one on the right. You listen to it with headphones and over time it actually slows down your brain waves!

Your ears hear a very soft and relaxing music. But underneath, there is a “carrier frequency” that helps your brain creates slower, deeper brain waves.

I only recently discovered and tried it. Over time, I felt more and more focused. I rarely feel upset or stressed out. And I’m more productive, too.

You can find out more by clicking HERE.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD