To Your Good Health in 2007!

Dear Member,

The end of every year is a good time for you to take a moment, look back, and reflect. It’s a natural time to review your goals and make new ones for the coming year. As I look at 2006 myself, I have a lot to be thankful for.

Over the last 12 months, I’ve created two new businesses, published two new books, launched a newsletter, taught classes at Barry University, treated several thousand patients, trained a new physician at my clinic (Dr. Blossom Kunnel), and formed several important new research partnerships for my Wellness Research Foundation.

But my end-of-year review reveals that with all this work, I temporarily lost sight of the most important thing that usually keeps me grounded and focused: My own fitness. I just measured my body composition and had a bit of a shock. I have 28% body fat.

I usually stay around 15% body fat but for the first time since medical school I allowed my busy schedule to get in the way of my health – the thing that I admonish my patients against doing!

So I’ve made a resolution and I want to share it with you. During the first three months of the New Year, I’m going to lose half of my body fat. I plan on leaning down to 14% body fat. This is your invitation to join me…

Next month marks the beginning of my Dr. Sears Fat Loss Challenge. The goal is to lose an equal or greater percentage body fat than me. And if you win, I’ll pay you. Anyone who surpasses my own body fat loss will receive a special collection of health and fitness books, DVDs and audio downloads. A value of over $200.

And for the person who gets the greatest percentage body fat reduction…. You’ll win the grand prize of $5,000 cash. And there will be runner-up prizes and consolation prizes for anyone with the gumption to participate.

All you have to do is measure your own body composition and use that as a starting point. You can go to any gym and ask them to measure it for you. Or all you need is a pair of calipers to do it yourself. It takes less than 60 seconds to get your reading. (At the end of this article, you’ll find a link to get your own calipers.)

Once you get your first set of numbers, write them down. Then take another measurement every two weeks for three months. That’s all there is to it.

The start date is January 15, 2007. Over the next few weeks, I’ll give you tips and techniques you can use to burn the greatest amount of fat in the shortest time possible. I’ll make sure you have everything you need to maximize fat loss by April 10, 2007.

And when you measure your body composition, you’ll also discover other important numbers – like your lean body mass. Your lean body mass is key to calculating the optimal number of grams of protein to eat per day to speed fat loss. That’s your first fat-loss tip.

Giving your body an abundance of protein will trigger a fat loss response. It’s a very effective fat burning technique that most of the world doesn’t know about. In fact, most nutritionists sentence their followers to failure by focusing solely on calories for weight loss. When your only change is reducing calories consumed, your body responds by decreasing calories burned. It’s the metabolic equivalent to chasing your tail. Yet when you eat excess protein, your body gets the message that “times are good.” And during times of abundance, your body naturally burns off fat stores.

During times of “famine,” your body will make and store fat as a way of protecting itself from starvation. Your body reads our modern diet as “impending famine” – especially if you cut calories in a diet that is high in carbs and low in essential fatty acids.

Here is your link to register and get started. For now, prepare your strategy, get ready and make a resolution to join me as I get lean. For immediate help, go to my website ( and click on “Dr. Sears Articles.” Then click on “Weight Loss.” You’ll find a list of articles for practical advice and inspiration.

Stay tuned for more tips over the next few weeks… And may I be the first to wish you a Healthy and Happy New Year!

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD