Dear Health Conscious Reader,
Not long ago, I trekked through the Amazon jungles of Peru in search of healing herbs. Instead, I found something far more valuable: Sacha Inchi – the “super food” of the ancient Incas.
This oil – which comes from nuts, not fish – is so effective and nutrient dense, it’s the first real health breakthrough I’ve seen in the last decade.
Dr. Sears at the Amazon base camp near Satipo. |
My trip turned out to be a real adventure…
On the first day, I met up with Dr. Octavio Zolezzi from Lima University. He promised to reveal the whole story and show me Sacha Inchi “in the wild.”
Early the next morning, we descended the high mountains of the Andes into the Amazon basin. Hours passed as we navigated snake-like curves on the world’s highest paved road. As snow-capped mountains turned into lush vegetation, we hit a series of makeshift dirt roads. Our 4-wheel drive jerked uncontrollably until we finally reached the village of Satipo.
Situated on the banks of the Rio Perene – which opens into the Amazon – Satipo was our jumping-off point as we made our way by boat to Porta Copa, the last jungle outpost and home of the native Ashanikas.
I never imagined my search for Sacha Inchi would bring me face-to-face with one of the last remaining hunter-gatherer tribes in South America. Not knowing what to expect, I was relieved when they welcomed me with smiles and open arms.
Almost immediately, they offered me masato – their fermented “spit brew” reserved for special occasions.
After a second cup – and a handful of worms – I was ready to wish them well and get back on the trail…
At sun-up the following day, Dr. Zolezzi led me through
Dr. Sears drinks from a gourd filled with masato – “spit beer. |
thick vegetation, straight into the heart of the Amazon. By noon, we had been hiking for hours. I was just getting used to the strange sounds and occasional shrieks you hear under the forest canopy, when Dr. Zolezzi finally spoke up…
“Here it is!” I followed his gaze to a bushy plant I had never seen before. It looked unremarkable, distinguished only by a green star-shaped fruit. But I knew by his reaction I had stumbled upon something exceptional.
He cracked open a flower and placed the seeds in my hand. “This is the Sacha Inchi plant,” he said. “It’s been used by the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon for thousands of years…”
The Sacha Inchi Fruit |
I Knew This Was Something I Had to Share With My Patients…
Sacha Inchi has a mild nutty flavor, almost like almonds. It’s so light and delicious… you could drink it right out of the bottle.
Sacha Inchi’s nutrients and omega-3 fats are easy to digest. Omega 3’s boost:
- Heart Health: Helps maintain cholesterol levels that are already within the normal range.*
- Joint Health: Eases morning stiffness – improves your mobility and grip strength.*
- Bone Health: Betters calcium absorption and maintains bone density.*
- Mental Health: Relieves symptoms of “the blues.” Improves mood and problems with common attention or hyperactivity.*
You’re Probably Not Getting Enough of This in Your Diet…
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are essential to life. Your heart and brain depend on them. But in today’s world, you’re probably not getting enough of the right fats in your diet. The natural levels of omega-3s in your food keep getting lower and lower.
That means you often end up with high levels of omega-6s and a lack of omega-3s. And that causes inflammation, which is at the root of so many health concerns today.
Before the days of modern industry, your meat and fish had abundant supplies of omega-3s. But these days, most of the store-bought salmon has little to none of this essential oil. And that’s a problem, because your body can’t make omega-3s on its own. And without it, your health is at serious risk.
When your levels are high, you can expect:
- Better heart health
- Enhanced cognitive functioning
- Healthy blood glucose levels
- Joint comfort
- Improved mood
- Healthier skin
- Clear vision
As is often true in nature, balance is essential. Your body needs both omega-3s and omega-6s, but in the right ratios. For millions of years, humans have eaten foods with an omega-6/omega-3 ratio of about 2:1.
Over the past 75 years, omega-6s in your diet have soared. Now the ratio is about 20:1. The average American eats 10 times more omega-6 than they should. The main sources of these inflammatory omega-6s being vegetable oils, processed foods, fish, and grain-fed beef.
That’s where the health “gurus” of the 1980s made another big mistake. They mistook the heart culprit to be red meat because grain-fed, commercial cattle have the very high, 20:1 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s. But they never bothered to explain why native cultures – who ate meat from grass-fed cattle – have better heart health.
If you measure omega-6s and omega-3s in wild or grass-fed animals, you get a very different picture. Their ratio is a dramatically reversed – and heart healthy – 0.16 to 1. In other words, the culprit is not the fat in meat. It’s the environment in which cattle are raised that changes the ratio of fats in their body.
Grain-fed cattle are sick cattle. They’re not supposed to eat grains. It’s not natural for them, and it changes their physiology. When cattle lose omega-3s, so do we. By eating their meat, we take on the same problems.
Farm-raised fish are the same… the fish are fed a diet of fish flakes made corn, cereal grains, and other additives…
This unnatural diet causes the salmon’s omega-3 levels to plummet. And that’s just one of the many biological transformations they go through. The salmon raised “in captivity” are so changed by the experience, the fish farmers have to inject them with an orange-colored dye to make their flesh look like real salmon.
You may be surprised to find this out, but eating store-bought salmon only gives you a fraction of the omega-3s you would expect to find.
And then there’s the threat of mercury and other toxins… which is far worse than you may imagine. In 2004, the Los Angeles Times reported new warnings: Farm-raised salmon, “contains such high levels of PCBs, dioxins, and other toxic chemicals that people should not eat it more than once a month…”1
I still recommend eating salmon if you can find a wild, unpolluted source. But don’t be surprised when you have to pay over $20 a pound for wild-caught Alaskan salmon.
High Levels of the Wrong Fat Leads to Trouble for Your Heart…
Farm-raised salmon – and grain-fed beef – have very high levels of something called arachidonic acid. This is a fat the omega-6 family and is highly inflammatory. And inflammation is at the root of so many health problems today.
These high levels of omega-6s make the few remaining omega-3s almost unusable by your body. The dominant omega-6s take all the conversion enzymes and produce inflammatory compounds.
The healthy omega-3s get ignored and are never converted into the anti-inflammatory compounds you really need.
Mainstream medicine often overlooks the harmful power of inflammation. And you probably won’t hear much about it your doctor… but many are calling it the new “plague” of our times.
Modern science shows us that inflammation is at the root of today’s most dangerous health threats.2
Inflammation is your body’s response to injury, irritation, or invasion by germs. Without it, you couldn’t survive. But our ancient ancestors seldom had a problem with it. With regular access to potent omega-3s, inflammation was tightly controlled.
But your modern environment hits you with stresses that trigger your inflammation response too often. And when your body is constantly irritated, inflammation takes on a life of its own and becomes a permanent condition.
When This Happens, You’re in Trouble…
This type of chronic inflammation – known as “silent inflammation” – has no outward symptoms. You may never know it’s a problem.
White blood cells – which are released during an inflammation response – become so many in number, they start to attack the organs and tissues in your body.
Here’s one example: Foods high in omega-6 fatty acids or arachidonic acid – like farm-raised salmon or commercially raised beef – irritate the lining of your blood vessels. This triggers an inflammation response, and your body sends white blood cells and other immune fighters to the scene.
But when this happens day after day, white blood cells start to burrow into the walls of your blood vessels, causing further damage and irritation.
As I pointed out in The Doctor’s Heart Cure, inflammation is the real threat to heart health.3 Cholesterol plugs your arteries, but cholesterol itself is not the problem. It’s the “runaway freight train” of chronic inflammation that does all the damage.
That’s Why I’m So Excited to Finally Have Sacha Inchi Here in the U.S.
Sacha Inchi is one of the most powerful inflammation fighters ever discovered. Its highly concentrated omega-3s turn off excess inflammation like a switch.*
Recent science backs me up on this…
The latest research into omega-3s uncovered two powerful inflammation fighters: resolvins and protectins. Groundbreaking work published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry and the Journal of Immunology show these safe and natural nutrients go to work almost immediately – relieving the fire of inflammation and restoring a healthy balance head to toe.4,5
They’ve also been shown to drastically reduce the levels of pro-inflammatory factors like cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1 beta.6
And that’s not all… the omega-3s in Sacha Inchi nourish specific organs and systems in your body – creating direct benefits you can feel right away.
Unlike many omega-3 supplements, the potent omega-3s in Sacha Inchi are easy to digest and fully absorbed by your body. Its quick response time means you get the biggest omega-3 boost possible. And the newest science on omega-3s is turning up a wide range of new benefits:
- Boost Bone Density: The British Journal of Nutrition recently published their study of omega-3s and bone health: Researchers divided middle-aged rats into 3 groups. One group received a diet high in omega-3s, a second group got a mix of omega-6s and omega-3s, and the last group were fed only omega-6s.7
The first group – who received the highest level of omega-3s – had the highest bone mineral and bone density, with an enhanced ability to absorb calcium. They also showed high levels of the various hormones and biochemicals needed for bone production.
Another study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition proved the same in a human study. After following 1,500 men and women for four years, they found those who consumed the highest levels of omega-3s had the strongest bones.8
- Promote Joint Comfort Safely: The British medical journal Lancet found that people who took omega-3s for six months reported better joint comfort than those who didn’t.9 Their research suggests that omega-3s restore mobility and quality of life to those who are concerned about joint health.*
A few years ago, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that omega-3s promoted a healthy inflammation response.10 Other studies, like the one mentioned in Nutrition and Metabolism show omega-3s improve your morning stiffness, joint comfort, and grip strength.11*
There’s more good news…
New research shows omega-3s protect breast and prostate cells – both in animal and human trials.12 In one study, those who added omega-3s to their diet had a dramatic 40% increase of a natural protector biochemical compared to those who didn’t.13
Scientists are beginning to understand the mechanism by which omega-3s may work. For example, omega-3s:
- Alter genetic programming in your cells.14*
- Reprogram damaged genes.15*
- Reduce the production of inflammation molecules.16*
- “Switch off” production of certain molecules.17*
- “Switch on” genes that cause cells to die.*
- Boost Your Mood and Brainpower: New findings show a powerful connection between mental health and a severe lack of omega-3s.18
But clinical evidence shows a reliable source of omega-3s can relieve these symptoms: A recent Italian study found that people who took omega-3s for just a month felt improved attention, elevated mood, and a “sharper mind,” better equipped for complex information processing.19
Even more exciting, omega-3s directly reduce inflammation in your brain. Several new studies prove that omega-3s improve your mood by stopping the cascade of inflammation in your brain.20*
Pound-for-pound, Sacha Inchi has one of the highest levels of proteins, omega-3s, amino acids, and inflammation fighters on earth. It’s also famous for having the lowest level of saturated fats.
Here’s how Sacha Inchi stacks up:
Nutrients (% by vol.) |
Seeds |
Sacha Inchi |
Olives |
Soy |
Corn |
Peanuts |
Sunflower |
Cotton |
Palm |
Proteins |
33 |
1.6 |
28 |
0 |
23 |
24 |
32 |
0 |
Omega-3s |
48.6 |
1 |
8.3 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0.5 |
0 |
Total Essential Fatty Acids |
84.86 |
11 |
62.8 |
59 |
36 |
57.9 |
58 |
10 |
Total Unsaturated |
93.60 |
83 |
85.1 |
87 |
80.1 |
87.72 |
76.7 |
50 |
Source: Agroindustrias Amazonicas, 2001
A quick look tells the whole story… Sacha Inchi has over 48% omega-3s by volume – with over 84% total essential fatty acids.
Add to the mix Sacha Inchi’s other fats and amino acids, and you have an oil that’s over 93% in healthy fats by volume. “Good” fats that power up your heart, brain, eyes, joints, bones, and more!*
And of all the oils known to man, the proteins and nutrients in Sacha Inchi are the easiest to digest. This means your body gets the benefits quickly and easily – with maximum absorption.*
Sacha Inchi is the most complete plant source of both essential and non-essential amino acids. (Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins.) The essential amino acids are the ones your body can’t make on their own. So you need a reliable dietary source.
Without these proteins, your body wouldn’t be able to carry out thousands of daily tasks it depends on for good health.
I brought back a few bottles my trip to the Amazon last year, and they disappeared within days. My family loved it. And it’s so easy to use… it may be the only “supplement” that’s not a chore to take.
In fact, it doesn’t feel or taste like a “supplement” at all… Sacha Inchi is a delicious, aromatic oil that complements hundreds of dishes – no matter what style of food you prefer.
Sacha Inchi is so versatile. You can use it as a salad dressing… a dipping sauce… add it to any meat or fish entrée… put it on top of vegetables… or in a sauce of your own making. You can even pour it in a teaspoon and have it on its own.
There’s nothing like it anywhere.
Centuries ago, it powered up Incan warriors. Today, Sacha Inchi provides native Peruvians with the most unique blend of proteins, nutrients, and essential fatty acids known to man.
Now it’s your turn to try it out for yourself…
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
P.S. I want you to feel free to try Sacha Inchi for yourself. Take it home and open it up. It MUST be the best-tasting, most satisfying gourmet oil you’ve ever tasted… and it MUST deliver the enormous omega-3 benefits. If it doesn’t, just send it back.
My guarantee is absolute and risk-free. And there’s no time limit. Use Sacha Inchi for as long you like. You can even return an empty bottle. Your refund still stands. So click here and bring some home NOW.
Sacha Inchi
Get the Best Plant Source of Omega-3s on the Planet. Dr. Sears’ Amazon Journey Yields Medical Breakthrough
In the fall of 2006, Dr. Sears trekked through the highlands of Peru, down into the Amazon basin. After weeks of hiking through dense vegetation, celebrating ancient rituals with local Indians and dodging golf-ball sized mosquitoes he discovered one of the world’s best-kept secrets… A flavorful, aromatic oil treasured by the ancient Incas: Sacha Inchi
Sacha Inchi is 48% omega-3s by volume – making it the richest plant source of the essential fatty acids you need everyday! It’s so light and delicious; you could literally drink it right out of the bottle!
Price: $24.95
Size: 250 ml
- Weiss K. Report Cites Health Risks of Farm-Raised Salmon. Los Angeles Times. Jan 9, 2004.
- South J. America’s Inflammation Epidemic. Vitamin Research News.
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- Ariel A, et al. The docosatriene protectin D1. J Biol Chem. 2005 Dec 30;280(52):43079-86.
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- James MJ, et al. Dietary inflammatory mediator production. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Jan;71:343S-8S.
- Shen CL, et al. Protective effect of omega-3 on bone loss. Br J Nutr. 2006 Mar;95(3):462-8.
- Weiss LA, et al. Ratio of fatty acids and bone density. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Apr;81(4):934-8.
- Stammers T, et al. Omega-3s in osteoarthritis. Lancet. 1989 Aug 26;2(8661):503.
- Kremer JM, et al. Omega-3 supplements in rheumatoid arthritis. Am J Clin Nutr. 2000 Jan;71:349S-51S.
- Hagfors L, et al. Fat intake study with rheumatoid arthritis patients. Nutr Metab. 2005 Oct 10;2:26.
- Rose DP. Fatty acids and prevention of hormone-responsive cancer. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1997 Nova;216(2):224-33.
- Wu M, et al. Omega-3 acids attenuate breast cancer growth. Int J Cancer. 2005 Nov 10;117(3):340-8.
- Aktas H, et al. Regulation of gene expression by omega-3 fatty acids. J Nutr. 2004 Sep; 134(9):2487S-91S.
- Davidson LA, et al. Chemopreventative n-3 fatty acids. Cancer Res. 2004 Sep. 15;64(18):6797-804.
- Bartram HP, et al. Effects of omega-3s in healthy subjects. Gastroenterology. 1993 Nov;105(5):1317-22.
- Rao CV, et al. Modulating effect of amount and types of dietary fat. Carcinogenesis. 1993 Jul;14(7):1327-33.
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- Peet M, et al. Omega-3s in treatment of psychiatric disorders. Drugs. 2005;65(8):1051-9.
- Fontani G, et al. Cognitive effects of omega-3s. Eur J Clin Invest. 2005 Nov;35(11):691-9.
- Schiepers OJ, et al. Cytokines and major depression. Prog Neuropsychoparmacol Biol Psy. 2005 Feb;29(2):201-17.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.