Avoiding the Dark Side of Medicine

For years, I’ve been waiting for doctors to wake up to the dangers of the most popular drugs in the developed world. Finally, there seems to be a storm brewing over these cholesterol lowering drugs. Eventually, it will overcome the clever and colossal marketing that such staggering profits have allowed.

In today’s Health Alert, we’ll look at the many side effects thousands of people from around the world are reporting every day. And I’ll tell you how to find alternatives for healthy cholesterol.

Cholesterol is a multi-purpose, must-have ingredient for your body. Not only is it found in every cell, it’s your body’s repair substance – closing cuts and wounds. It’s needed to make testosterone, vitamin D and cell membranes, and functions as a powerful antioxidant – protecting you from cancer and aging.

Cholesterol plays a role in many of the critical functions in your body. From your memory and nervous system to the production of every sex hormone, it’s essential for life. So when statin drugs bring your cholesterol down too far, you are interfering with essential metabolism. That explains why so many suffer the following:

• Muscle Pain and Weakness: The most common problem is fatigue. One study found that 98 percent of those taking Lipitor suffered from muscle problems.  For some it can be debilitating. Another smooth muscle cell toxicity called rhabdomyolysis, can and does kill.

• Neuropathy: Statins can cause permanent nerve damage. It starts as a weakness, tingling and pain in the hands and feet. Statins increase your risk depending on how long you take them. After one year, your risk is 15 percent higher. After two years, 26 percent higher.1

• Heart Failure: Ironic, isn’t it? You take a statin to prevent heart disease and you end up with congestive heart failure. Because statins deplete your supply of heart-healthy CoQ10, your risk of heart failure climbs with your dose and with how long you take them.. In the first eight years that statins were available, deaths from congestive heart failure more than doubled.

• Memory Loss: Some statin users lose their memory or have trouble recalling even the most basic facts about their lives – like how old they are or where they live. Some experience global transient amnesia, complete memory loss for a brief period.

• Depression: Many studies link low cholesterol with depression. One found that 39 percent of women with low cholesterol also battled symptoms of depression.1 Because your sex hormones depend on cholesterol; many report a loss of sex drive. Some men lose all ability to have sex.

You’d be surprised by how easy and natural real heart health can be.

If you’re currently taking a statin drug, talk to your doctor about alternatives. There is a chance your doctor may threaten to stop seeing you if you say “no” to statins. Yet, one day, statins will be exposed. The history of medicine is full of “treatments” that were later shown to be ineffective or dangerous.

When the day of reckoning comes – and it will – at least you’ll be on the side saying I knew it all along.