Warrior Strength

Health Alert 182

If you want real strength – strength that matters – you may not want to spend your money on a set of weights. There is a better way to build strength. Weights work well to build muscle mass and sometimes people need that. But don’t confuse size with real world strength.

In years of studying fitness, one glaring limitation of weight training remains. It’s not really “training” anything. It’s more “untraining” your muscles. It teaches them to do nothing but tense.

* Cave Man Strong *

Exercises that put your body through natural patterns of movement train your entire circuit from thought to action. This is essential if you want that new muscle to be capable of doing anything. When you call on your muscles in real life, they move against the resistance of your own body weight. Before weight training became the rule, we called these exercises calisthenics. They are still the best way to build functional strength.

Calisthenics are also much more effective in strengthening ligaments and tendons. Bottom line – nature didn’t build your muscles to life weights. To build strength that you can use, instead of working against weights for resistance, work against your own body weight.

I have just finished reading a newly published book on using your own body weight for strengthening and conditioning. I knew the program would be excellent because I know the author, Pavel, from his previous writing. Pavel has created a superb conditioning program with his newest book “The Naked Warrior – Master the Secrets of the Super-Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only”.

What is “The Naked Warrior”? It’s a program of proven techniques to build a super strong body using simple bodyweight exercises. I agree with Arthur Dreschler, author of the prestigious Weightlifting Encyclopedia: “Pavel has moved the art of exercise without weights to a new level.”

I truly believe that this is a great book for those who want to get in shape or stay in shape. To order a copy of Pavel’s “The Naked Warrior – Master the Secretes of the Super-Strong Using Bodyweight Exercises Only” go to Amazon.com: http://snipurl.com/6ajh

Al Sears, MD