Who Protects You from Dangerous Drugs?

Just like you, my first responsibility is to my family but if you’re a doctor, you’re also responsible for your patients and you may feel a sense of responsibility for the public welfare as well. That means warning them when they are in danger, especially when the danger, by all rational accounts, is a completely unnecessary danger.

In today’s Health Alert, I’ll tell you about a new drug headed for approval by the FDA. If the FDA proceeds with their plan, you should avoid this drug.

The FDA Turns a Blind Eye… Again

Big drug makers are always looking for a new way to sell an old trick. Whenever a new drug comes out, they have only a limited time to rake in the profits. When their patent runs out, other companies can make cheaper, generic forms of the same drug. This rush to make new versions of an old idea has increasing driven new drug development in modern times.

A few months ago, the FDA recommended approval for a new diabetes drug called muraglitazar. When an independent group of doctors asked to look at the same data presented to the FDA, that data revealed very chilling dangers.

Here’s a glimpse of what they found:

1.) The risk of death is over 100% higher than comparable drugs already on the market.

2.) Other side effects include heart attack, stroke and congestive heart failure.

3.) The drug maker didn’t talk about the increased risk of cancer, which occurred during animal testing.

4.) The risk of side effects is even higher when the new drug is taken with other medications. (This is often the case when dealing with diabetes.)

Even the conservative JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association) published an article urging the FDA to delay approval.[1] And, there were many

other problems with the drug-makers study not corrected by the FDA.

To get the best possible test results, they chose only younger people who were unlikely to have a negative reaction. Elderly folks were excluded, even though elders make up a significant portion of diabetes patients.

Another trick: They gave some of the subjects a very small dose, so they don’t have reactions. When the results are mixed in with the other data, it makes the drug appear safer.

You Don’t Need Drugs to Beat Diabetes

You can prevent – or reverse – diabetes without a drug. Lowering your blood sugar and boosting insulin sensitivity is a matter of natural food and exercise. (And sometimes nutrient or herbal supplements.)

I’ve reversed dozens of cases of diabetes by guiding people back onto the path that our ancestors lived, hundreds – if not thousands – of years ago.

In summary, here is my pan to reverse diabetes with food:

Your Key Points

1) Lower your glycemic index. Avoid starchiness here not sweetness (if it is sweet in its natural state.) You may be surprised to know that: Corn flakes raise blood sugar twice as much as orange juice and you get more blood sugar from spaghetti than you do ice cream. Here are two tips to simplify. Don’t eat anything made from grain and don’t eat anything made from potatoes.

3) Overconsume protein. This boosts growth hormone and restores insulin sensitivity. If you can have some faith and try it, you will see how it makes reversing diabetes easier.

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

[1] Nissen S. et al. Effect of Muraglitazar on Death and Major Adverse Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. JAMA. Nov 23/30, 2005. Vol. 294.