Herbal Detox

Health Alert 145 Conventional medical doctors do not recognize the value of herbs in general. I strongly believe there is enough research to support their use. With or without their …

Is That Salmon Safe to Eat?

Health Alert 146 Many of you eat fish because it helps prevent heart disease, but did you know there are health risks associated with eating certain types of salmon? According …

Are Your Supplements Dangerous?

Health Alert 149 I hear it often repeated that supplement safety can’t be trusted because they are not regulated. Doctors often tell their patients to rely on prescription medication instead. …

Quality vs. Quantity

Health Alert 150 Popular advice tells you to eat less and exercise more. Today I’d like you to consider an alternative. The notion that for food and exercise quality, not …

Lessons From My Nutrition Class

Health Alert 158 I teach nutrition class at a university. All the approved textbooks promote the USDA Food Pyramid. The Food Pyramid is a recipe for weight gain. It encourages …

Who's Health Is It?

No one cares about your health and the health of your loved ones more than you do. We at the Wellness Research Foundation believe that the best way to ensure …