I have great news for you … we figured out how to give your aging telomeres new life.
Let me tell you why that’s important…
You know by now that telomeres are the little countdown clocks at the end of your DNA. Longer telomeres signify better health. Shorter ones signal faster and premature aging.
In fact, your telomeres shorten relentlessly, especially with the environmental assaults on our cells we experience every day, until they get critically short.
When you get enough critically short telomeres, it’s game over. It causes permanent cell damage.
Your telomeres control your healthspan and your lifespan by shortening. When too many get short, the cell self-destructs.
This doesn’t mean you have a disease. But having critically short telomeres does put you at greater risk for many chronic diseases and sends your health on a downward spiral.
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Steve Matlin is the CEO of Life Length. |
For example, people with telomeres only a little shorter than average have a 320% greater risk of heart attack.1 The risk increases even more when the telomeres are critically short.
Unless you can reverse the loss.
Fortunately, we’ve figure out how to do this, and give you a new telomere life.
You get to start over…
Because as it turns out, those critically short telomeres are the ones most positively affected when you do something about rebuilding them.
Right now, the only way to measure critically short telomeres is with a test from my colleagues at Life Length. The CEO, Steve Matlin, and his team recently came to visit me in South Florida. He also invited me to speak at a dinner they had.
Life Length’s test is unique. Most labs can only measure “average telomere length.” Only Life Length tells you how many critically short telomeres you have.
The “average” telomere
length measured by other tests isn’t as accurate. Every telomere in a cell won’t have the same length. Some may have a really healthy length. Others may be in trouble. And you need to know how many are in trouble.How short is critically short? Look at it this way. Telomeres are so tiny they’re measured in units of nucleic acids. We call them “base pairs.”
Each telomere starts out with about 10 to 15 thousand base pairs. Critically short means they’re down to fewer than 3,000 base pairs.
The good news is, even if yours are critically short, you can still reverse the loss.
We have found that when you use a telomerase activator, it miraculously goes to the critically short telomeres first. And we now have telomerase activators that aren’t just experimental. You don’t need a protocol, and they aren’t so expensive anymore … so that average people can afford them.
The rest of your telomeres may be fine, and you’ve still got time. But now you can identify and do something about the short telomeres that are causing the end of a cell’s life.
Now, you can give those cells a new telomere life. You can measure your telomere health by visiting Life Length here.
So first things first. Today I want to tell you something you can do right now to decrease the number of cells that are going to get to the point of having critically short telomeres.
Boost your folate intake.
Folate or folic acid is one of the B vitamins. You might know it as vitamin B9. It plays a crucial role in protecting telomeres.
Studies show those with the highest folic acid levels have longer telomeres.2 And people with low folate have shorter ones.3
Folate works because it can counteract an amino acid we all produce that shortens telomeres. It’s called homocysteine.
High levels of homocysteine in your blood can triple the speed at which your telomeres shorten.4 One of the reasons homocysteine has such a terrible effect on telomeres is that it cuts off telomerase, the enzyme your body uses to rebuild the telomere.
Folate restores the action of telomerase, allowing your cells to give your telomeres a new life.5
How do you get folate? Most people get synthetic folate from junk food. That’s because the government requires manufacturers to add folic acid to grain products, since they are mostly void of nutrients. This fake folate is in breads, cereals, flours, cornmeal, and pasta.
I don’t think you should be eating those processed foods at all. They’re high on the glycemic index. They raise your blood sugar and insulin levels.
And because of those foods, most people don’t know the natural foods that provide real folate. Calf’s liver is one of the richest sources with 215 mcg in just 3 ounces. Dairy, poultry, meat, eggs, and seafood are other good choices.
Among vegetables, dark leafy greens are a good source. Especially try spinach, broccoli, asparagus and Brussels sprouts. Lentils and beans will also give you a good amount.
You can also take a folic acid supplement. I recommend getting 800 micrograms per day for your telomeres.
Next, I want to show you what you can do to begin to rebuild shortened telomeres. So tomorrow I’m going to tell you what to do about those cells that already have critically short telomeres. It involves activating the mechanism already present in those cells that can take a critically short telomere and rebuild it.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD
1. Brouilette S, Singh R, Thompson J, Goodall A, Samani N. “White cell telomere length and risk of premature myocardial infarction.” Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol. 2003;23(5):842-6.
2. Paul L et al, “Telomere length in peripheral blood mononuclear cells is associated with folate status in men.” J Nutr. 2009;139(7):1273-8.
3. Richards J et al. “Homocysteine levels and leukocyte telomere length.” Atherosclerosis. 2008 October 200(2):271-7.
4. Richards J et al. “Homocysteine levels and leukocyte telomere length.” Atherosclerosis. 2008 October 200(2):271-7.
5. Zhang D, Wen X, Wu W, Xu E, Zhang Y, Cui W. “Homocysteine-related hTERT DNA demethylation contributes to shortened leukocyte telomere length in atherosclerosis.” Atherosclerosis. 2013;231(1):173-9.