Louise had one of the worst cases of diabetes I’ve seen at my clinic. And she didn’t even know it…
She was carrying about twice the weight she should have been. Louise was 57 and as she told me, “I just wasn’t feeling right.”
She was experiencing fatigue, loss of energy and sleepless nights.
A full body DEXA scan revealed Louise’s inflammation levels were sky-high. She was also taking dangerous prescription beta blockers for her high blood pressure.
But what concerned me the most was her out-of-control glucose levels.
Louise is passionate about traveling to foreign countries and she was worried that her health was going to slow her down. And prevent her from pursuing her passions.
I immediately started her on my Syndrome Zero protocol.
- Within six weeks, she lost 23 pounds
- As of today, she’s dropped 51 pounds
- She shed 18 inches
- Her blood pressure is back to normal and she’s off her medication
- And her high blood sugar levels have dropped dramatically.
Louise stopped the downward spiral of Syndrome Zero in its tracks.
If you’re not familiar with Syndrome Zero, I consider it the most urgent public health threat of our time.
This condition is at the root of almost every chronic disease we face today — including diabetes, obesity, heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, high blood pressure, depression and even hip fractures.
Syndrome Zero already afflicts billions of people. And within a matter of decades, it will affect almost every man, woman and child on the planet.
The root of Syndrome Zero starts with the starchy, processed “carbage” that passes for food today.
Your body wasn’t designed to handle all those carbohydrates.
When you eat carbs, your pancreas reacts by massively overproducing insulin to push the sugars from these foods into your cells to make energy
.The more carbs you eat, the more insulin builds up in your blood. It overwhelms the insulin receptors in your cells. It makes them insulin-resistant. Insulin becomes less effective at pushing glucose into your cells.
The result is Syndrome Zero.
Soon your blood sugar levels soar. You feel tired and can’t concentrate. You’re hungry and have carb cravings. You store dangerous fat around your middle. You can’t lose weight no matter what you do…
The good news is that Syndrome Zero is completely reversible. At the Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine we’ve developed a unique protocol — the same one Louise used — to beat this epidemic and return your body to a balanced and natural state.
Balance Your Blood Sugar with 4 Powerful Nutrients
The protocol I put Louise on worked at the cellular level to bring her blood sugar levels back to normal. Here’s a small sample of the supplements she used:

Berberine lowers blood sugar levels as effectively as the diabetes drug metformin — but without the dangerous side effects.
- Berberine. A Chinese study of 84 patients with diabetes found that berberine lowered blood sugar levels just as well as the popular diabetes drug metformin. After only one week, berberine lowered both fasting and post-meal blood glucose levels. In addition, the participants’ fasting plasma insulin, insulin resistance, triglycerides and hemoglobin A1C all dropped significantly.1
A review of 14 other studies involving 1,068 participants found berberine performed just as well as metformin. It was also just as good as glipizide and rosiglitazone, two other top diabetes drugs.2 And in a third study, diabetics who took 1,000 mg of berberine each day lowered fasting blood sugar levels by more than 20%, going from diabetic to normal levels.3
You can find berberine in your health food store or online. It’s also sold under the names “Goldenseal Root” or “Oregon Grape.” I recommend taking 200 mg to 500 mg daily with food.
- Chromium. I’ve been recommending chromium to my patients for years as a way to remove excess glucose from the blood and balance blood sugar. Without enough chromium in the body, insulin just doesn’t work properly. Chromium also helps your body process carbohydrates efficiently.
But today, we are in the middle of a chromium pandemic. Nearly 90% of American adults are chromium-deficient.
I recommend supplementing. But you can’t take just any kind of chromium supplement. Some types may actually do more harm than good. Research shows that your chromium supplement needs to include niacin to be effective.
Look for chromium picolinate, the most effective type pf chromium backed by over 50 human clinical studies. Take 400 mcg a day.
- Vanadium. This is a crucial trace mineral most people have never heard of. It mimics the action of insulin. It helps move glucose from the blood into the cells where it can be used as energy.
It works by making cells more sensitive to insulin, which stimulates the movement of glucose into cells. It also inhibits the absorption of glucose from the gut, reducing damaging glucose and insulin spikes.
In one study, people with diabetes took vanadium supplements daily. After just three weeks, average blood sugar levels dropped by 10%.4
The best food sources of vanadium are mushrooms, shellfish, black pepper and parsley.
But it’s hard to get what you need from food. I recommend supplementing with 5 mg to 10 mg per day. Just don’t take more than 10 mg.
- Nigella sativa. Also known as black seed or black cumin, this Indian spice helps lower both glucose levels and fats in the blood.
In fact, a study published by the Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism found that black seed oil improves glucose tolerance as efficiently as metformin.5 But without the negative side effects such as heartburn, headache, gas, bloating and constipation/diarrhea.
And a 2016 study found that nigella sativa stimulates the regeneration of insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreas.6 You can get black seed extract as a cold-pressed oil of the seeds, or as a capsule. I recommend 200 mg a day.
To Your Good Health,
Al Sears, MD, CNS
P.S. I have a very special announcement to share with you. Check your inbox next Thursday, April 26th for my important video message.
1. Yin J., et al. “Efficacy of Berberine in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.” Metabolism. 2008.
2. Dong H., et al. “Berberine in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis.” Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012.
3. Zhang Y., et al. “Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes and Dyslipidemia with the Natural Plant Alkaloid Berberine.” J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2008 Jul.
4. Wallach JD., et al. Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures. Bonita, CA: Double Happiness Publishing. 1994.
5. Mather M., et al. “Antidiabetic Properties of a Spice Plant Nigella Sativa.” J Endocinol Metab. 2011 April.
6. Kooti W., et al. “Phytochemistry, Pharmacology, and Therapeutic Uses of Black Seed (Nigella sativa). Chin J Nat Med. 2016 Oct.