Dear Health-Conscious Reader,
It’s one of the most overlooked nutrients in the entire world.
If you don’t have enough of it, you leave yourself open to muscle weakness, seizures, heart failure… and cancer.
In fact, it’s the primary source of energy for the immune cells that get suppressed by cancer.
And it might shock you to find out that government health advisors don’t even consider it “essential.”
I’m talking about CoQ10.
CoQ10 restores immune cells’ ability to fight back and attack cancer cells. In study after study, no matter what part of the immune system was tested, CoQ10 was found to be essential for the optimal function of your immune system.1
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You’ll find CoQ10 in high concentrations in the organs that need energy the most, like your heart, brain and liver.
Unfortunately, your CoQ10 levels start dropping at the age of 20.
By the time you’re 80, most of your CoQ10 has disappeared. And that’s bad news…
Because nature, in its wisdom, has provided a dual role for CoQ10. Not only does it give you energy, but it protects you at the same time.
You see, our bodies “burn” the food we eat for fuel and use oxygen as the catalyst, just like a fire does. As this happens, your cells produce by-products called free radicals.
Like cinders and burning ashes shooting from a crackling fire, these free-radicals damage cells and tissue like fire burns everything it contacts. It’s no coincidence that free radical damage is called “inflammation.”
Problem is, once free radicals damage a cell’s molecules, they become free radicals, too. This triggers a dangerous chain reaction that poses a real threat to your health … especially when it happens to molecules that make up your DNA and cell membranes. This kind of damage can cause mutations that can lead to cancer.
You’re exposed to cancer-causing free radicals from the outside, too. Everything from the pesticides used on fruits and vegetables to chemicals from plastic water bottles can build up and cause more inflammation.
Energize Yourself With Your Native Cancer Defense
Your body makes only one fat-soluble antioxidant to fight inflammation and stop the chain reaction started by free radicals, toxins and other cancer-causing agents.
It’s CoQ10.
CoQ10 puts out the fire and protects your organs and tissues from the kind of damage than can cause cancer. Its antioxidant power is 50 times stronger than vitamin E. But your ability to make CoQ10 starts disappearing after you reach only 20 years old.
And unfortunately, most Americans are profoundly deficient in CoQ10, putting us at greater risk for cancer.
In a skin-cancer study, CoQ10 levels were significantly lower for those with melanoma than those who were cancer-free. What’s worse is that the odds of the skin cancer spreading were eight times greater for people with low CoQ10 levels.2
Higher levels of CoQ10 will help give your cells the energy they need to stop cancers from forming.
In a study done last year in Japan, researchers pre-treated animals with CoQ10, and then gave them a substance known to induce cancer. The animals given CoQ10 were able to reduce pre-cancerous lesions by 80 percent, protect red blood cells from DNA damage, and inhibit damage from inflammation.3
Also, there are many clinical trials in which CoQ10 helps in cancer survival, and helps to heal people who already have cancer.
In a study of terminal cancer patients, they gave people CoQ10 supplements and increased their survival time by 40 percent. Not only that, but 76 percent of those taking CoQ10 survived longer than predicted.4
Researchers in Denmark studied a group of breast cancer patients. They gave them CoQ10, plus a combination of other antioxidants and essential fatty acids.
The entire group had a partial remission of the cancer. Two of the patients received larger doses of CoQ10 (390 mg) and their tumors disappeared.5 In no way would I say stop your cancer treatment and only take CoQ10. What I am showing you is the power of this important nutrient against cancer.
University of Miami researchers, during a presentation at a meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research in Anaheim, Calif., showed that adding CoQ10 to the most common prostate cancer cell line inhibited cell growth by 70 percent over 48 hours.6
Similarly, UM researchers have found that by delivering CoQ10 to cancer cells and tissues, the nutrient reduced tumors and induced cancer cells to die.7
Another study done at the University of Texas at Austin documented 10 cases of cancer patients who unexpectedly survived when treated with CoQ10.8
The Awful Truth About Our
Only Real Food Source of CoQ10
The best way to raise your CoQ10 levels is by eating red meat.
But there are three big problems with that.
One is that we decided as a population, in the blink of an eye, that we would go from every culture on the planet valuing and eating organ meat, to universally turning our nose up at it.
It doesn’t matter whether you come from South America, whether you’re German or Italian… Every culture had organ meat incorporated into its culinary techniques, its cuisine and its tradition and history of eating. And all of a sudden, everybody decided to stop.
You probably won’t find a single young person today who eats organ meat. It has a “yuck” stigma attached to it these days. When was the last time you had deer kidney or elk brains or lamb heart?
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That’s a huge issue because there is no other good dietary source of CoQ10. It concentrates in the brain, liver and kidneys, and it’s 200 times more concentrated in animals’ heart muscle than in skeletal muscle.
And we went from everybody eating this kind of meat to nobody eating any of it.
The second problem is that at this point, it’s not adequate just to return to eating organ meat.
Wild animals have 10 times more CoQ10 than the domesticated livestock we get our red meat from.
CoQ10 is produced in response to high energy demand. Domesticated animals aren’t producing it because they’re bred to be docile and sedentary. The pigs and the cows and the goats are held in little pens that they can’t move around in even if they wanted to. So their high energy organs aren’t getting challenged, and produce hardly any CoQ10.
The third problem is that the horrible living conditions of these animals also contribute to lower CoQ10 levels. That’s because the pollutants and toxins and pesticides from their environment, along with the growth hormones and antibiotics, collect in the fat around the organs. They take the place of nutrients like CoQ10 that would normally collect there.
So what are we to do? Move back into the woods and hunt wild game? Not very practical.
Fortunately, there are two steps you can take to get more of this important cancer-fighter as you age instead of losing it all:
Step 1 – Join The Grass-Fed Group: I was lucky to grow up eating grass-fed beef, and I still do today. Because of it, I am “healthy as a bull” and never get sick.
The best source of CoQ10 is closest thing you’re going to get to a wild animal – grass-fed meat. It contains more CoQ10 than any other meat on the planet.
That’s because CoQ10 accumulates in the fat around the organs in animals raised on grass. Commercially raised animals are fed an unnatural and toxic diet of grains and hormones. Toxins then collect in the fat instead of nutrients like CoQ10 and can contribute to cancer, instead of fighting it.
Here are my three easy-to-follow rules for getting your best natural source of CoQ10:
- Find a local farm that can provide you with red meat from grass-fed animals.
- Don’t trust the commercial beef industry.
- Serve grass-fed red meat for dinner often.
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Step 2 – Defend Yourself Eight Times Better: You know I always recommend food as the best source of nutrients. But unless you’re the rare exception, you’re probably not going to get enough CoQ10 from food alone.
And you must have it to give your cells the energy they need to prevent cancer and fight inflammation caused by toxins in the modern world.
That’s why CoQ10 is the one nutrient I recommend to all of my patients, and take myself every day.
The form you get is very important. Many of the powder and tablet forms are worthless. They won’t get absorbed. Absorbability is a crucial point when you’re looking for a CoQ10 supplement.
If you’re under 25, it’s OK to take a softgel capsule of the old ubiquinone form of CoQ10. If you’re over 25, this traditional CoQ10 won’t give you the same effect and protection it gives younger people.
I recommend the ubiquinol form. It’s eight times stronger and is better absorbed than the old form. That’s because ubiquinol is CoQ10 already in its reduced, most biologically active form.
As a result, the CoQ10 remains in your blood stream much longer than with ordinary CoQ10.
Take 50 mg of ubiquinol as a “baseline” preventative.” If there are health problems, I gradually increase the dosage up to 200 mg.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
1 Folkers, K., Wolaniuk, A., “Research on coenzyme Q10 in clinical medicine and in immunomodulation,” Drugs Exp Clin Res. 1985;11(8):539-45
2 Rusciani, L., Proietti, I., Rusciani, A., et al, “Low plasma coenzyme Q10 levels as an independent prognostic factor for melanoma progression,” J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. Feb. 2006;54(2):234-41
3 Kim, J.M., Park, E.. “Coenzyme Q10 attenuated DMH-induced precancerous lesions in SD rats,” J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. 2010;56(2):139-44
4 Hertz, N., Lister, R.E., “Improved survival in patients with end-stage cancer treated with coenzyme Q(10) and other antioxidants: a pilot study,” J. Int. Med. Res. Nov-Dec 2009;37(6):1961-71
5 Lockwood, K., Moesgaard, S., Folkers, K., “Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to dosage of coenzyme Q10,” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. March 30, 1994;199 (3):1504-8
6 Indushekhar, Persaud, et al, “Coenzyme Q10 induces apoptosis in human prostate and osteosarcoma cells,” Proc. Amer. Assoc. Cancer Res, 2005;46
7 Nissim, Robyn, “A Gentle Cancer Killer,” UM Medicine Magazine 2003;
8 Folkers, K., Brown, R., Judy, W.V., et al, “Survival of cancer patients on therapy with coenzyme Q10,” Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. Apr. 15, 1993;192(1): 241-5