Wherever she goes, people talk…

New York Woman Drops 77 Pounds and Tells the World:

“I Get Noticed Everywhere I Go!”

Breakthrough Ingredient From the African Bush Makes It Possible

Teresa looks spectacular in a bikini.

Men half her age walk up to her and start conversations, or tell her how great she looks. Wherever she goes, people talk.

But it wasn’t always like that. Teresa used to weigh 204 pounds and wear a size 14 dress.

When Teresa came to me for help, I gave her something to help balance her metabolism as part of her overall healthy approach to weight reduction.

And boy did it work.

Teresa went from 204 pounds all the way down to 127 pounds. And her dress size went from a 14 down to a 2.

Now she gets noticed everywhere she goes.

Here’s what she told me:

“I’m 51-years-old and I’ve lost a total of 77 pounds and I’m now a size 2. A SIZE 2!!! I have never been a size 2 ever, probably not even as a child. Thrilled is an understatement. It has brought my marriage back to life. I get noticed everywhere I go.

I’ve never had such an experience! It’s very exciting. People talk to me where they would have averted their eyes before. I have complete strangers approach me to say ‘hi’ or mention what I’m wearing. THANK YOU!!!!”*

In my travels around the world, one of the best native herbs I’ve ever discovered comes from deep in the forests of West Africa. I’ve seen it work again and again by helping your body to naturally resist storing more fat.

I believe it may be the most powerful weight-reduction herb ever tested. Thousands have already tried it. And once they see results, no one wants to stop.

You can use this very

same extract to burn pounds of unwanted fat as part of your weight-reduction program.

I’ll show you how in this letter.

From Lonely, Overweight Housewife to South Beach Glamour Girl?

Let me share with you what Teresa told me about her trip to Florida.

“Dr. Sears, you have given me something

I could never accomplish on my own. My confidence has soared. I just purchased a bikini and I’m no longer ashamed to wear it. I visited friends in Florida who were very surprised at my new size.

I went to Lowe’s [a hotel on Miami’s South Beach] and an attractive man walked up to me and said, ‘Hi, pretty lady!’ It was an incredible experience. People come up to me all the time and say how great I look!

I have so much energy and am so sincerely happy I cannot begin to tell you. I’m in my maintenance stage now and do your simple PACE exercise program and take your supplement daily.”

I’ve helped my patients change the way they look with this remarkable herb from West Africa.

What’s more, my patients change the way other people see them.

They get noticed. People talk to them and give them compliments. They have more energy, feel excited about life, and are just happier people.

Teresa is one, but there are many, many more.

You can get the same help I gave Teresa.

It’s easier than you think.

As long as you maintain a healthy diet and stay physically active, this weight-reduction herb can help you lose fat and trim inches off your waist.

Here’s how it happened for Teresa…

“I Can Wear Whatever I Want and Know It Will Look Good!”

“I was very excited at how easily the weight seemed to come off. Prior experience was a lot of work, a lot of sacrifice and a return, but not as compared to this. I had to buy new clothes at regular intervals because they were literally falling off me. My pants were so big I looked silly in them.

I have received many compliments from everyone. I am very pleased with the way I look and will often spend some time looking at myself in the mirror and being surprised at the woman looking back at me.

When I go shopping, I see jeans in size 2 and think, ‘wow, they are small… too small for me.’ But I try them on and they fit!” The best thing is that I can wear whatever I want and know it will look good!!”

I had heard there was a place in West Africa where the natives don’t get fat. Being overweight is nearly unknown.

A professor doing population studies discovered this curious fact. After watching this group and comparing them to others, he found something unique about their diet:

The locals use a paste derived from the seed of a “bush mango” to thicken their soups.

This professor, an expert in nutritional biochemistry at the University in nearby Cameroon, created an extract of this seed and ran his own tests.

I did some digging and found the study:

After 10 weeks, the people taking this extract lost an average of 28 pounds and lost 6 inches around their waist.

The results were published in a national, peer-reviewed journal.1

FOX News published an article when the news broke:

“I Think You Found a Gem Here…”

“Just started and my hanging stomach is getting leaner. In one week I have lost 4 lbs. I think you found a gem here.”*

– Manny M., El Paso, Texas

“An extract derived from a West African fruit may help overweight people shed pounds and lower their cholesterol, a new study suggests.”2

The West African herb – called irvingia gabonensis – makes losing weight easier. It’s one of the nutrients in my new slimming formula Primal Lean.

Primal Lean works two ways:

  • Resets your body’s “fat signals” so you make and store less fat.
  • Calms your appetite so you don’t feel as hungry during the day.

“I Feel Better Than I Ever Have…”

“I am amazed!!! I’m now feeling the tightening effect your other patients were describing… the belly fat was coming off… but now I am seeing the weight loss on my entire body, with a toned look on top of it. I feel better than I ever have. Keep doing what you’re doing, Dr. Sears. Thank you!!”*

– Susan B., Franklin, WI

Of course, Primal Lean should be used as part of a regular diet and exercise routine.

You can’t eat junk or never exercise and expect to get the body you want. Teresa lost 77 pounds when she decided to start living a healthy lifestyle. And when she started taking Primal Lean it helped in a big way.

There’s no such thing as “effortless fat loss,” but Primal Lean keeps you on target.

Let me explain.

Balance Your Body’s “Fat Signals”

Staying lean and trim as you age isn’t easy. You can eat right and exercise and still end up with a “spare tire” around your belly. It doesn’t seem fair.

But if you know why this is happening, you can do something about it. (And get an attractive, slim body.)

How does it work?

Your body has a “signal network” that controls your fat cells.

If this communication system breaks down, your fat cells get bigger and bigger… and you get more and more of them.

As you age, that’s exactly what happens.

I believe this herb helps improve those signals and helps reset your body’s delicate machinery. When it regains its balance, your body has the ability to better control fat production – just like it did when you were younger.

Fat Signal #1: Burning Fat for Energy – Naturally

When things are running smoothly, your fat cells produce leptin. This messenger sends out two signals: One, it tells your brain you’re full. That shuts down your hunger. Two, it tells the fat inside your cells to break down into a kind of fat that can be burned as energy.

When these signals are working, you don’t get hungry as often, and your body can burn fat as a source of fuel. That means fat gets burned naturally.

But when too many fat cells build up, a protein called CRP sticks to the leptin and prevents it from delivering its message to your brain. Signal lost.

This is called leptin resistance. The bottom line is you’ll feel hungry and the fat inside your cells will stay there.

When this happens, it triggers a series of other signal problems.

Fat Signal #2: Controlling Sensitivity to the “Fat Hormone”

Another messenger – adiponectin – controls your sensitivity to insulin. Insulin is the hormone that tells your body how much fat to make. When you have lots of adiponectin, your body responds more favorably to insulin, and your fat production is ideal. Your waist is smaller, and your heart is healthier.

But as you age, your levels of this critical fat signal drop… then you’re more likely to get bigger and fatter.

Fat Signal #3: The Bad Guy… Turning Blood Sugar Into Fat

The 3rd messenger is actually a bad guy you want to get rid of… it’s called glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase. This enzyme turns blood sugar into fat. Not what you want.

The magic behind Primal Lean is its ability to help restore your body’s signal network to function optimally. After a few weeks, the leptin signal to your brain is working better than before, adiponectin levels rise, and the bad guy – the fat making enzyme – gets cut off.

“Primal Lean Helps Curb My Food Cravings…”

“I am a fitness professional, but I love to eat. Primal Lean helps curb my food cravings so I can eat less without constantly being hungry or thinking about food. It also helps my body burn fat more efficiently.”*

– Yari, Delray Beach, Florida

“I Noticed an Effect Within a Few Weeks…”

“I had this favorite pair of Capri-style jeans and I could not get them on. I started taking Primal Lean right before the holidays, so I was probably eating more than I normally do, but I noticed an effect within a few weeks. I slimmed down and in spite of the holiday food I got back into the Capri pants.”*

– Arlene H., Wellington, Florida

“I Felt My Appetite Disappear Right Away…”

“After taking Primal Lean I felt my appetite disappear right away, no doubt about it. Another great thing is my pants are too big. I had to go digging in my closet and pull out a pair of jeans I hadn’t worn in years – and they fit! Amazing stuff.”*

– Cindy L., Wellington, Florida

You see, as you age, these signals get thrown off. No matter how much you exercise or how well you eat, you’ll always be vulnerable to age-related fat gain.

Unless, of course, you have what I consider to be the “secret weapon” that helps restore youthful balance.

In this case, balance means having a communication network that’s firing on all cylinders. When it does, it’s a beautiful thing to see. It may be one of the easiest ways to drop pounds.

How many years have you been fighting the love handles… or the pot belly? In 10 weeks or less, you’ll be on your way to dropping a good chunk of that extra fat.

Compared to years of struggle, 10 weeks seems to happen overnight.

Before the study, the group taking the herb in Primal Lean averaged 215 pounds. After the study, they averaged 187 pounds – for a net loss of 28 pounds.

The control group started at 212 pounds and went to 211 pounds. They lost an average of one pound, which means that almost nothing happened.

But there’s more to this than losing pounds.

This bombshell study first appeared in the journal Lipids in Health and Disease. “Lipids” means “fatty acids,” like cholesterol. The editors of this medical journal were more interested in the remarkable way this extract helps maintain normal blood fat levels.

Recognize any of these names?

Total cholesterol… HDL… LDL… blood glucose… C-reactive protein…

These are some of the terms you’ll find on your blood tests when you go to a doctor. Like the “fat signals,” this study suggests that this West African extract has the power to maintain health in other parts of your body, too.

Imagine going to the doctor and continuing to see “within normal range” on many of your blood tests? It turns out this extract has a remarkable effect on a range of heart health indicators.

“I Noticed Such Immediate Results…”

“Within minutes my hunger was comfortably suppressed. I noticed such immediate results.”*

– Jerry N., Sedona, Arizona

“Not Having Those Cravings Is Awesome…”

“Since I started taking Primal Lean, I have noticed the appetite suppressant right away! I really like how I feel and not having those cravings is awesome.”*

– Penny M., Boynton Beach, Florida

This kind of extract is called an adaptogen. An adaptogen is a natural substance that helps your body adapt to stress and supports normal bodily processes. Ginseng is a good example.

But this exciting weight-reduction herb is more powerful. It’s more than just a supplement you take for increased energy. It has very specific talents. It ramps up your body’s ability to lose pounds and has a supportive effect on your blood fats.

That makes it a monumental find.

But there’s more to Primal Lean than what I discovered in the African Bush.

I didn’t just take an herb and put it in a bottle…
I did the research and made a more complete formula

If I limited Primal Lean to the West African herb I discovered, the results would not be as remarkable.

But that’s not the case. I have something better.

“Very, Very Happy With Primal Lean…”

“Very, very happy with your product [Primal Lean]. Have been using it for 3 weeks now and have lost 9 pounds, down from 199. I continue my normal light workouts. Ordering two more months supply now to help get me down to my goal of 175 to 180. (I’m 6’ tall.) Thank you for creating this wonderful product that really works!”*

– Larry W., Tallahassee, Florida

I uncovered startling research on another nutrient that has the potential to help reduce fat called fucoxanthin. (Pronounced: fu-coh-ZAN-thin)

This is a seaweed extract that was discovered by Japanese researchers quite by accident.

When a group of Japanese marine biologists fed fucoxanthin to their study animals, something remarkable happened. A microscopic protein – called UCP1 – suddenly became active.

This protein turns up your metabolic furnace and lets your cells burn fat for energy – even while you’re resting.

This nutritious and very safe seaweed extract actually flips your metabolic switch and “turns on” your body’s fat-burning switch.

The testing of this ingredient is very promising.

Many are animal tests, but there is one very exciting human test, too. While the human clinical trial tested a formula with more ingredients than just the fucoxanthin, the study suggests fucoxanthin may help burn fat.

The Japanese researchers were startled by the results. So they went to work. In a series of experiments, they gave two groups of mice the same diet, but one group supplemented with fucoxanthin.

In the fat tissue of the mice that supplemented with fucoxanthin, the researchers found high levels of the fat-burning protein UCP1. As a result, those mice lost a significant amount of fat. In the control group there was no difference.3

The same researchers later discovered that fucoxanthin even prevented potential fat cells from “growing up” and becoming mature fat cells in mice.4

Not only may fucoxanthin help you burn fat you already have…
it could help prevent the formation of future fat cells

A clinical study shows that a formula with fucoxanthin is effective for people, too. The trial was finished last year, and the study has been submitted for publication. From what I’ve seen, it looks impressive.

In the test group, people taking the formula with fucoxanthin lost an average of 15 pounds in four months. The people in the control group lost just three pounds. Those are good numbers.5

Primal Lean turned my practice upside down

Here at my clinic, I have trouble keeping Primal Lean in stock. And when I get a new shipment, it disappears. My patients pre-order just in case we run out again.

My staff, too. I have to limit the number of bottles they take home.

But I have good news.

I just secured a new supplier, and that’s why I’m writing to you today. With a reliable and consistent source, I have enough Primal Lean to offer you this special invitation.

Just keep in mind, it takes eight to ten weeks before you feel the whole effect. Sure, you’ll feel something before that… most of my patients do.

But in the spirit of full disclosure, I want you to understand that it takes weeks to feel the full effect.

There’s a reason for that.

Primal Lean is a natural supplement that helps reset and rebalance key systems in your body. It takes time for these changes to reach their full potential.

But like I said, if you look back and consider all the years you’ve been trying diets that didn’t work, exercise plans that didn’t work, and every new idea that came along… 10 weeks feels like nothing.

When you place your order, Primal Lean gets shipped right to your door, instantly giving you one of the most effective weight-reduction supplements I’ve ever recommended. And you don’t have to risk a single dollar.

I Want You to Feel This for Yourself

I sent you this special invitation so you could experience firsthand the amazing results Primal Lean can offer – without risk or regret.

Take my 10-week Primal Lean challenge. Lose all the fat you want. If you want to stop for any reason I’ll pick up the tab. I’ll pay for the whole thing.

Your results are guaranteed.

The look of joy, relief, and satisfaction on the faces of my patients is a powerful motivator.

I want the same for you.

So what are you waiting for? Accept my invitation right now by clicking the link below.

I’ll be with you every step of the way.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, M.D.

P.S. Please – for your sake – let me hear from you today. If I can’t help you, you’ll pay nothing. If I can, you’ll be writing me a letter, just like Teresa from New York did, telling me you get noticed everywhere you go!

Choose one of the following options…

BEST DEAL: You’ll SAVE 30% when you order 6 bottles of Primal Lean for just $197.22 plus FREE shipping and handling. That’s a total of $96.49 in discounts! You’ll also get Fat Loss Frauds! – just for ordering today!

Click Here to Order Your Best Deal!

GREAT DEAL: You’ll SAVE 20% when you order 3 bottles of Primal Lean for just $112.71 plus FREE shipping and handling.That’s a total of $37.12 in discounts!

Click Here to Order Your Great Deal!

TRIAL OFFER: Order one bottle Primal Lean for just $46.96 + $6.95 shipping and handling.

Click Here to Order Your Trial Offer!

AUTO SHIP PROGRAM: Save even more on Primal Lean! Please sign me up for the Auto Ship delivery service. I will receive three fresh bottles every 90 days.

My credit card will be automatically charged every 90 days to ensure on-time delivery. I pay just $112.71 with FREE shipping and handling. That’s a total savings of $196.08 a year off the single bottle price. I can cancel any time with no hassles or explanations.

Click Here to Start Today!

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

* Results Not Typical. These individuals achieved their results by following a healthy lifestyle plan and using Primal Lean. When attempting to lose weight, it’s important that you reduce your caloric intake and engage in moderate exercise.

  1. Oben JE, et al. “Irvingia gabonensis significantly reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight humans.” Lipids in Health and Disease. 2009, 8:7.
  2. Reuters. “Exotic Fruit Extract May Shed Pounds, Lower Cholesterol.” March 24, 2009. FOXNews.com
  3. Maeda H, et al. “Fucoxanthin shows antiobesity effect through UCP1 expression in white adipose tissues.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2005 Jul 1;332(2):392-7.
  4. Sugawara T, et al. “Antiangiogenic activity of fucoxanthin.” J Agric Food Chem. 2006 Dec 27;54(26):9805-10.
  5. Ramazanov, Z. “Effect of fucoxanthin on energy expenditure in obese women: a double-blind, randomized and placebo-controlled trial.” Submitted for publication 2008.