What if there were a drug that dramatically reduced the risk of heart disease, cancer, and diabetes?
A drug that prevented 17 different types of deadly internal cancers, and helped reduce overall cancer risk by 77%.
It would be front-page news. You’d be hearing about it every day.
Well, there is such a thing, but it’s not a drug.
It also lowers the risk of Type-1 and Type 2 diabetes, and helps prevent auto-immune disorders like M.S. and rheumatoid arthritis.
This “non-drug” has no side effects, and you can get it absolutely free. And, the more you get of it, the better you feel.
I’m talking about Vitamin D.
It’s the only vitamin you can get from sunshine. The only vitamin that is also a hormone.
And it’s the vitamin we, here in the United States, are most deficient of.
Have you ever noticed how much better you feel after walking in the sun? It can brighten your spirits, give you a great tan, and may just save your life.
Most doctors don’t realize the sun can prevent disease. They want you to avoid sunshine at all costs. But, following their advice actually puts you at a higher risk level for heart disease and cancer.
For years, most doctors failed to make the connection between prostate cancer and sunlight. But, back in 1990, Professor Gary Schwartz, Ph.D of Wake Forest University, connected the dots. He discovered that people with too little Vitamin D were the ones most likely to get prostate cancer.
And these people lived primarily in the north!
He found that men living in the south, where there was plenty of sun year round, were 20-40 percent less likely to get prostate cancer than men living in the north.1
Prostate cancer mortality by county, white males, 1970-19942
The World May Have Changed, But Our Genetic Make-Up Hasn’t
We used to get all the sun we wanted. Our ancestors lived in the sun for millions of years. They lived outdoors every moment of their lives. They were naked, near the equator, in tropical environments, and they didn’t use sunscreen.
But around the turn of the century, things changed. It started with the invention of the light bulb, which gave us an artificial way to generate light. The industrial revolution soon followed, and people started migrating to the cities and working indoors.
The Real Truth Is We Aren’t Getting Enough Vitamin DOngoing research confirms these findings. For example: 1. National Cancer Institute confirms that people living in sunnier places get less prostate cancer. Men with more exposure to the sun have up to 50 percent less risk than those with the lowest sun exposure.3 2. Prostate cancer patients consistently show a Vitamin D deficiency.4 3. A recent study published in the International Journal of Health Geographics detailed a higher incidence of prostate cancer in northern U.S. They suspect lower levels of Vitamin D to be the cause. 5 |
This boosted living standards for many, but this migration indoors altered our native relationship with the sun forever.
And, while the world around us may have changed, your genetic makeup hasn’t. You still need sunlight and Vitamin D to stay healthy and prevent disease.
Vitamin D is one of the most potent health-boosting substances in your body.
Vitamin D helps:
- Boost your mood and mental performance
- Prevent prostate, breast, ovarian, and many other cancers
- Reduce your risk of skin cancer
- Prevent and treat bone diseases
- Prevent diabetes
Vitamin D may be the single most important nutrient in your body. And we can all get plenty of it free just by spending some time in the sun. But you want to be sure that you get safe sun exposure.
Sunlight Reduces Cancer Risk. More Sun Equals Less Disease
A study in the Journal of Cancer Research showed for the first time that Vitamin D can stop human cancer cells from growing. Researchers then used Vitamin D to block malignant melanoma tumors from taking up shop in human cells.
Their experiment worked. And, since then, scores of clinical studies have confirmed the same thing. That Vitamin D can inhibit skin, colon, breast, and other cancers.6
Despite today’s “avoid-the-sun” mentality, we now face a growing epidemic of cancers. Today, heart disease, cancer, hypertension, and diabetes are common, while they were very rare just a century ago.
Unfortunately, a powerful minority has a financial stake in having you fear the sun. For them, a return to common sense leaves them unemployed. Anyone who opposes this “fear-the-sun” view is viewed as a dangerous radical.
If you don’t advocate wearing sunscreen, well, you’re a danger to not only yourself but your children, too.
The real truth is the “sun police” actually put your health at risk, while acting under the guise of safety.
Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D available. But because of the fear we all have today of the sun, there is an epidemic of Vitamin D deficiency.
There’s a link between less exposure to the sun and Vitamin D deficiency. Low levels of Vitamin D are also associated with other diseases like fibromyalgia and auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis and arthritis.
Research also shows that Vitamin D lowers the risk of the deadliest trio of killers – heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
By altering many of the natural ways we lived our lives over hundreds of years, we’ve created new diseases. Prostate cancer is now becoming ubiquitous in all cultures.
5 Ways Vitamin D Helps Reduce Your Risk of Getting Cancer
The sun triggers your body’s ability to make Vitamin D. Here are five ways it helps your body reduce the risk of getting cancer.
- Converts tumor cells into normal cells. Cancer cells divide rapidly in your body but don’t differentiate themselves into specific cells. Vitamin D helps this process, restoring the cancer cells to productive cells and inhibiting cancer growth.
- Prevents cancer cells from multiplying. Cancer cells can’t reproduce and spread to new tissue when introduced to Vitamin D.7 Laboratory and animal studies show that Vitamin D prevents cancer cells from multiplying and also tells them when to die.
- Keeps cancer from spreading. Vitamin D promotes normal cell growth. As a result, it helps prevent cancer cells from spreading.
- Suppresses genes responsible for cell proliferation. Research shows that Vitamin D can suppress genes prone to mutation and likely to form cancerous growths.8
- Inhibits formation of new blood vessels that feed tumors. During the creation of new blood vessels, new vessels begin to branch off existing vessels. This is bad news if they’re cancerous. For any tumor to have a chance to grow, there must be formation of new blood vessels to feed it. Vitamin D inhibits formation of these vessels naturally, starving the tumor of the nutrients it needs to grow.
How to Get Enough Vitamin D in Northern Climates
Vitamin D is vital to your health. Be sure and get enough of this valuable nutrient every day. It could save your life. Here are three ways I recommend you get your full share of Vitamin D:
- Get some sun. The easiest, most reliable way to get it is simply by getting out in the sun for 10 to 15 minutes a couple days a week. It’s free, and will make you feel great. Depending upon where you live, this might not be possible. And simply taking a multivitamin won’t give you enough Vitamin D, either. So I recommend taking a Vitamin D supplement every day.
- Eat foods with high Vitamin D. Best sources are small fish like herring, sardines, and anchovies. Stay away from the larger fish that are higher up on the food chain, as the mercury content may be too high to safely eat.
- Take some cod liver oil. Besides sunlight, the best natural source of Vitamin D is cod liver oil. Just a single teaspoon contains 1,360 IU of Vitamin D. Check out just how powerful cod liver oil is compared to some other pretty good sources of Vitamin D:
Food Sources of Vitamin D
Food |
Serving |
Vitamin D IU’s |
Cod Liver Oil |
1 Tablespoon |
1,360 |
Salmon, cooked |
3-1/2 ounces |
360 |
Mackerel, cooked |
3-1/2 ounces |
345 |
Tuna fish, canned in oil |
3 ounces |
200 |
Sardines, canned in oil |
1-3/4 ounces |
250 |
Orange juice, fortified |
8 ounces |
100 |
Milk, organic, from grass-fed cows and fortified |
1 cup |
98 |
Cereal, fortified |
¾ to 1 cup |
40 |
Egg (vitamin D is found in egg yolks) |
1 egg |
20 |
Liver, beef, cooked |
3-1/2 ounces |
15 |
Cheese, Swiss |
1 ounce |
12 |
Take 5,000 IU of a good form of Vitamin D. What makes a good form of Vitamin D? Vitamin D3. Our bodies may be conditioned to produce less Vitamin D during the winter months, when sunlight is less readily available for many. However, that’s when other seasonal stresses come into play.
Don’t rely on your multivitamin to give you enough Vitamin D3. It only has 200 to 400 IU. There is a movement to increase the RDA, but it hasn’t been approved yet. A Vitamin D3 supplement will help keep your body strong all year long.
- Hanchette, CL Schwartz GG. (1992) “Geographic patterns of prostate cancer mortality. Evidence for a protective effect of ultraviolet radiation.” Cancer, 70(12): 2861-9.
- Schwartz, GG, Hanchette, CL, “UV, latitude, and spatial trends in prostate cancer mortality: all sunlight is not the same (United States).” Cancer Causes Control, 2006 Oct;17(8):1091-101.
- Luscombe, CJ, et al. (2001). “Exposure to ultra-violet radiation; association with susceptibility and age at presentation with prostate cancer.” Lancet, 358:641-2.
- Ibid.
- St-Hilaire S, et al. “Correlations Between Meteorological Parameters and Prostate Cancer.” International Journal of Health Geographics 2010, 9:19.
- DeLuca HF, Ostrem V. (1986). “The Relationship Between the Vitamin D System and Cancer.” Adv Exp Med Biol. 206:413.
- Studzinski GP, Moore DC, (1996). “Vitamin D and the retardation of tumor progression.” In Watson RR, Mufti SI, editors, Nutrition and cancer. Boca Raton:CRC Press p. 257-82.
- Maruyam R, et al. “Comparative genome analysis identifies the vitamin D receptor gene as a direct target of p53-mediated transcriptional activation.” Cancer Research 2006; 66(9): 4574-83.