Your BEST brain fuel… (Not Omega-3s)

“Faulty genes” are blamed for many of today’s chronic diseases… like Alzheimer’s disease.

But it’s not about the genes you were born with… but more about the modern environment we’ve created.

Between 2000 and 2018, U.S. Alzheimer’s deaths jumped 146%. Alzheimer’s cases are expected to more than double by 2050, affecting 14 million Americans.[1]

And during that same time, we’re eating more high-glycemic, processed “fake foods” and carbohydrates. We’ve been led away from healthy fats that nourish our brains. And, we’re under constant assault from environmental toxins inside and outside our homes.

Most doctors blame Alzheimer’s on bad genetics and amyloid plaques. But these plaques are actually an Alzheimer’s symptom, not it’s cause.

And a groundbreaking new study proves it.

This “Fat” is Brain Fuel… And Fights Cognitive Impairment

Researchers wanted to know if ketogenic medium-chain triglycerides (MCT oil) helped patients with cognitive impairment.

So volunteers took two tablespoons a day for six months. Their performance on cognitive tests taken before and after the trial showed “significant” improvement.[2]

To me, that’s no surprise. Here’s why.

Most doctors are unaware that Alzheimer’s stems from the brain’s diminished ability to convert glucose into energy.[3] Many researchers even call Alzheimer’s “type 3 diabetes.”[4]

When your body resists using glucose as fuel, your brain becomes foggy. You have trouble remembering names. Brain function falters, and Alzheimer’s could be looming.

MCTs are uniquely easy to metabolize. They pass directly to your liver where they can be broken down into ketones. So they follow an entirely different metabolic pathway.

And that’s why they improve brain function… they give your brain a rich source of energy other than glucose.

How to Bulletproof Your Brain with MCTs

I’ve been talking about the benefits of MCT oil for years. Coconut oil and palm kernel oil are good natural sources

of MCTs. Goat cheese, feta cheese, and butter have them as well, but lesser amounts. Milk has less still.

The natural sources are less concentrated and contain other fats. So your body will absorb and metabolize them more slowly. This could make it harder to trim pounds, stabilize blood sugar, reduce inflammation, and improve mental function.

Start out taking a teaspoon once a day. Gradually build up two or three tablespoons.

I recommend MCT oil that’s labeled as C8, or a blend of C8 and C10. This is important as C8 is the most powerful and effective MCT for brain health.

And if a product’s label doesn’t specify what you’re getting, I’d find one that does.

You can also use it to make mayonnaise and salad dressings, or add it to smoothies. Grass-fed beef, organ meats, fish and eggs are your best sources of protein.

Here’s a Keto Fat Bomb with MCT Oil that’s delicious and easy to make.

 Coconut oil

½ cup coconut oil solid
⅔ cup nut butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
6 Tablespoons MCT oil
1 Tablespoon organic maple syrup
Dark chocolate, melted to drizzle
Crushed nuts, to sprinkle

  1. In a regular sized muffin tin, place 6 liners inside.
  2. In a large, microwave-safe bowl combine the coconut oil and nut butter. Place in the microwave and heat on high for 30 seconds. Remove, stir and place back into the microwave. Repeat until completely melted.
  3. Add the cinnamon, sea salt, vanilla and maple syrup and mix until combined.  Evenly spoon into the prepared muffin tins. Sprinkle with sea salt. Place in the freezer for at least an hour. Remove and drizzle with dark chocolate if desired.
  4. Store in the freezer for up to 3 months.

[1] Alzheimer’s Association. (2020). Facts and Figures. Retrieved from Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia website:
[2] Fortier, M., Castellano, C.-A., St-Pierre, V., Myette-Côté, É., Langlois, F., Roy, M., … Cunnane, S. C. (2020). A ketogenic drink improves cognition in mild cognitive impairment: Results of a 6-month RCT. Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association.
[3] Neth, B., & Craft, S. (2017, October 31). Insulin Resistance and Alzheimer’s Disease: Bioenergetic Linkages. Retrieved from website:
[4] De Widt, Lynda. (2017). Researchers link Alzheimer’s gene to Type 3 diabetes. Retrieved from