Win the War on Cancer With Help From Nature

Not long ago, the U.S. marked the 50th anniversary of the “War on Cancer.”

A lot of people thought the disease would be eradicated within a decade. But, the only real “winner” is Big Pharma.

A decade ago, the annual global cost of cancer drugs was $56 billion. It’s been going up ever since and next year it’s projected to jump to $206 billion.

But, it’s not just the cost going up. So is the number of people fighting the disease. Total U.S. cases will jump nearly 50% by 2050.1

Yet, despite these grim statistics, I see reason for hope. Because I know you can win your war on cancer.

You just need the right information.

The so-called experts blame cancer’s sharp rise on genetics. However, that doesn’t make any sense. After all, it’s not like the human genome has drastically changed in a couple of generations, leaving you more vulnerable.

What has changed is the influx of environmental toxins and the deluge of processed starches the human body was never designed to handle.

It’s a deadly combination. Tens of thousands of free radicals combine with waves of carb-driven insulin spikes to attack every cell in your body.

Without proper defenses, your cells are overwhelmed. I’m talking about insulin resistance, weight gain, rampant inflammation, and dangerous disruption in cellular energy production.

Research is beginning to back up what I’ve been telling my patients…DNA mutations are a secondary effect – and not cancer’s primary cause.

Studies show that cancer stems from disruptions in the tiny metabolic power plants that provide energy to the cell – your mitochondria.2

Mitochondrial dysfunction allows cancer cells to thrive while the rest of the cell begins to starve to death. Suddenly, your cells are defenseless. And this explains why all cancer cells have a common characteristic

: They are utterly devoid of healthy mitochondria.

So yes, cancer kills. But, only after it kills your mitochondria.

By protecting these power generators, you can wage your war on cancer — and win!

It all begins with a nutrient you probably associate more with good heart function than fighting cancer, CoQ10.

I was one of the first U.S. doctors to start testing patients’ CoQ10 levels, and the results I got were stunning… more than 80% of my patients were deficient in this vital nutrient.

Given the real cause of cancer, maintaining healthy cellular energy production is vital. And that’s what CoQ10 does.

CoQ10 is the No. 1 antioxidant that protects your mitochondria. When CoQ10 levels drop, mitochondria become vulnerable. Cellular energy production plummets, and your measurable rate of aging accelerates.

CoQ10 indeed plays a key role in heart function. Your continuously contracting heart muscle requires a lot of energy. But, it also stands guard in cells throughout your body, to prevent the toxic attacks that damage mitochondria, triggering the metabolic dysfunction that can put you on a shortcut to cancer.

One study of breast cancer patients in Denmark showed restoring healthy CoQ10 levels can halt cancer growth — and even cause tumors to disappear.3

The right amount of CoQ10 in the proper form powers up your mitochondria to neutralize the reactive oxygen attacks that cause dysfunction and can lead to cancer. I recommend at least 50 mg a day of CoQ10 in its more absorbable form, ubiquinol.

I highly recommend taking CoQ10 along with PQQ — pyrroloquinoline quinone. It’s the only nutrient shown to increase the development of new mitochondria, a process known as mitochondrial biogenesis.

The PQQ-CoQ10 combination is stunning. One study out of China showed PQQ kills cancer cells by tricking them into “self-destructing,” a process called apoptosis. In the presence of PQQ, the cancer cells imploded. Look for a CoQ10 supplement with 10 mg of PPQ.

Protect Yourself From Cancer – Naturally

The FDA has no interest in natural treatments and the prevention of cancer. They’re more intent on prosecuting doctors who stray from drug treatments. Here are two I always recommend:

    • Increase vitamin D levels. The cancer-fighting benefits of vitamin D are clear. A recent study found that low vitamin D levels significantly increase overall cancer risk.4 Another study reports the more vitamin D you make from sunshine, the lower your chances are of dying of 15 kinds of cancer.5 And a third found vitamin D can lower your cancer risk by 77%.6 Getting vitamin D from your diet and the sun is crucial But so is supplementing with the cholecalciferol form of D3. It’s identical to what your body produces. Be sure to avoid the synthetic, less potent vitamin D2. Get between 5,000 and 10,000 IUs a day.
    • Supplement with astragalus. I’m sure you are familiar with this root’s incredible immune-boosting benefits. But it’s also a widely used element in cancer treatment. Astragalus increases the production of your body’s anti-tumor agent, interferon. These naturally occurring antibodies found in the body harness the ability to slow (or even stop) the growth of tumors by stopping the reproduction of cancerous cells.7 An Italian study showed cancer patients treated with astragalus had the potential to live twice as long as those who received chemotherapy alone. In fact, researchers at the MD Anderson Cancer Center believe cancer patients who use astragalus can double their chances of survival.8

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD

Al Sears, MD, CNS



1. “Cancer Facts & Figures.”, American Cancer Society, 2020.
2. Seyfried T. “Cancer as a mitochondrial metabolic disease.” Front Cell Dev Biol. 7 July 2015.
3. Hertz N and ListerR. “Improved survival in patients with end-stage cancer treated with co-enzyme Coq10 and other antioxidants.” J Int Med Res. Nov-Dec 2009;37(6):1961-71.
4. Ordóñez-Mena J. “Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin d and cancer risk in older adults: results from a large German prospective cohort study.” Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2013 May;22(5):905-16.
5. Grant W, et al. “The association of solar ultraviolet B (UVB) with reducing the risk of cancer: a multifactorial ecologic analysis of geographic variation in age-adjusted cancer mortality rates. ”Anticancer Res. 2006;26:2687-2700.
6. Lappe J, et al, “Vitamin D and calcium supplementation reduces cancer risk: results of a randomized trial.” Am J Clin Nutr. June 2007;85(6):1586-91.
7. Cho W, et al. ”In vitro and in vivo anti-tumor effects of Astragalus.” Membranaceus Cancer Letter July 8, 2007;252(1):43-54
8. Morazzoni P, et al. “Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch) Bunge.” 1994 Milano (Italy):1-18.