It’s Disappearing at Break-Neck Speed…

Dear Reader,

I just had a meeting with my staff… Accel sold out again.

That’s several times my supply of Accel has disappeared. Accel is my CoQ10 formula that’s 8 times more powerful than the old CoQ10.

I’m surprised so many people have caught on so fast. People have found out about Accel’s anti-aging power and everyone wants a piece of it.

If you’ve been out of the loop, this phenomenal nutrient is helping people make unbelievable gains. The energy it supplies your major organs is so powerful; they just don’t seem to break down or get older. All the limitations we associate with aging are going out the window.

But maybe these results shouldn’t surprise me…. I’ll say this again: Accel is the most important CoQ10 breakthrough since its original discovery back in the 1950s.

Heart attack and stroke kill you because your heart and brain run out of energy. Those organs become starved for energy and when the hunger gets too intense they break down and die. Accel stops the losses by supplying a steady stream of food, energy and supplies.

That means you live longer – while at the same time slowing the decay of aging. The idea is simple. You keep your heart and brain in good condition by keeping them well fed. When they stay in good condition, they last longer.

Thousands of years ago, your ancestors had better access to CoQ10 from a fresh kill. Today it’s more of a problem. Your natural sources of this critical nutrient are drying up.

We live in a toxic dump by comparison. Loss of energy is one of the consequences. CoQ10 is the most primal high-energy source your body needs. It feeds every cell in your body. When you don’t get it your organs start to suffocate. The downward spiral is devastating.

CoQ10 has been around for years. And it’s been helpful. But there were major drawbacks to the old type of CoQ10… it was weak and expensive. Accel makes a difference because it’s in its stronger reduced form …so much better absorbed. That means your blood levels stay higher, longer.

I remember when I had to tell some patients to take 400-mg of the old CoQ10 every 8 hours to keep their blood levels high enough. It worked but it was a very expensive option. They could easily go through a couple of bottles a week.

With Accel, most people can get all the anti-aging power with just one caplet a day. That makes the miracle of CoQ10 available to you at a fraction of the cost.

I keep thinking back to the test mice taking Accel… The inventor – Dr. Mae from Japan – showed them to me when he stopped by for a visit. The mice taking CoQ10 were the equivalent of an 80-year old human – and they were running around like teenagers.

We already know from years of research that CoQ10 has a direct effect on human physiology. I’ve seen the clinical tests. And I’ve seen the effect in my patients.

I can tell you…I want the energy of a teenager when I’m 80. That’s the whole point of anti-aging medicine: To keep the power of youth into old age.

That’s why I take Accel everyday. It’s the one nutrient I plan to take everyday indefinitely.

To help you do the same I’m introducing an Auto Ship program. That means you’ll have Accel shipped right to your door on a regular basis. Like clockwork.

You won’t have to worry about limited supplies. You’ll have an Accel lifeline that’s guaranteed to arrive at your door.

To start your 3 month Auto Ship program, just click HERE. It’s that easy…

To Your Good Health,

Al Sears, MD