Know What You’re Getting Into With CBD

Big Pharma is worried… A recent survey determined that more Americans trust CBD companies than the pharmaceutical industry.1 And 42% of people say that after trying cannabis products, they stopped …

Get The Most Out Of Your CBD

I can’t imagine anything worse than not being believed by your doctor. Sadly, that’s been the case for millions of patients suffering from fibromyalgia. Fortunately, mainstream medicine is finally starting …

Heal Your Brain with Breathing

Breakthrough evidence out of Israel backs up what I’ve been telling my patients for years… You can prevent, slow down – and even improve – Alzheimer’s using hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or …

CBD Can Protect Against Superbugs

Whether it was losing a job, having no access to a doctor, or lockdowns that kept you isolated inside your house for months… pretty much everyone was negatively impacted by …

Leaky Gut Syndrome is No Mystery

I was doing an Internet search when I read this: “Leaky gut syndrome is a medical mystery.” A further search on medical websites called it a “gray area” and “the …

Eat Mushrooms to Fight Depression

In a new study using data collected from more than 24,000 Americans, researchers at Penn State found that eating mushrooms every day dramatically lowers your risk of developing depression.1 This …

Increase Your Magnesium Now

In a groundbreaking new study, Swiss researchers discovered that your immune system could only target and destroy cancer cells in the presence of a critical mineral.1 This breakthrough report highlights …

The Healing Power of Dandelions

Sadly, conventional medical doctors don’t recognize the value of medicinal herbs. But when something has been documented to heal for thousands of years, it’s more than proven its worth. Archeological …

Discover What Makes CBD So Powerful

If you thought the opioid crisis in America was winding down, you’re not alone… For the last two years, the mainstream media has pretty much ignored this epidemic. They’re far …

“Moon” Rocks Fights Diabetes

Each day, about 4,000 people in America get the bad news: “You have diabetes.” That’s 1.5 million new cases diagnosed every year. It’s a staggering number that shows no signs …