A New Form of This Miracle Nutrient Is 8 Times More Powerful…

CoQ10 has made the mainstream. You can find it everywhere.

But the type of CoQ10 I want to tell you about has been completely ignored.

That’s too bad, because this new form is 8 times better at getting into your blood and staying there. And that’s where it has its miracle-like anti-aging effects.

This new form of CoQ10 may give you the opportunity to live disease-free for the rest of your life.

Today, I’ll show you how this new “reduced” form of CoQ10 gives you greater power to prevent and reverse disease. You’ll also discover that it ramps up your energy levels and slows your aging process down by a remarkable 51 percent.

New Delivery System Boosts Your Blood Levels of CoQ10

In the two decades since CoQ10 made its debut, it’s become one of the most popular – and powerful – nutrients ever discovered. Prior to its arrival in the U.S., it was used exclusively by the Japanese as a prescription drug to treat heart disease.

Today, we know that CoQ10 does a lot more than just treat heart disease.1 It destroys free radicals and protects all your major organs, including your brain.2 By providing energy to each and every cell in your body, it extends your life and dramatically slows the degenerative effects of aging.

At the core of this new CoQ10 is the particular form of the nutrient you take.

Traditionally, all CoQ10 supplements use the active ingredient ubiquinone. But once this gets into your system, your body must convert or reduce ubiquinone into another substance called ubiquinol.

Ubiquinol is the form of CoQ10 that works miracles.

But there’s a problem… Your body’s ability to convert ubiquinone into ubiquinol starts to decline after age 45. As a result, your body doesn’t get the full effect. And in many cases – if you’re 50 or older – traditional CoQ10 won’t give you the same disease protection it gives to younger people.

But Japanese researchers recently discovered a reliable way to skip the conversion process and take the reduced ubiquinol straight on its own. The idea has been around for some time. But until now, no one could figure out how to make ubiquinol stable enough to take on its own.

This new option provides 8 times higher absorption of CoQ10 and keeps your blood levels high over an extended period. And high blood levels are what you need to delay the effects of aging and the diseases they bring.

Ideal blood levels of CoQ10 for fighting disease – even neurological conditions like Parkinson’s – are considered to be 3.5 micrograms per milliliter (mcg/ml).3

In the graph below, you can see the remarkable absorption power of the new CoQ10-H2 (ubiquinol) and how it compares with the traditional ubiquinone.

Just 150 mg of the new reduced CoQ10 elevates blood levels to almost 4 mcg/ml. That’s well within the therapeutic level. You would need 1,200 mg of the traditional form to match that effect.

And when you double the dose of ubiquinol to 300 mg – an ideal dose for disease reversal – you’d have to take a whopping 2,400 mg of the traditional CoQ10 to equal that power. (High doses of the traditional CoQ10 are inefficient and very expensive…)

What may be even more important is how long ubiquinol stays in your body compared to the old ubiquinone. In one study using mice, the new ubiquinol was present in the blood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration after 8 hours. (A blood level of 4.5 mcg/ml after 8 hours of taking 100 mg.)4

This high concentration staying in your system for 8 hours is one of the keys to its disease-fighting potential. The same amount of traditional ubiquinone dropped to a low level (just 1.2 mcg/ml) after 8 hours – too low to have a powerful disease fighting or anti-aging effect.

CoQ10 Slows the Damaging Effects of Aging

CoQ10 is in high concentrations in the heart and brain where it helps to generate much needed energy. Brain levels begin declining at the age of 20 and are lowest in stroke victims and those with neurodegenerative diseases. There is growing evidence that CoQ10 is neuroprotective and may stave off the very difficult problem of loss of memory with age.

In addition to supplying energy, CoQ10 is a powerful antioxidant. The “slow burn” we use for fuel tends to damage tissues like fire oxidizes everything it contacts. The action of antioxidants quenches this fire in adjacent structures and protects them    damage.

The new form of CoQ10 – ubiquinol – makes these protective benefits even greater and more reliable. And the cost of getting a therapeutic level will drop dramatically.

What’s more, new research is opening up a new world of CoQ10 benefits. These include:

  • Diabetes: An Australian study found that patients with type II diabetes who took 200 mg of CoQ10 a day over 12 weeks showed improved blood sugar control.5
  • Vision and Eye Health: A recent double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial demonstrated that adults with early macular degeneration who supplemented with a combination of CoQ10, acetyl-L-carnitine, and omega-3 fatty acids for one year improved their visual function.6
  • Allergies: Researchers in Texas found low CoQ10 levels in people suffering   rhinitis and other allergies; they believe that further studies will show that CoQ10 can manage a wide array of allergy syndromes.7
  • Gum Disease: Topical CoQ10 application improves the gum health of people suffering    periodontal disease, and also speeds tissue healing following periodontal surgery.8
  • Migraines: 32 patients with a history of episodic migraine were treated with 150 mg of CoQ10 daily. More than 60 percent of the patients experienced a 50 percent or greater reduction in the number of days they suffered headaches. After three months of supplementation, their migraine frequency fell by an average of 55 percent.9

The New CoQ10 Slows Your Aging By 51 Percent

During his visit, Dr. Mae, the inventor of the reduced form of CoQ10, gave me an exclusive look at their 15-month study testing ubiquinol on mice. They split the mice into three groups. One group of mice received a standard lab diet with no CoQ10. The second group received the same diet with the traditional ubiquinone form of CoQ10. The final group received the lab diet with the new form of CoQ10.

At 12 months of age – the point that translates into late middle age for humans – the mice who took the new ubiquinol aged at a rate 22% slower than those taking the regular CoQ10 and 51% slower than the mice taking no CoQ10.

It’s hard to translate those numbers into real benefit. But Dr. Mae showed me a video of the mice during the experiment – and the differences were jaw dropping…

The mouse who received no CoQ10 was unresponsive and immobile. It had spinal and limb deformities, lesions in and around the eye and a discolored coat. Overall, it looked like a dried-up corpse.

The mouse who received the traditional ubiquinone form of CoQ10 had irritation around the eyes, a bent backbone and some discoloration of its coat. But in general, it looked a lot better than the mouse who received no CoQ10.

Remarkably, the mouse who took the new ubiquinol (CoQ10-H2), looked responsive and energetic – with no physical deformities, no lesions and had a bright, glossy coat. It resembled a young, healthy mouse. In spite of the fact that the mouse was actually very old – the equivalent of a human in their 80s or 90s.

High-Powered CoQ10 Reverses a Deadly Form of Heart Disease

Congestive heart failure means your heart can’t pump enough blood for your body’s needs. This leads to fluid congestion that can cause your vital organs like your lungs, brain and kidneys to shut down.

And that’s very bad news. In fact, 20% of people diagnosed with congestive heart failure (CHF) die within one year. Half die within five years. But what you probably don’t know is that the new reduced form of CoQ10 may provide a cure for congestive heart failure.

In fact, the latest research shows the new ubiquinol form of CoQ10 can reverse congestive heart failure all on its own.

In one landmark study, researchers gave an average of 580 mg of ubiquinol CoQ10 to seven congestive heart failure patients. All seven patients had a 94% chance of dying within 12 months.

The results were astonishing. Six out of seven patients lived. And get this: The one patient that died stopped taking the CoQ10 three months into the trial.10

Taking this simple, overlooked nutrient might make this deadly form of heart disease a thing of the past.

It’s unfortunate, but CoQ10 remains underused by most doctors. And the new form, which is 8 times stronger, is almost unknown. Despite volumes of overwhelmingly powerful research, it isn’t recommended as a routine treatment of CHF.

Instead, doctors often prescribe beta blockers, diuretics, vasodilators, ACE inhibitors, and even statins. Ironically, statins strip the body of CoQ10. That means the very drug doctors use to treat CHF is most likely contributing to the patient’s death.

You see, low CoQ10 levels have been shown to be an independent predictor of mortality in CHF patients. In other words, the lower your CoQ10 levels, the higher your risk of dying.

If you or a loved one has congestive heart failure, you’ll have to take much higher doses of ubiquinol CoQ10 – in the 450 mg to 900 mg range – to get the therapeutic benefits.

Even if you don’t have this heart condition, CoQ10 is the best form of prevention. Take 50 mg of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 daily. It’s the most absorbable form of CoQ10 on the market.

For an anti-aging effect, similar to what the mice experienced in the study mentioned above, take 100 mg of the ubiquinol form of CoQ10 a day.

If you want to use CoQ10 for treatments, I recommend you get your blood levels checked. Then your doctor can adjust your dose to match therapeutic blood levels.

  1. Dhanasekaran M, et al. “The emerging role of CoQ10 in aging, nuerodegeneration, cardiovascular disease, cancer and diabetes.” Curr Neurovasc Res. 2005 Dec;2(5):447-59.
  2. Matthews RT, et al. “CoQ10 administration increases brain mitochondrial concentrations and exerts neuroprotective effects.” Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 1998 Jul 21;95(15):8892-7.
  3. Langsjoen PH, et al. “Overview of the use of CoQ10 in cardiovascular disease.” Biofactors. 1999;9(2-4):273-84.
  4. CoQ10 reducing activity in rats. Unpublished data provided by Dr. Mae.
  5. Hodgson JM, Watts GF, Playford DA, Burke V, Croft KD. “Coenzyme Q10 improves blood pressure and glycaemic control in a controlled trial in subjects with type 2 diabetes.” Eur J Clin Nutr. 2002 Nov;56(11):1137-42.
  6. Blasi MA, Bovina C, Carella G, et al. “Does coenzyme Q10 play a role in opposing oxidative stress in patients with age-related macular degeneration?” Opthalmologica. 2001 Jan-Feb;215(1):51-4.
  7. Ye CQ, Folkers K, Tamagawa H, Pfeiffer C. “A modified determination of coenzyme Q10 in human blood and CoQ10 blood levels in diverse patients with allergies.” Biofactors. 1988 Dec;1(4):303-6.
  8. Horowitz S. “:Coenzyme Q10: one antioxidant, many promising implications.” Altern Comp Therapies. 2003 Jun:111-6.
  9. Rozen TD, Oshinksy ML, Gebeline CA, et al. “Open label trial of coenzyme Q10 as a migraine preventive.” Cephalgia. 2002 Mar;22(2):137-41.
  10. Langsjoen PH, Langsjoen AM. “Supplemental ubiquinol in patients with advanced congestive heart failure.” Biofactors. 2008;32(1-4):119-28.