What's In Your Water?

Health Alert 108 Do you fear drinking water from the tap? Do you think the solution is to only drink bottled water? Well your fear may be unfounded and your …

From the Inside Out?

Health Alert 109 Your habits in the kitchen could be making you older. Eating foods cooked at high temperatures can speed up your pace of aging and cause you to …

Paid to Lie

Health Alert 114 I once went to see the Miami Dolphins at Joe Robby Stadium in style. Pfizer bought me box seats complete with all I could eat and drink. …

The Seed You Need

Health Alert 115 Would you like to safely reduce your risk of both heart disease and cancer? Not to mention lessen the symptoms of inflammatory disease and menopause. Then this …

Vitamin A Is Not Enough

Health Alert 117 You have heard Vitamin A is good for your eyes. You should not however rely on Vitamin A supplementation. It will not protect your eyes from the …

The Perfect Food

Health Alert 119 Many experts in the field of nutrition are now saying what athletes, body builders and long-lived people already know. Some raw foods offer far more and better …

The Mythical Dangers of Low Carb Diets

Health Alert 120 The mainstream medical community is still fishing for reasons to call low carb diets dangerous. Despite a few concessions, they persist in claiming that the long term …

Sickly Sweet

Health Alert 122 Do you get unexplained headaches, dizziness, or nausea? How about depression, fatigue, anxiety attacks, or sleep problems? If you suffer from any of these and you use …

How Wild Is Your Dinner?

Health Alert 131 Last week I ate grisly bear. I shared the meat with a good friend. Afterwards M.F. said that if I hadn’t, he would have lived his whole …

Grape Nutrient Extends Life

Health Alert 135 You’ve heard that red wine is good for your heart. A molecule in red wine reduces inflammation in blood vessels. This same molecule also blocks inflammation of …

It's OK to Be Sweet

Health Alert 137 You know carbohydrates can be fattening. But, contrary to what most of my patients have been told, the risks versus healthy benefits of carb foods are not …

Fat Cats

Health Alert 138 Visit any vet and you’ll notice Fido and Fluffy are getting fat. The pet food companies have an answer: low-fat dog and cat food. Problem is – …

Your New Year's Resolution

Health Alert 140 Did you make a resolution for the New Year? I was surprised to read that by today, the 5th of January, more than half have already broken …

Protect Yourself from Modern Poisons

Health Alert 141 Purging your body of pollutants is more important today than ever. They have become a major threat causing cancer and chronic disease. By middle age the average …