Your gut controls blood pressure?

Researchers recently discovered a direct correlation between the “good bacteria” in your gut and healthy blood pressure. That’s good news, because lowering high blood pressure is one of the most …

Short telomeres = Vulnerable kidneys

The “experts” who refuse to endorse the key role telomerase and telomere length play in your health and longevity are robbing you of vital knowledge that could save your life. …

Hair Loss from Lockdown?

Last year’s lockdown dramatically increased the number of people who experienced telogen effluvium – or stress-related hair loss – for the first time.1 But there’s a natural way to stop …

FDA freeing up stem cell access?

One of my guiding principles, and the driving force behind my own practice of medicine, is the notion that we all have the right… and responsibility… to maintain control over …

Dermatologists Don’t Get It

Our skin has always been under attack from a harsh world. I’m talking about environmental stressors like wind, a scorching sun, and an often-hostile climate. These are what I call …

EPA making Alzheimer’s worse?

The Environmental Protection Agency has quietly been making changes that will increase our exposure to heavy metals and other toxins that get into our bloodstream just by breathing the air …

Lose TWICE as Much Fat

As a regular reader, you’ve heard me talk about the skin benefits of collagen. But collagen also plays an important role in weight loss. Here’s how. The gelatin in collagen …

Build your own ‘longevity gene’

Kane Tanaka is the oldest person on the planet. At 118, she’s defying the “experts” who insist that genes determine your lifespan. This summer, when the Olympic torch travels through …

This Cuts Parkinson’s Risk 32%

Big Pharma’s defenders continue to overlook the real cause of devastating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. As a result, patients are put on drugs with heavy side-effects… that soon …

DHA reverses “inflamm-aging”

A team of international researchers recently declared “inflamm-aging” the leading cause of death worldwide.1 What took them so long to figure this out? In 2002, I showed compelling evidence in …

Reverse muscle loss… and aging

Before this last year, you could walk into any nursing home in the world and find most people there weren’t actually sick. They’re in there because of a medical condition …