Can This Supplement Cure Cancer?

Dear Health Conscious Reader,
CoQ10 is the one supplement I take every day, without fail.
New evidence of an even greater benefit is pouring in. And over the next couple of weeks, I’ll tell you about some of the amazing discoveries happening in CoQ10 research.
CoQ10 is a powerful cancer fighter.
Researchers in Tokyo gave rats a carcinogen that promotes colon cancer. The rats were divided into three groups. One group was fed a regular diet. The second group got a low dose of CoQ10. The third got a medium dose.
The results were amazing.
Both of the groups that received CoQ10 had reductions in abnormal crypts (an early sign of colon cancer) of up to 77%. Ultimately, the results of this study suggested that CoQ10 held cancer in check even when exposed to this carcinogen.1
Another study done at the University of Texas at Austin documented 10 cases of cancer patients who unexpectedly survived when treated with CoQ10.2
It works by blocking the free radicals that can ultimately damage the DNA in your cells. It also helps re-energize the immune system cells that get suppressed by cancer. It restores their ability to fight back and attack the cancer cells.
Researchers in Denmark studied a group of breast cancer patients. They gave them CoQ10, plus a combination of other antioxidants and essential-fatty acids. The result?
The entire group had a partial remission of the cancer. But here’s where things get very interesting…
Two of the patients received larger doses of CoQ10 (390 mg). Their tumors disappeared.
Here’s what the researchers said regarding one of the patients:
“After three months, the patient was in excellent clinical condition and there was no residual tumor tissue.”3
Remarkable isn’t it?
Yet CoQ10 is one of the most overlooked nutrients. The government doesn’t even have

a recommended daily intake for it. And in my practice, I’ve found that most of my new patients are deficient.
The only natural source of CoQ10 is red meat, especially organ meat. But today’s commercially-raised, grain-fed beef is a poor source.
Even worse, many popular drugs – especially cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins – cause your levels of CoQ10 to plunge.
I recommend getting 50 mg of the new form of CoQ10 daily. That’s equivalent to 400 mg of regular CoQ10.
To find out more about the ubiquinol form of CoQ10, read my free special report.

  1. Sakano K, Takahashi M, et al. “Suppression of azoxymethane-induced colonic premalignant lesion formation by coenzyme Q10 in rats.” Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2006 Oct; 7 (4): 599-603
  2. Folkers K, Brown R, Judy WV, Morita M. “Survival of cancer patients on therapy with coenzyme Q10.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 1993 Apr 15;192(1): 241-5
  3. Lockwood K, Moesgaard S, Folkers K. “Partial and complete regression of breast cancer in patients in relation to dosage of coenzyme Q10.” Biochem Biophys Res Commun 1994 Mar 30;199 (3):1504-8