I Put My Heart Into This

The other day I promised you some of what I’m going to be presenting at the World Conference on Anti-Aging in Malaysia.

During my presentation, I’ll be discussing how my P.A.C.E. program is the world’s first real anti-aging fitness program and showing slides and charts of the things we’ve found in testing P.A.C.E. here at my clinic. Because with P.A.C.E., you can improve many of the biomarkers that get worse with age.

The P.A.C.E. Study Group proved it. And I’ll be doing more studies like it as soon as I open my new Sears Center and make it the home of P.A.C.E.

I’ve had several meetings with architects who’ve given me drawings and plans so we can build a gym and P.A.C.E. testing area. We won’t be able to get in the new center for several more months, but I wanted to keep studying the effects of P.A.C.E. So I started the P.A.C.E. Study Group last year.

We had over 100 people sign up to be a part of it. They started with my PACE Express DVD program, and a low-glycemic eating plan. Medical staff at my clinic followed their progress and took before and after measurements.

My study group coordinator S.Z. keeps track of all the data. We’re looking at their lung volume, VO2max, cardiac output, fat loss, muscle mass gain, metabolic rate and other measurements we can improve with P.A.C.E.

One of the measurements we tracked from the P.A.C.E. Study Group that stood out and surprised my research team was blood pressure.

Your blood pressure is the force your heart generates to move blood through your arteries. It has two numbers. The top number is your systolic pressure, and the bottom number is your diastolic pressure.

Systolic pressure is the force when your heart is contracting. Diastolic pressure is the force when your heart relaxes between heartbeats. These two numbers are written as a fraction. A healthy number is less than 120/80.

Let me show you a couple of the slides I’m going to show the anti-aging doctors.

Here’s what happened to people’s blood pressure when they started doing PACE Express:

PACE line graphs

These are the averages for the whole group of 100. And while the average drop is not huge, what is significant is that their blood pressure started to drop right away, as soon as they started PACE Express, and it proceeded through the entire program.

Also, some of the people got a much more dramatic drop. Daryl S.’s systolic pressure went from 128 to 122 after the first month, and down to 112 after the second month. Amy P. went from 120 to 108.

Janice S. dropped her diastolic pressure from 100 to 80. Sean W. went from 88 down to 70. And remember, most of the people didn’t have a problem with blood pressure going into the study, and it still improved.

You can use P.A.C.E. to do any kind of exertion you want. You can apply it to whatever workout you do. It’s easy and fun, and you can start at any level of fitness. But many of my patients and people who have read the P.A.C.E. book were asking for a more specific how-to. Which is why I created PACE Express (Click here to try it for yourself.)

It’s the program we’ll be following at my new Sears Center to help my patients improve their body composition and markers for aging in the modern world, including blood pressure.

When we open my new center, we’ll be able to bring you interviews from people doing PACE Express at the new studio, new results from our testing, and video demonstrations of even more fun and exciting workouts.